Who are ROSC
Who are we at the Research group on Quality, Safety and Outcome after Surgery and Critical illness (ROSC).
Senior researchers
The group has an informal leadership presently under the supervision of professor Hans Flaatten and consists of several researchers and other health personnel:
- Anne Berit Guttormsen, Professor/ICU consultant, MD, PhD
Norwegian contact with SCCTG (see below), Acute Medicine, Nutrition and anaphylaxis studies (abgu@helse-bergen.no) - Reidar Kvåle, Director of NIR, ICU consultant MD PhD
Daily responsibility for NIR (rkva@helse-bergen.no) - Eirik Søfteland Chief Anaesthesia consultant, MD PhD
Responsible for the quality and safety research program within anaesthesia and surgery (eirik.softeland@helse-bergen.no) - Kjell Øvrebø, Consultant Surgeon Gastrointestinal Surgery, MD PhD
Responsible for research into outcome after severe pancreatitis - Arvid Haugen, Head of Research & Development, Dep. Of Anaesthesia and Intensive care. RN, PhD
Working with quality and safety research within anaesthesia and surgery. (arvid.steinar.haugen@helse-bergen.no) - Hans Flaatten, Professor Intensive Care, ICU consultant
Responsible for outcome research after intensive care and quality and safety in critical illness (hans.flaatten@K1.uib.no)
Research fellows:
The group at present have research fellows in the following areas:
- Anette Storesund, RN. Research fellow (Helse Vest). Research on effects of checklists in surgical care. PhD Candidate, Department of Clinical Medicine. anette.storesund@helse-bergen.no
- Ib Jammer, MD. Research fellow (UiB). Research on outcome after major surgery.
- Finn Andersen, MD. Research fellow at Ålesund Hospital (Helse Midt) on outcome after intensive care in the elderly
Internal meetings
The whole research group has a one-day meeting once in autumn and once in spring, starting 2014.
We also have weekly/monthly meetings in the different research sub-groups.
A 2-day national conference of the Norwegian Intensive Care Registry is organized by the group each autumn.