Bergen Logopediforskning


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Posters and Presentations

This is a list of selected posters and presentations from members of B.LOG.



Jan de Jong (2024). Language impairment in a multilingual context: some lessons learned. Meeting of the COST Action 'Justice to youth language needs' (https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA22139/).  University of Lisbon. 9 September 2024.

Helland, W.A (2024). Tidleg identifisering av språkforstyrringar [Early identification of language disorders]. Keynote speech. Forskningsdagane, HVL, Stord 24. September 2004.

Helland, W.A, Kvinsland, M., & Helland T. (2024).  Language functions in children born with cleft lip and/or palate. Poster presentation at 12th ESLA Congress of Speech and Language Therapy, 26.-28. September 2024. Bruges, Belgium.

Helland, T & Helland, W. A. DLD, Dyslexia and English as L2. (2024). Poster presented at the 12th    Esla Congress of Speech and Language Therapy, Bruges.


Silkstone, Malin D. & de Jong, Jan. Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in a bilingual context. Lærernes dag, 27 jan. 2023

de Jong, Jan.  Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in a bilingual context: diagnostic progress. IBMP Research Seminar, UiB (1. June)

Helland, W.A.,Jones, L.Ø. & Morken, F. Mental health and language skills in Norwegian female prisoners diagnosed with ADHD. Poster presentation. 9th World Congress on ADHD, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 18- 21 May 2023


Helland, T. (2022). Bokmelding: Åsne Midtbø Aas: Dysleksihåndboka for lærere. Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi

Helland, T. (2022). Bokmelding: Inger Moen, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Øydis Hide: Norsk fonetikk i et klinisk perspektiv. Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi

Helland, T (2020). Bokmelding: Jørgen Frost: Merk språket – skriv og les, Infovest forlag 2020. Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi

Helland, Turid. Fra 5 til 15 år: Betydelig samsvar mellom kartleggingsverktøy utfylt av nære omsorgspersoner i førskolealder og karakterer i norsk, engelsk og matematikk. Årsmøte i Vestland Logopedlag; 2022-01-25 - 2022-01-25

Helland, Turid. Risiko for å utvikle dysleksi:ta foreldrenes tidlige bekymring på alvor!. Lærernes dag; 2022-01-28 - 2022-01-28

Helland, W.A. (2022). Psykisk helse hos barn med språkforstyrrelser.  Forskingsstafetten, Helse Fonna, Haugesund 02.06. Muntlig presentasjon.

Morken, F., Helland, W.A. & Jones, L.Ø (2022). Language and literacy in the prison population. Neurodiversity and the Legal System: Towards Equality for All. A cross-jurisdiction exchange of policy, practice and learnings. Virtual International Conference: May 19th & 20th. Oral presentation.

Helland, W.A & Morken, F. (2022). Språkforstyrrelser og dysleksi. Faglig foredrag. Bærum BUP, 19.05.

Helland, W.A. (2022). Kartlegging av pragmatiske språkvansker. CCC-2.Faglig foredrag. Meløy PPT.

Jan de Jong , Elma Blom , Tessel Boerma , Figen Karaca & Aylin Küntay (2022, May 11). Assessing grammatical abilities in both languages of bilinguals with typical and atypical development using LITMUS MAIN. Bi-SLI 2022: Bi/multilingualism and Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Language Disorder). Leibniz-Center General Linguistics (ZAS),Berlin.


Helland, Turid. Språkvansker, dysleksi og matematikkvansker – sammenhenger, utvikling over tid, utredning og trening. Årsmøtekurs, Vestland Logopedlag; 2021-01-27

Helland, Turid; Morken, Frøydis; Helland, Wenche Andersen.
Dyslexi hos barn med norska som andrespråk. Den nionde nordiska kongressen om dyslexiproblematikk; Svenska dyslexistiftelsen, Stockholm, 2021-08-19 - 2021-08-21

Jan de Jong (2021, November 24). The grammatical development in Turkish and Dutch inbilingual children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. IBMP research lunch,Bergen


Helland, Turid. Dysleksi gjennom tidene. Oppfattelsen av dysleksi har endret seg kraftig gjennom tidene. Hva har forskningen sagt om dysleksi, og hvilke forutsetninger har vi til forskningen som kommer. Logopediens dag; Vestland Logopedlag 2020-03-05 - 2020-03-05

Helland, Turid. Sammenhenger mellom språkutvikling og dysleksi. Temadager om Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), Efter og videreutdannelse, Nyborg Strand; 2020-01-13 - 2020-01-14

Helland, Turid. Ulike former for språkvansker, dysleksi og matematikkvansker – sammenhenger, utvikling over tid, utredning og trening. Nevrofeltet barn og unge: Erfaringskonferanse, Helseregion Øst og Sør (RBUP); 2020-12-09

Helland, W.A (2020). Pragmatiske språkvansker. Faglig foredrag. NTNU, Trondheim, 06.02.2020.

Helland, W.A (2020). Utviklingsmessige språkvansker. Faglige foredrag. Nord Universitet, 15-16.09.


Helland, Turid. Hjerne og språk - tiltak som fungerer for språkutvikling og dysleksi. Landsdelssamlinga for Statped og PPT i Nord-Norge 2019; 2019-10-23 - 2019-10-24

Helland, Turid. Lese- og skrivevansker, - forskningsbaserte tiltak som fungerer. Fremtidens spesialundervisning; JobbAktiv, Oslo 2019-02-04 - 2019-02-05

Helland, Turid. Nytt fra forskningen på dysleksifeltet. Planleggingsdag for lærere, Fjellsdalens skole, Bergen; 2019-02-01 - 2019-02-01

Helland, Turid. Online course in Neurolinguistics; four lessons. 1. Defining dyslexia; 2. Four different approaches to dyslexia; 3. Dyslexia and comorbidities; 4. What can longitudinal studies on dyslexia tell us? Coursera. Online course in neurolinguistics. University of St. Petersburg 2019-06-13 - 2019-06-1

Helland, W.A. (2019). Mental health in children with language impairment. A longitudinal, populationbased study. Oral presentation. Forskingsnettverket for ADHD, Oslo, 13.11.

Helland, W.A. (2019). Psykiske vansker hos barn og unge med språkvansker. Foreløpige resultat fra barn i Bergen studien. Invitert foredrag. Veiledersamling, Bergen, 14.05.

Helland, W.A. & Møllerhaug, L. (2019). Pragmatic language development in Norwegian toddlers. A study using the Norwegian version of the Language Use Inventory. Oral presentation. Child Language Symposium, 10.-12. July, Sheffield, UK.

Helland, W. A. (2019). Pragmatic language impairment. Introduction to CCC-2. Invited speech. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, 26.05. Bergen, Norway

Helland, W.A. (2019). Mental health problems in children with language impairment. Longitudinal data from the Bergen Child Study. Invited speech. 14.05. Bergen, Norway

Helland, W.A. (2019). Language impairment and comorbid disorders. Invited speech. Child and Adolescents Mental Health Services, 15.05, Stord.

Jan de Jong (2019, November 28). Grammar in bilingualism and language impairment. Norsk Logopedlag Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane. Bergen

Jan de Jong (2019, December 7). Flerspråklighet og kartlegging. Veiledersamling logopediprogram. Bergen

Jong, J. de (2019, March 15). Language impairment in a bilingual context - implications for assessment. UiB Seminar Forskergruppa Strategier for språkkompetanse, Bergen, Norway.

Jong, J. de & Morken, F. (2019, February 6). An exploration of DLD/SLI in Norwegian.EUCLDIS 2019, Tel Aviv, Israel.


Helland, Turid. Den longitudinelle dysleksi-studien "Ut med språket!". DKNVS' Akademi vårprogram, Trondheim; 2018-02-12 - 2018-02-12

Helland, Turid. Hva kan en longitudinell studie fortelle oss om utvikling av dysleksi?. Efteruddannelseskursus, audiologopædisk forening, Nyborgstrand; 2018-04-09 - 2018-04-10

Helland, Turid. Nytt fra forskningen på dysleksifeltet. Samling for dysleksivennlige skoler; Dysleksi Norge, Oslo 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-25

Helland, Turid; Valderhaug, Hanne; Eiken, Monica; Bless, Josef J; Helland, Wenche A; Morken, Frøydis; Torkildsen, Janne von Koss. Auditive training effect in dyslexia using a dichotic listening paradigm. 10th European Congress of Speech and Language therapy, Firense; 2018-05-10 - 2018-05-12

Helland, W.A. (2018). Social and emotional problems in children with language impairment. Invited speech, Research days, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Stord 27.09.

Helland, W.A. & Straume, A. (2018). Language impairment in children born late preterm. Oral presentation given at the 10th European CPLOL Congress, 10-12 May, Cascais, Portugal

Duinmeijer, I., Jong, J. de, Baker, A.E., Weerman, F.P. (2018, June 8). The role of information processing skills in the grammatical performance of children and adolescents with developmental language disorder (DLD). Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders, Madison, US.

Bome, C., Kongtorp Vangen, I., Jong, J. de (2018, June 28). The development and pilot of a Norwegian adaptation of the Language Impairment Testing in a Multilingual Setting (LITMUS) Sentence Repetition task. Bi-SLI 2018 Conference, Reading, UK (poster presentation).


Jong, J. de (2017, October 27). Bilingual assessment – the road forward, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Symposium Taalontwikkelingstoornissen en meertaligheid (Symposium Multilingualism and Developmental Language Disorders).

Jong, J. de (2017, August 24). Language assessment in bilingual children. NTNU Conference Perspectives on Disability: Diagnosis and Intervention, Trondheim, Norway.

Jong, J. de (2017, May 18). Argument structure and children with specific language impairment. Research group in Clinical Linguistics and Language Acquisition, UiO, Oslo.


