Sellevåg, Kjersti; Kessler, Ute; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim
et al. (2024). Electroconvulsive therapy for depression: Patient- and clinician rated short-term effects on depressive symptoms and cognition. (ekstern lenke)
Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø; Stige, Signe Hjelen; Rekkedal, Guro Årdal
et al. (2024). Traumatic experiences and the effectiveness of eating disorder treatment. (ekstern lenke)
Sellevåg, Kjersti; Kessler, Ute; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim
et al. (2024). Electroconvulsive therapy for depression: Patient- and clinician-rated short-term effects on depressive symptoms and cognition. (ekstern lenke)
Sellevåg, Kjersti; Bartz-Johannessen, Christoffer; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim
et al. (2024). Unmasking Patient Diversity: Exploring Cognitive and Antidepressive Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy. (ekstern lenke)
Hammar, Åsa Karin; Ronold, Eivind Haga; Spurkeland, Malene Alden
et al. (2024). Improvement of persistent impairments in executive functions and attention following electroconvulsive therapy in a case control longitudinal follow up study. (ekstern lenke)
Kiebs, Maximilian; Farrar, Danielle C.; Yrondi, Antoine
et al. (2024). Electroconvulsive therapy and cognitive performance from the Global ECT MRI Research Collaboration. (ekstern lenke)
Laroy, Maarten; Bouckaert, Filip; Ousdal, Olga Therese
et al. (2024). Characterization of gray matter volume changes from one week to 6 months after termination of electroconvulsive therapy in depressed patients. (ekstern lenke)
Argyelan, Miklos; Deng, Zhi-De; Ousdal, Olga Therese
et al. (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy-induced volumetric brain changes converge on a common causal circuit in depression. (ekstern lenke)
Argyelan, Miklos; Deng, Zhi-De; Ousdal, Olga Therese
et al. (2023). Correction: Electroconvulsive therapy-induced volumetric brain changes converge on a common causal circuit in depression (Molecular Psychiatry, (2023), 10.1038/s41380-023-02318-2). (ekstern lenke)
Kessler, Ute; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim; Mohn, Hanne Christine
et al. (2023). Elektrokonvulsiv behandling for depresjon: Kortidseffekter i en uselektert pasientkohort. (ekstern lenke)
Sellevåg, Kjersti; Kessler, Ute; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim
et al. (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy for depression: patient and clinician rated short term effects on depressive symptoms and cognition. (ekstern lenke)
Blanken, M.A.J.T.; Oudega, M.L.; Hoogendoorn, A.W.
et al. (2023). Sex-specifics of ECT outcome. (ekstern lenke)
Kleppe, Malin Mandelid; Kessler, Ute; Rekkedal, Guro Årdal
et al. (2023). Differences in sleep patterns between patients with anorexia nervosa and healthy controls: a cross-sectional study. (ekstern lenke)
Aarsland, Tore Ivar Malmei; Haavik, Jan; Ulvik, Arve
et al. (2023). The effect of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on serum kynurenine pathway metabolites in late-life depression. (ekstern lenke)
Schreiner, Jakob Emil; Kessler, Ute; Ødegaard, Ketil Joachim
et al. (2023). Exploring New Electroencephalogram Parameters in Electroconvulsive Therapy. (ekstern lenke)
Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø; Rekkedal, Guro; Kessler, Ute
(2023). Psychotherapy for eating disorders in public mental health: The challenge of engagement in and drop-out from treatment. (ekstern lenke)
Erchinger, Vera Jane; Craven, Alexander R.; Ersland, Lars
et al. (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy triggers a reversible decrease in brain N-acetylaspartate. (ekstern lenke)
Frid, Leila Marie; Kessler, Ute; Ousdal, Olga Therese
et al. (2023). Neurobiological mechanisms of ECT and TMS treatment in depression: study protocol of a multimodal magnetic resonance investigation. (ekstern lenke)
Kleppe, Malin M.; Kessler, Ute; Rekkedal, Guro
et al. (2022). Sleep habits in patients with anorexia nervosa assessed in
their natural environment. (ekstern lenke)
Aarsland, Tore Ivar Malmei; Instanes, Johanne Telnes; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio
