Prime minister to speak at SDG conference
Prime Minister Erna Solberg is one of the key note speakers at the Sustainable Development Goals conference at the University of Bergen, 8-9 February, 2018.

Norway's Prime Minister Erna Solberg has long been a passionate spokeswoman for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which represent a comprehensive plan to lift the welfare of the world's poorest. There are 17 SDGs, which form part of the UN's Agenda 2030.
Speaking for sustainability
“We welcome Prime Minister Erna Solberg to Bergen for the national conference to discuss how the university sector in Norway can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,” says Rector Dag Rune Olsen of the University of Bergen (UiB).
The UiB rector emphasizes Prime Minister Solberg's work to promote sustainability, both nationally and internationally, not least in her role as one of the UN's SDG Advocates.
“Prime Minister Solberg has shown great commitment to highlight the SDGs and the UN's Agenda 2030. We are delighted that she has set aside time to participate in February's SDG Conference here in Bergen. Not the least because this underlines her commitment, like us here at UiB, that research and knowledge need to be an integral part of Norway's contribution to achieving the SDGs,” says Rector Olsen.
An ambitious plan
“We have an ambitious plan that is to be realized in 15 years. 15 years is not a long time. We want to eradicate extreme poverty. Development aid to the most vulnerable groups and countries as well as humanitarian relief will be important to achieve this,” said Prime Minister Solberg at a Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) meeting in 2016.
In the meeting Ms. Solberg also stressed the fact that the SDGs stretch way beyond helping the world's poorest, also including taking care of Earth and putting in place measures to combat climate change.
“Norway will contribute significantly, including implementing the Paris agreements along with the EU and other countries. We will have climate and forest investment, and provide resources for a global climate fund. These are key contributions to reach the climate change targets set,” the prime minister said.
Achieving the SDGs
Prime Minister Solberg is one of 17 eminent persons assisting the UN General-Secretary in the campaign to achieve the SDGs.
“The SDGs are ambitious and necessary for our common future. I am pleased to have received this assignment and look forward to working with a group that is so broadly composed. Together we will strengthen the overall effort to achieve the goals. Getting started quickly is important,” said Prime Minister Erna Solberg in a press release after her appointment as a SDG Advocate.
Sustainable research and knowledge
UiB's Rector Dag Rune Olsen believes that only broad, interdisciplinary research and education can add weight to achieving the SDGs.
"At UiB, we are particularly concerned that there is an interdisciplinary, comprehensive and critical examination of the sustainable development goals," says Rector Olsen.
“Through our own broad research, UiB is prepared to function as a science diplomacy adviser to Norwegian authorities in order to achieve the SDGs. Science diplomacy based on comprehensive research needs to be a mainstay in Norway's contribution towards sustainability.”
A scientific steering committee, led by Vice-Rector for Global Relations, Professor Annelin Eriksen, is in charge of the programme for the SDG conference.