History and location
The UiB Faculty of Law is the second oldest law school in Norway, and rests on historic soil in Bergen.
Bergen is one of North Europe’s oldest port cities, and was the capital of Norway in the 13th century. The city housed one of the four regional courts in the country. The laws from the courts were compiled into the Norwegian National Code of 1274. The laws were put into writing at the castle in Bergen by King Magnus VI, also known as Magnus Lagabøter - "Magnus the Law Mender".
The Faculty of Law is suitably located on Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, situated on the hillside of the Bergen University Campus. The Faculty of Law building’s scenic views include the Bergen fjord, city centre and city mountains. The Faculty is located within walking distance of most attractions in the city of Bergen, and close to hubs for public transport.
The Faculty's history
Legal education at the University of Bergen dates back to 1969, and a separate Faculty of Law was established in 1980. The Faculty is one of the three traditional Law Schools in Norway - the other two are located at the University of Oslo and the University of Tromsø.
City of Bergen
Bergen is today Norway's second largest city with close to 290 000 inhabitans, and the administrative capital of Western Norway. The city has a vibrant cultural scence and unique opportunities for outdoor adventures due to the location between the fjord and the mountains.
Bergen is also a UNESCO World Heritage City, with the old historic harbour district of Bryggen listed as a site of outstanding universal value. The medieval town of Bergen is also the largest of its kind in Norway, and include in addition to Bryggen the Bergenhus fortress and the Vågsbunnen historic district.
The distance from Bergen to Europe is short, with direct flights to many international hubs – including London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Berlin, Paris, Brussels and Copenhagen.