Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eyjolfsson, Heidar; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2023). Multivariate self-exciting jump processes with applications to financial data. (ekstern lenke)
Jordanger, Lars Arne; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2023). Local Gaussian Cross-Spectrum Analysis. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Jullum, Martin; Løland, Anders
(2023). Some recent trends in embeddings of time series and dynamic networks. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Jullum, Martin; Løland, Anders
(2023). Statistical Embedding: Beyond Principal Components. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Otneim, Håkon; Støve, Bård
(2022). Statistical dependence: Beyond Pearson’s ρ. (ekstern lenke)
Otneim, Håkon; Berentsen, Geir Drage; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2022). Local Lead–Lag Relationships and Nonlinear Granger Causality: An Empirical Analysis. (ekstern lenke)
Sleire, Anders Daasvand; Støve, Bård; Otneim, Håkon
et al. (2021). Portfolio allocation under asymmetric dependence in asset returns using local Gaussian correlations. (ekstern lenke)
Otneim, Håkon; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2021). The locally Gaussian partial correlation. (ekstern lenke)
Jordanger, Lars Arne; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2020). Nonlinear Spectral Analysis: A Local Gaussian Approach. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2020). Some notes on nonlinear cointegration: A partial review with some novel perspectives. (ekstern lenke)
Bravo, Francesco; Li, Degui; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2020). Robust nonlinear regression estimation in null recurrent time series. (ekstern lenke)
Otneim, Håkon; Jullum, Martin; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2020). Pairwise local Fisher and naive Bayes: Improving two standard discriminants. (ekstern lenke)
Fokianos, Konstantinos; Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
et al. (2020). Multivariate count autoregression. (ekstern lenke)
Jiang, Zhenyu; Ling, Nengxiang; Lu, Zudi
et al. (2020). On bandwidth choice for spatial data density estimation. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2019). Discussion of Models as Approximations I & II. (ekstern lenke)
Lee, Youngmi; Lee, Sangyeol; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2018). Asymptotic normality and parameter change test for bivariate Poisson INGARCH models. (ekstern lenke)
Lacal, Virginia; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2018). Estimating and Testing Nonlinear Local Dependence Between Two Time Series. (ekstern lenke)
Dong, Chaohua; Gao, Jiti; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
et al. (2017). Specification testing for nonlinear multivariate cointegrating regressions. (ekstern lenke)
Cai, Biqing; Gao, Jiti; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2017). A new class of bivariate threshold cointegration models. (ekstern lenke)
Lacal Graziani, Virginia; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2017). Local Gaussian autocorrelation and tests for serial independence. (ekstern lenke)
Eyjolfsson, Heidar; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2017). Self-exciting jump processes with applications to energy markets. (ekstern lenke)
Otneim, Håkon; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2017). Conditional density estimation using the local Gaussian correlation. (ekstern lenke)
Li, Degui; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Gao, Jiti
(2016). Estimation in nonlinear regression with harris recurrent markov chains. (ekstern lenke)
Berentsen, Geir Drage; Cao, Ricardo; Francisco-Fernandez, Mario
et al. (2016). Some properties of local Gaussian correlation and other nonlinear dependence measures. (ekstern lenke)
Dong, Chaohua; Gao, Jiti; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2016). Estimation for single-index and partially linear single-index integrated models. (ekstern lenke)
Otneim, Håkon; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2016). The locally Gaussian density estimator for multivariate data. (ekstern lenke)
Holmin, Arne Johannes; Korneliussen, Rolf; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2016). Estimation and simulation of multi-beam sonar noise. (ekstern lenke)
Cai, Biqing; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2015). Nonparametric regression estimation for multivariate null recurrent processes. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2014). Modellering av avhengigheter i finansmarkeder : lokal gaussisk korrelasjon. (ekstern lenke)
Jordanger, Lars Arne; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2014). Model selection of copulas: AIC versus a cross validation copula information criterion. (ekstern lenke)
Gao, Jiti; Kanaya, Shin; Li, Degui
et al. (2014). Uniform consistency for nonparametric estimators in null recurrent time series. (ekstern lenke)
Lu, Zudi; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2014). Nonparametric estimation of probability density functions for irregularly observed spatial data. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Hufthammer, Karl Ove
(2014). Using local Gaussian correlation in a nonlinear re-examination of financial contagion. (ekstern lenke)
Berentsen, Geir Drage; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2014). Recognizing and visualizing departures from independence in bivariate data using local Gaussian correlation. (ekstern lenke)
Berentsen, Geir Drage; Kleppe, Tore Selland; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2014). Introducing localgauss, an R package for estimating and visualizing local Gaussian correlation. (ekstern lenke)
Berentsen, Geir Drage; Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
et al. (2014). Recognizing and visualizing copulas: An approach using local Gaussian approximation. (ekstern lenke)
Doukhan, Paul; Fokianos, Konstantinos; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2013). Correction to "On weak dependence conditions for Poisson autoregressions" [Statist. Probab. Lett. 82 (2012) 942-948]. (ekstern lenke)
Gao, Jiti; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Yin, Jiying
(2013). Estimation in threshold autoregressive models with a stationary and a unit root regime. (ekstern lenke)
Otneim, Håkon; Karlsen, Hans A; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2013). Bias and bandwidth for local likelihood density estimation. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Hufthammer, Karl Ove
(2013). Local Gaussian correlation: A new measure of dependence. (ekstern lenke)
Handegard, Nils Olav; Boswell, Kevin M.; Ioannou, Christos
et al. (2012). The dynamics of coordinated group hunting and collective information transfer among schooling prey. (ekstern lenke)
Myklebust, Terje; Karlsen, Hans A; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2012). Null recurrent unit root processes. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Steinskog, Dag Johan; Stephenson,, David
