Pandemifrokost #3
Join us for the third "Pandemifrokost" and listen to interesting research about emotional eating and consumption during the pandemic as well as a presentation of a tool with pandemic data from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI).

This time we will be joined by Elaheh Javadi Arjmandm, guest-researcher from the Department of Public Health and Primary Care. Elaheh will present a research-project entitled "Emotional Eating and Changes in High-Sugar Food and Drink Consumption Linked to Psychological Distress and Worries: A Cohort Study from Norway".
In this study, researchers have investigated the links between psychological distress and unhealthy eating behaviours (such as emotinal eating and consumption of high-sugar food and drinks). Cross-sectional studies from early in the COVID-19 pandemic showed a high occurrence of worries and psychological distress, and this was associated with emotional eating. Few larger studies have examined how this coping pattern develops over time. In a population-based cohort study, researchers examined the changes in food choices and their associations with psychological distress during different stages of the pandemic.
Secondly, we will get a presentation from Truc Trung Nguyen from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI). He will present a data-tool that has been used to create a structured and accecible overview of the infection control measures during the pandemic. The research has also contributed to examine the relationship/effect between the mesures and the burden they represent.
Fresh coffee and something to eat is served to all who register. Warmly welcome!