Jong, J. de (2016, November 11). Sentence repetition as tool for research and diagnostics – with a detour to Norway, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Workshop on the occasion of Bibi Janssen's dissertation defence

Jong, J. de (2016, April 22). Language impairment in bilingual children (invited speaker). Symposium Celebrating Multilingualism in Ireland 2016, Galway, Ireland.

Duinmeijer, I., Jong, J. de, Baker, A.E. & Weerman, F.P. (2016, February 19). The acquisition of relative clauses in Dutch children and adolescents with SLI. Nordic Symposium on ChildLanguage, Oslo, Norway.


Jong, J. de & Blom, W.B.T. (2015, July 3). Preparing norms for LITMUS. Bi-SLI 2015 Bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment, Tours, France.

Duinmeijer, I., Jong, J. de, Baker, A.E. & Weerman, F.P. (2015, July 2). Working memory and inhibition tasks: diagnostic instruments for SLI? Bi-SLI 2015 Bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment, Tours, France.


Helland, T, Valderhaug, H.V., Bless, J., Helland, W.A., Morken. F., & Torkildsen, J. V.K (2014). Auditive training effect in children using a dichotic listening paradigm. Poster presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, August 27-29, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Torkildsen, J.vK, Helland, W.A., Morken, F., & Helland, T. (2014). What does it take to tell a good story? The relation between narrative skills and neurocognitive factors in 3rd graders. Poster presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, August 27-29, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Helland, W.A. (2014). Contrasting children with Asperger syndrome and children with specific language impairment. Oral presentation given at The 5th World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance, 01-03. May, Dubrovnik, Kroatia


Helland, T. (2013) An overview of the longitudinal study of children at risk of developmental dyslexia. Key note presentation at the Early screening and treatment of dyslexia in children, 27th of July 2013. , University of Chieti-Pescara G. D'Annunzio Chieti (Italy). http://www.lopinionista.it/notizie/?p=183399.

Helland, T., & Morken, F. (2013). The Bergen Longitudinal Dyslexia Study. Poster presentation at the International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia: Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language; www.bcbl.eu, May 30th and 31st, 2013.

Helland, W.A., Posserud, M.B., Helland, T., Heimann, M., & Lundervold (2013). Language profiles in children with ADHD and in children with reading disorder. Poster presentation at the International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia: Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, May 30th and 31st, San Sebastian, Spain

Helland, W.A., Posserud, M.B., Helland, T., Heimann, M., & Lundervold (2013) . Language impairments in children with ADHD and in children with reading disorder. Poster presented at the 29th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, August 25-29, Torino, Italy

Morken, F., Specht, K. & Helland, T. (2013) Effects of Task Complexity on Neuronal Activity in Children with Dyslexia. Poster presentation at the International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia: Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language; www.bcbl.eu, May 30th and 31st, 2013.



Endestad, T. Lindgren, M. , Torkildsen, J. vK. and Gärdenfors, P. (2012) Verbs for actions and verbs for consequences show distinct neural patterns in the brain. Neurobiology of Language Conference. San Sebastián, Spain.

Helland, W.A, Helland, T., & Heimann, M.(2012) Språkprofilar og psykisk helse hos barn med ADHD og barn med spesifikke språkvanskar. Muntlig presentasjon. Konferanse   Forskingsnettverket for ADHD, 24-25 April, Oslo

Helland, W.A., Helland, T., Heimann, M.(2012) Language profiles and mental health problems in children with specific language impairment and children with AD/HD. Oral presentation given at the World Conference of Psychology, Counseling and Guidance. May 9-12. Izmir, Turkey. 

Helland,T., Helland, W.A., Morken F., & Thorkildsen J.(2012) The Bergen Tella-a-Tale-Study. Oral presentation given at 16. Nordiska läsekonferanse, June 13-14, Reykjavik, Island

Helland, W.A., Posserud, M.B., Helland, T., Heimann, M., & Lundervold (2012) . Language impairments in children with ADHD and in children with reading disorder. Poster presentation at the Fourth Annual Neurobiology of Language Conference in San Sebastian, Spain, October 25th-27th.

Morken, F. & Helland, T. (2012). Written Sentence Production in Dyslexia: A Product and Process Perspective. Poster presentation at the Fourth Annual Neurobiology of Language Conference in San Sebastian, Spain, October 25th-27th.



Døli, H. & Hofstad, H. (2011) Discharge after hospitalization – where do patients with aphasia go? Poster-presentation at the Nordic Aphasia Conference, 2011

Helland,W.A., Biringer, E., Helland, T., & Heimann, M. (2011) Communication impairments  in children with ADHD. Poster presented at the 19th European Congress of Psychiatry,12-15 March, Vienna, Austria

Morken, F. & Helland, T. (2011). Computer-Based Writing Processing in L1 and L2 in Dyslexia. Oral presentation at the 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway, August 23rd-27th, 2011.