et al. (2012). Estimation of trends in extreme melt-season duration at Svalbard. (ekstern lenke)
Fokianos, Konstantinos; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2012). Nonlinear Poisson autoregression. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2012). Some recent theory for autoregressive count time series. (ekstern lenke)
Holmin, Arne Johannes; Handegard, Nils Olav; Korneliussen, Rolf
et al. (2012). Simulations of multi-beam sonar echos from schooling individual fish in a quiet environment. (ekstern lenke)
Doukhan, Paul; Fokianos, Konstantinos; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2012). On weak dependence conditions for Poisson autoregressions. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2012). A convolution estimator for the density of nonlinear regression observations. (ekstern lenke)
Fokianos, Konstantinos; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2011). Log-linear Poisson autoregression. (ekstern lenke)
Karlsen, Hans A; Myklebust, Terje; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2010). Nonparametric regression estimation in a null recurrent time series. (ekstern lenke)
Mammen, Enno; Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag
(2009). Nonparametric Additive Models for Panels of Time Series. (ekstern lenke)
Handegard, Nils Olav; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2009). The sampling volume of trawl and acoustics: estimating availability probabilities from observations of tracked individual fish. (ekstern lenke)
Assmus, Jørg; Karlsen, Hans Arnfinn; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2009). Two heuristic approaches to describe periodicities in genomic microarrays. (ekstern lenke)
Lu, Zudi; Steinskog, Dag Johan; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
et al. (2009). Adaptively varying-coefficient spatiotemporal models. (ekstern lenke)
Mammen, Enno; Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2009). Nonparametric additive models for panels of time series. (ekstern lenke)
Fokianos, Konstantinos; Rahbek, Anders; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2009). Poisson autoregression. (ekstern lenke)
Gao, Jiti; King, Maxwell; Lu, Zudi
et al. (2009). Specification testing in nonlinear and nonstationary time series regression. (ekstern lenke)
Aßmus, Jörg; Melle, Webjørn; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
et al. (2009). Seasonal cycles and long-term trends of plankton in shelf and oceanic habitats of the Norwegian Sea in relation to environmental varaibales. (ekstern lenke)
Gao, Jiti; King, M.; Lu, Zudi
et al. (2009). Specification testing in regression with nonstatisonarity. (ekstern lenke)
Assmus, Jørg; Karlsen, Hans A; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2009). Two heuristic approaches to describe periodicities in genomic microarrays. (ekstern lenke)
Gao, Jiti; King, M.; Lu, Zudi
Lu, Zudi; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Yao, Quiwei
(2008). Spatial smoothing, Nugget effect and infill asymptotics. (ekstern lenke)
Auestad, Bjørn H.; Shumway, Robert H.; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
et al. (2008). Linear and nonlinear alignment of time series with applications to varve chronologies. (ekstern lenke)
Gao, Jiti; Lu, Zudi; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2008). Moment inequalities for spatial processes. (ekstern lenke)
Auestad, Bjørn H.; Shumway, R.; Tjøstheim, Dag
et al. (2008). Linear and nonlinear alignment of time series with applications to varve chronologies. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Godø, Olav Rune
(2007). Can the precision of bottom trawl indices be increased by using simultaneously collected acoustic data? The Barents Sea experience. (ekstern lenke)
Steinskog, Dag Johan; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar
(2007). A Cautionary Note on the Use of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test for Normality. (ekstern lenke)
Lu, Zudi; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Yao, Quiwei
(2007). Adaptive varying-coefficient linear models for stochastic processes: Asymptotic theory. (ekstern lenke)
Lu, Zudi; Lundervold, Arvid; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
et al. (2007). Exploring spatial nonlinearity using additive approximation. (ekstern lenke)
Karlsen, Hans A; Myklebust, Terje; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2007). Nonparametric estimation in a nonlinear cointegration type model. (ekstern lenke)
Gao, Jiti; Lu, Zudi; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2006). Estimation in semiparametric spatial regression. (ekstern lenke)
Handegard, Nils Olav; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2005). When fish meet a trawling vessel: examining the behaviour of gadoids using a free-floating buoy and acoustic split-beam tracking. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Godø, Olav Rune; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2004). Decomposing and explaining the variability of bottom trawl survey data from the Barents Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Garel, Bernard; D'Estampes, Ludovic; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2004). Revealing some unexpected dependence properties of linear combinations of stable random variables using symmetric covariations. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Godø, Olav Rune; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2004). Diurnal variation in acoustic densities: why do we see less in the dark?. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Chen, Rong; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2004). Nonparametric estimation and testing in panels of intercorrelated time series. (ekstern lenke)
Handegard, Nils Olav; Michalsen, Kathrine; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2003). Avoidance behaviour in cod (Gadus morhua) to a bottom-trawling vessel. (ekstern lenke)
Sperlich, Stefan; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Yang, Lijian
(2002). Nonparametric estimation and testing of additive time series models. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Godø, Olav Rune; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2002). Modelling diurnal variation in bottom trawl survey catches: does it pay to adjust?. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Godø, Olav Rune; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2002). The measurement error of marine survey registrations: the bottom trawl case. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Godø, Olav Rune; Tjostheim, Dag
(2001). Modelling diurnal variations in marine populations. (ekstern lenke)
Karlsen, Hans A; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2001). Nonparametric estimation in null recurrent time series. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1999). Modeling panels of intercorrelated autoregressive time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Hjellvik, vidar; Yao, G
