One Ocean Expedition
Søke på SDG200

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Her får du informasjon om søknadsprosessen for studiet.

Statsraad Lehmkuhl sett bakfra
Søknadsweb åpner for å motta søknader til SDG200 20. september 2021.
Jesper Rosenmai, Statsraad Lehmkuhl


Søknadsweb åpner for søknader 20. september 2021.

Emnet er åpent for studenter fra alle Norske universiteter og høyskoler. Omtrent halvparten av plassene er reservert til studenter fra Universitetet i Bergen, noen er reservert til internasjonale partnere. Universitetet i Oslo og UiT Norges arktiske universitet er partnere og studentene fra disse institusjonene vil i noen grad bli prioritert i opptaksprosessen.

Informasjon om søknadsprosess og kvalifikasjonskrav kun på engelsk: 

Admission requirements:
Students applying for admission to the course should have studied at least one year at university level (min. 60 ECTS). You must have an approved seaman's health certificate before boarding. Valid health certificate issued in accordance with rule and section A-I / 9 of the STCW Code (only in Norwegian). See more at our HSE gateway.

Transcript of records (an official statement listing courses/subjects you have completed at your university).

Copy of passport or picture ID showing full name, date of birth and gender, if you are not applying with a Norwegian ID number.

Document requirements:
We require all documents to be scanned from original documentation.

If the original language of your documents is not English or a Scandinavian language, officially certified copies of a translation to one of these languages must accompany certified copies of your documents in the original language.

The documents must be uploaded as PDF files of good quality.

Applicants must submit a CV (max 2 pages) together with a short (max 500 words) letter of motivation where they explain

  • why they wish to attend the course and how it relates to their interests and experience (academic and other) and their future plans
  • how they may contribute to the student community and the learning environment  
  • the challenges do they foresee with staying four months away from home under the special circumstances on board Statsraad Lehmkuhl.

If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places, the selection of students will be made according to the following criteria:

  • CV and motivation letter
  • Academic diversity and interdisciplinary approach
  • International representation
  • Gender diversity

An interdisciplinary admission committee including faculty and students is responsible for the admission process. Shortlisted candidates may be invited to an interview.

Apply of admission:
Apply at Søknadsweb 

  • September 20th Søknadsweb opens
  • October 18th Application deadline
  • December 1st The result of your application will be published at Søkandsweb and by email
  • December 15th deadline to accept offer