Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
Supervision Forum for PhD supervisors

Supervision Forum for PhD supervisors 25.11.2020

Welcome to the first Supervision Forum for PhD supervisors at the Faculty of Social Sciences!


Welcome all to our first meeting in the PhD Supervision Forum. This is a forum where supervisors at the PhD program at the Faculty of Social Sciences can meet and discuss relevant topics regarding research supervision. 

Writing article-based dissertations is getting more common. 93 of the 142 PhD candidates currently enrolled in our program use this model in their ongoing projects. While there are clear norms for how to evaluate the quality of articles, many PhD candidates are concerned about how to write a successful ‘kappe’ (innledende innramming/framing introduction). They have several question about what should be included and how the quality is assessed. 

In this meeting Marit Skivenes (Professor, Department of Administration and Organization Theory) and Ragnhild Overå (Professor, Department of Geography), who have both extensive experience in supervising article-based dissertations, are invited to provide some reflections about how to write a successful ‘kappe’. After the introduction we open for discussion. 

Questions for reflection is: 
-    What questions are the candidates asking? 
-    Which advices do we give them? 
-    Is there such a thing as a ‘department’ norm? 
-    Should we expect ‘more’ of those who co-authors all their papers? 
Ragnhild Muriaas (Vice Dean of Research) will organize the meeting and provide a short presentation of the current guidelines. 

Participation at the seminar will be registered for those who want a “certificate of supervision training at PhD-level”. 

We will also use the opportunity to launch our new E-course in supervision. Both the E-course and the Supervision Forum are parts of the Faculty Program for Supervision Competence. 
