Precarity in Migration Research: Interdisciplinarity, Methodology and Networking
Join us for a one-day pre-conference workshop on the day before the 2024 Nordic Migration Conference.
IMER jr. Bergen and NNMF jr. would like to invite all junior scholars who are attending or participating in the 2024 Nordic Migration Conference in August to join us for a one-day pre-conference workshop.
This will be an excellent opportunity for everyone to network with other junior scholars, share experiences, and workshop ideas related to interdisciplinary research.
Preliminary program:
09.30 - 11.25 - Part 1 - Inter-disciplinarity and outreach: From migration research to impact across disciplines and industries
09.30 - 10.05 - Interdisciplinarity w/Shahram Khosravi : Collaboration across disciplines (especially for PhD students, but also other forms of collaboration at other levels and "further down the road"). Lived experience with interdisciplinarity and what the speaker has learned from that, sharing his principles for successful interdisciplinary collaboration. The possible/useful forms of collaboration and interdisciplinarity within migration research.
Q & A - 5 minutes10.05 - 10.40 - Outreach w/Zachary Whyte: The speaker has worked on 'outreach' projects in which he has either evaluated or followed/monitored specific projects from sports associations, museums and municipalities, and will be sharing his experience with that.
Q & A - 5 minutes10.40 - 11.25 - Workshopping: the participants’ experiences with interdisciplinarity and outreach, important principles, as well as ideas for future collaborations. Input from the speakers during the workshopping part is welcome, but not required.
11.25 - 12.30 - LUNCH AND MINGLING
12.30 - 14.25 - Part 2 - Methodology and research ethics in precarious times
12.30 - 13.05 - Research Ethics w/Bridget Anderson
Q & A - 5 minutes13.05 - 13.40 - Vulnerability in the Field w/Munzoul Assal: The talk will be based on the speaker’s experience as a Sudanese anthropologist doing fieldwork on refugees in Norway many years back, including reflecting on the anthropological debates about the "field".
Q & A - 5 minutes13.40 – 14.25 – Workshopping: the participants’ experiences with research ethics and vulnerability, resources, things to pay special attention to. Input from the speakers during the workshopping part is welcome, but not required.
14.25 - 14.35 - BREAK
14.35 - 15.30 - IMER Bergen jr. & NNMF jr.: Where do we go next year?
The two organizations introduce themselves and their work
Brainstorming future activities
15.30 - 17.00 - Early career scholars pre-conference drinks - venue: Kulturhuset, Vaskerelven 8; room name: Mesanin