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Watch "BIR’s Carbon Capture Project and how Waste to Energy can Contribute to Negative Emissions"

Did you miss Atle Tvedt Pedersen's presentation "BIR’s Carbon Capture Project and how Waste to Energy can Contribute to Negative Emissions"? Watch it here!

BEL Lunsj BIR v Atle Tvedt Pedersen 20221101 121612 Meeting Recording



AbstractThe Waste to Energy (WtE) sector has an important role in handling residual waste. Both energy and metals are recovered from incineration of waste. However, incineration of waste produces emissions of Greenhouse gasses. Waste incineration with carbon capture (CCS) will capture and store both fossil and biogenic CO2. The result will be a climate positive (CO2-negative) incineration of waste. A CCS plant has a high energy consumption. As a supplier of both electricity and district heating, BIR focus on smart integration of the CCS to recover energy and to choose a technology with a low energy consumption.

The presentation will give a status on BIR’s carbon capture project and discuss how BIR together with the Norwegian WtE sector is working towards climate positive incineration of residual waste.

PresenterAtle Tvedt Pedersen, Plant manager at BIR Ressurs AS, Waste to Energy Plant