(1998). Local polynomial approximation and linearity testing. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Yao, Q.; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Local polynomial approximation and linearity testing. (ekstern lenke)
Masry, Elias; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1997). Additive nonlinear ARX time series and projection estimates. (ekstern lenke)
Skaug, Hans J.; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1996). Testing for serial independence using measures of distance between densities. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1996). Measures of dependence and tests of independence independence. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1996). Nonparametric statistics for testing linearity and serial independence. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Masvy, Elias
(1995). Nonparametric estimation and identification of nonlinear ARCH time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Hjellvik, Vidar
(1995). Nonparametric tests of linearity for time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1994). Nonlinear time series. A selective review. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Auestad, B.
(1994). Non-parametric identification of nonlinear time series : Projections. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Auestad, B.
(1994). Non-parametric identification of nonlinear time series : Selecting significant lags. (ekstern lenke)
Skaug, Hans Julius; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1993). A nonparametric test of serial independence based on the empirical distribution function. (ekstern lenke)
Auestad, B.H.; Tjøstheim, Dag
(1991). Functional identification in nonlinear time series. (ekstern lenke)
Faglig foredrag
Vitenskapelig monografi
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Otneim, Håkon; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2018). Characterizing Conditional Dependence and Testing for Conditional Independence using the Local Gaussian Partial Correlation. (ekstern lenke)
Otneim, Håkon; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2017). Estimating multivariate and conditional density functions using local Gaussian approximations. (ekstern lenke)
Berentsen, Geir Drage; Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2013). Recognizing and visualizing copulas: an approach using local Gaussian approximation. (ekstern lenke)
Holmin, Arne Johannes; Korneliussen, Rolf; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2013). Improved morphological fish school characterization using simulations of multibeam sonar data. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2011). Multivariate Poisson Autoregression. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Hufthammer, Karl Ove; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2010). Asymmetries in Financial Returns: A Local Gaussian Correlation Approach. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Hufthammer, Karl Ove; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2010). Asymmetries in Financial Returns: A Local Gaussian Correlation Approach. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Hufthammer, Karl Ove
(2010). Measuring Financial Contagion by Local Gaussian Correlation. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Hufthammer, Karl Ove
(2010). Measuring Financial Contagion by Local Gaussian Correlation. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag
(2009). Asymmetries in financial returns: A local Gaussian correlation approach. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag
(2009). Measuring financial contagion by local Gaussian correlation. (ekstern lenke)
Hufthammer, Karl Ove; Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag
(2009). Asymmetries in Financial Returns: A Local Gaussian Correlation Approach. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2003). Nonparametric estimation in additive models. (ekstern lenke)
Handegard, Nils Olav; Michalsen, Kathrine; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2003). Avoidance behaviour in cod (Gadus morhua) to a bottom-trawling vessel. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2003). Nonparametric estimation in a nonstationary context with applications to nonlinear cointegration. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2002). Survey of nonlinear time series models. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2002). Nonparametric estimation in a nonstationary context. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2002). Nonparametric estimation in a nonstationary context. (ekstern lenke)
Godø, Olav Rune; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2002). Survey of nonlinear time series modesl. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2002). Introduction to nonparametric methods. (ekstern lenke)
Tjostheim, Dag
(2001). Two recent developments in nonstationary and nonlinear time series modeling. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Nonlinear cointegration. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Nonlinear models for a panel of intercorrelated time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Exploring models for panels of time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Additive models: an alternative to linear models in econometrics. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Intercorrelated panels. Linear and nonlinera models. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Om additive modeller. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Exploratory data analysis and linearity tests for time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Alignment of time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Linearity tests for time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Analysing panels of intercorrelated time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Nonlinear cointegration. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Nonparametric estimation for nonstationary processes. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Exploring time series using semi- and nonparametric methods. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1997). Nonparametric analysis for null recurrent processes. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1997). Panels of intercorrelated time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1997). Nonparametric methods of time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1997). Linear and nonlinear models for panels of time series. (ekstern lenke)
Otneim, Håkon; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2016). Non-parametric estimation of conditional densities: A new method. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Hufthammer, Karl Ove
(2011). Using Local Gaussian Correlation in a Nonlinear Re-examination of Financial Contagion. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag; