Alicia Donnellan is a researcher associated to the University of Bergen UNESCO Chair. Her work focuses on the power of territorrial sustainability designations to catalyze collaboration for sustainability objectives. An example of these are UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, which she studies as social-ecological systems which are testing sites for sustainability and earth stewardship.
She is trained as a terrestrial ecologist, and now works as a sustainability scientisct at the intersection between the natural and social sciences, interested in progressing inter- and transdisciplinary research which is fair and equitable for people and land. Her work is informed by resilience and complex adaptive system thinking, which provide the backdrop for investigating examples of biosphere stewardship across the globe. Her research areas include ecosystem services and social-ecological networks, land-use change, biodiversity conservation, climate change resiliece, adaptive co-management implementation, and sustainable development goal (SDG) implementation. She also has a strong interest in group process work, young stakeholder concerns and political ecology. She was named spokesperson for UNESCO's Man and Biosphere (MAB) programme's 50th anniversary by Dr. Jane Goodall in 2021.
She holds a PhD in Applied Environmental Science from Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand (2014-2018). Additional to an academic background she has worked across the globe in the non-profit sector and in grassroots organizations. These experiences have given her rich understanding of the importance of connecting diverse fields if we are to rise to the challenges and opportunities presented by the Anthropocene.
- Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May (2024). Visitor Management Conference . (ekstern lenke)
- Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May (2024). Biosphere reserves as sites for accelerating the Global biodiversity framework. (ekstern lenke)
- Curtet, Marie; Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2024). The evolution of stakeholder participation in European UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: challenges and opportunities of the COVID pandemic and the digital shift. (ekstern lenke)
- Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Cusens, Jarrod (2023). Become Biosphere Reserves as Effective conservation measures website. (ekstern lenke)
- Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Måren, Inger Elisabeth; Sara, Mikkel Nils Mikkelsen (2023). Min Birrasat - ACTIONABLE presentation. (ekstern lenke)
- Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Reed, Maureen G.; Coetzer, Kaera et al. (2023). Global knowledge–action networks at the frontlines of sustainability: Insights from five decades of science for action in UNESCO's World Network of biosphere reserves. (ekstern lenke)
- Måren, Inger Elisabeth; Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Östman, Silje A. H. et al. (2023). Kva er samanhengen mellom kulturarv og kulturlandskap, og korleis kan fortida bidra til ei berekraftig framtid? CULTIVATE-prosjektet . (ekstern lenke)
- Cusens, Jarrod; Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2023). Socio-cultural values and biophysical supply: How do afforestation and land abandonment impact multiple ecosystem services?. (ekstern lenke)
- Cusens, Jarrod; Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2023). Integration matters: Combining socio-cultural and biophysical methods for mapping ecosystem service bundles. (ekstern lenke)
- Schrage, Jesse Benjamin; Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Wilkerson, Brooke E et al. (2022). Developing positional awareness in sustainability science: four archetypes for early career scientists working in an SDG world. (ekstern lenke)
- Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan (2022). Workshop Promoting Research in BRs - Looking back at 50 years of MAB. (ekstern lenke)
- Cusens, Jarrod; Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2022). Participatory mapping reveals biocultural and nature values in the shared landscape of a Nordic UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. (ekstern lenke)
- Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan; Cusens, Jarrod; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2022). Mapping stakeholder networks for the co-production of multiple ecosystem services: A novel mixed-methods approach. (ekstern lenke)
- Måren, Inger Elisabeth; Donnellan Barraclough, Alicia May (2022). The role of UNESCO biosphere reserves in the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: policy brief. (ekstern lenke)
- Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan (2022). UNESCO MAB Anniversary with Doctor Jane Goodall . (ekstern lenke)
- Måren, Inger Elisabeth; Cusens, Jarrod; Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan et al. (2021). Science for nature and people: celebrating the contributions of research to the Man and Biosphere Programme through 50 years . (ekstern lenke)
- Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan; Måren, Inger Elisabeth; Price, Martin F. (2021). Recognize 727 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves for biodiversity COP15. (ekstern lenke)
- Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2021). The Spotlight on Youth: Young People as Key Stakeholders in Biosphere Reserves and the Man and the Biosphere Programme . (ekstern lenke)
- Cusens, Jarrod; Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2021). Mapping the connections between people and Nature: participatory mapping of ecosystem services in a Nordic biosphere reserve. . (ekstern lenke)
- Cusens, Jarrod; Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2021). Participatory mapping reveals biocultural and nature values in the shared landscape of a Nordic UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. (ekstern lenke)
- Cusens, Jarrod; Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2021). How will afforestation impact on ecosystem services values in non-forested landscapes? A participatory mapping study in western Norway.. (ekstern lenke)
- Barraclough, Alicia May Donnellan; Schultz, Lisen Paula; Måren, Inger Elisabeth (2021). Voices of young biosphere stewards on the strengths, weaknesses, and ways forward for 74 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves across 83 countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Barraclough, Alicia Donnellan; Sakiyama, M; Schultz, Lisen et al. (2021). Stewards of the Future: Accompanying the rising tide of young voices by setting youth-inclusive research agendas. . (ekstern lenke)
Alicia is currently leading the following projects:
BECOME - a Biodiversa+ Consortia invertigating the effectiveness of Biosphere Reserves as measures for inclusive conservation.
ACTIONABLE - and NFR-Samarbeidsprosjekt in arealer under press. A collaboration to understand the role of sustainability designations in helping collaboration and management of coastal areas and conflicts.
Other projects I have also been a key researcher in are
Nature's Contributions to People in Nordhordland Biosfære
Stewardship and youth - young peoples perspectives and roles within environmental governance and sustainable development initiatives.