et al. (2022). Changes in tryptophan-kynurenine metabolism in patients with depression undergoing ECT-A systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
Kleppe, Malin M.; Kessler, Ute; Rekkedal, Guro
et al. (2022). Sleep habits in patients with anorexia nervosa assessed in their natural environment. (ekstern lenke)
Kessler, Ute; Kleppe, Malin Mandelid; Rekkedal, Guro Årdal
et al. (2022). Experiences when implementing enhanced
cognitive behavioral therapy as a standard
treatment for anorexia nervosa in outpatients
at a public specialized eating-disorder
treatment unit. (ekstern lenke)
Kleppe, Malin Mandelid; Brønstad, Ingeborg; Lied, Gülen Arslan
et al. (2022). Intestinal barrier integrity in anorexia nervosa (a pilot study). (ekstern lenke)
Takamiya, Akihiro; Dols, Annemiek; Emsell, Louise
et al. (2021). Neural Substrates of Psychotic Depression: Findings From the Global ECT-MRI Research Collaboration. (ekstern lenke)
Opel, Nils; Narr, Katherine L; Abbott, Christopher
et al. (2021). Elevated body weight modulates subcortical volume change and associated clinical response following electroconvulsive therapy. (ekstern lenke)
Brancati, Giulio Emilio; Brekke, Njål; Bartsch, Hauke
et al. (2021). Short and long-term effects of single and multiple sessions of electroconvulsive therapy on brain gray matter volumes. (ekstern lenke)
Ousdal, Olga Therese; Brancati, Giulio E.; Kessler, Ute
et al. (2021). The Neurobiological Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy Studied Through Magnetic Resonance: What Have We Learned, and Where Do We Go?. (ekstern lenke)
Wagner, Lucia; Nygaard, Gyrid; Kessler, Ute
et al. (2021). ECT’s Effects on the Brain’s Motor Coordination. (ekstern lenke)
Kessler, Ute; Rekkedal, Guro Årdal; Rø, Øyvind
et al. (2020). Association between gastrointestinal complaints and psychopathology in patients with anorexia nervosa. (ekstern lenke)
Blomberg, Malin Ovat; Semkovska, Maria; Kessler, Ute
et al. (2020). A Longitudinal Comparison Between Depressed Patients Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy and Healthy Controls on Specific Memory Functions. (ekstern lenke)
Mulders, Peter C. R.; Llera, Alberto; Beckmann, Christian F.
et al. (2020). Structural changes induced by electroconvulsive therapy are associated with clinical outcome. (ekstern lenke)
Erchinger, Vera Jane; Miller, Jeremy; Jones, Thomas
et al. (2020). Anterior cingulate gamma-aminobutyric acid concentrations and electroconvulsive therapy. (ekstern lenke)
Ousdal, Olga Therese; Argyelan, Miklos; Narr, Katherine L.
et al. (2019). Brain changes induced by electroconvulsive therapy are broadly distributed. (ekstern lenke)
Stautland, Andrea; Nievergelt, Caroline M.; Maihofer, Adam X.
et al. (2019). Bipolar Disorder with Comorbid Migraine May Respond Poorly to Lithium Treatment. (ekstern lenke)
Aarsland, Tore Ivar Malmei; Leskauskaite, Ieva; Midttun, Øivind
et al. (2019). The effect of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on serum tryptophan metabolites. (ekstern lenke)
Argyelan, Miklos; Oltedal, Leif; Deng, Zhi-De
et al. (2019). Electric field causes volumetric changes in the human brain. (ekstern lenke)
Soda, Takahiro; McLoughlin, Declan M.; Clark, Scott R.
et al. (2019). International Consortium on the Genetics of Electroconvulsive Therapy and Severe Depressive Disorders (Gen-ECT-ic). (ekstern lenke)
Frostad, Stein; Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø; Årdal, Guro
et al. (2018). Is outpatient cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-E) for eating disoreders a suitable treatment method for adults with severe Anorexia Nervosa?. (ekstern lenke)
Kessler, Ute; Bjørke-Bertheussen, Janette; Søreide, Eldar
et al. (2018). Remifentanil as an adjunct to anaesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy fails to confer long-term benefits. (ekstern lenke)
Oltedal, Leif; Narr, Katherine L.; Abbott, Christopher
et al. (2018). Volume of the Human Hippocampus and Clinical Response Following Electroconvulsive Therapy. (ekstern lenke)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Kessler, Ute; Howard, Louise M.
