The research group focuses its scholarly activity on the diverse challenges facing established democracies and the transformations they undergo. Such challenges and transformations relate to a variety of specific research foci such as institutions, diversity, transnationalization, globalization, terrorism and counterterrorism, European integration, and human security. The latter encompasses environmental issues as well as the ways that welfare states address important challenges such as labor migration and immigration, economic downturns, and an aging population. Alongside its concern with empirical phenomena, the group also directs its attention towards contemporary political philosophy, studying the concepts and principles that people use to describe, explain, and evaluate political events and institutions.
- PhD fellow
- Associate Professor (coordinator)
- Post-Doctoral Fellow
- Associate Professor
- Associate Professor
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Associate Professor
- Emeritus Professor
- Professor
- PhD fellow
- Post-Doctoral Fellow
- PhD Fellow
- PhD Fellow (coordinator)
- Post-Doctoral Fellow
- PhD Fellow
- Professor
- Professor
- Researcher Professor
- Professor
- Professor
- Lecturer
- Research Assistant
- Professor
- PhD Fellow
- Post-Doctoral Fellow
- Post-Doctoral Fellow