et al. (2018). Anxiety, depression and probability of live birth in a cohort of women with self-reported infertility in the HUNT 2 Study and Medical Birth Registry of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Kessler, Ute
(2018). Commentary on "Improvement of postpartum depression and psychosis after electroconvulsive therapy - A population-based study with a matched comparison group". (ekstern lenke)
Frostad, Stein; Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø; Årdal, Guro
et al. (2018). Implementation of enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT-E) for adults with anorexia nervosa in an outpatient eating disorder unit at a public hospital. (ekstern lenke)
Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø; Årdal Rekkedal, Guro; Frostad, Stein
et al. (2016). Effectiveness of enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT-E) in the treatment of anorexia nervosa: a prospective multidisciplinary study. (ekstern lenke)
Bergsholm, Per; Kessler, Ute; Schøyen, Helle Kristine
(2016). Brief, ultrabrief, and intermediate-or simply milliseconds. (ekstern lenke)
Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø; Årdal Rekkedal, Guro; Frostad, Stein
et al. (2016). Effectiveness of Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-E) in the treatment of anorexia nervosa–A prospective multidisciplinary study.. (ekstern lenke)
Årdal Rekkedal, Guro; Kessler, Ute; Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø
et al. (2016). Cognitive functioning in patients suffering from anorexia nervosa: A longitudinal study.. (ekstern lenke)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Howard, Louise Michele; Kessler, Ute
et al. (2015). Is infertility really associated with higher levels of mental distress in the female population? Results from the North-Trondelag Health Study and the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Schøyen, Helle Kristine; Kessler, Ute; Andreassen, Ole Andreas
et al. (2015). Response to Kotzalidis et al. (ekstern lenke)
Schøyen, Helle Kristine; Kessler, Ute; Andreassen, Ole Andreas
et al. (2015). Response to Kellner and Fink. (ekstern lenke)
Oltedal, Leif; Kessler, Ute; Ersland, Lars
et al. (2015). Effects of ECT in treatment of depression: Study protocol for a prospective neuroradiological study of acute and longitudinal effects on brain structure and function. (ekstern lenke)
Oltedal, Leif; Kessler, Ute; Ødegaard, Ketil J
(2013). ECT og kognitive bivirkninger. (ekstern lenke)
Oltedal, Leif; Kessler, Ute; Ersland, Lars
et al. (2013). Project outline: Effects of ECT in treatment of major depression. A prospective neuroradiological study of acute and longitudinal effects on brain structure and function. (ekstern lenke)
Kessler, Ute; Schøyen, Helle Kristine; Andreassen, Ole Andreas
et al. (2013). Neurocognitive profiles in treatment-resistant bipolar I and bipolar II disorder depression. (ekstern lenke)
Schøyen, Helle Kristine; Kessler, Ute; Auestad, Bjørn Henrik
et al. (2013). Treatment resistant bipolar depression: a randomized controlled trial of electroconvulsive therapy and algorithm based pharmacological treatment. (ekstern lenke)
Kessler, Ute; Schøyen, Helle Kristine; Vaaler, Arne
et al. (2010). The study protocol of the Norwegian randomized controlled trial of electroconvulsive therapy in treatment resistant depression in bipolar disorder. (ekstern lenke)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Kessler, Ute; Mykletun, Arnstein
(2010). No predictive value of anxiety- and depression symptoms for sub- or infertility. (ekstern lenke)
Biringer, Eva Aaker; Kessler, Ute; Mykletun, Arnstein
(2010). Common mental disorders and fertility problems in the normal population. (ekstern lenke)
Kessler, Ute; Vaaler, Arne E.; Schøyen, Helle
et al. (2010). The study protocol of the Norwegian randomized controlled trial of electroconvulsive therapy in treatment resistant depression in bipolar disorder. (ekstern lenke)
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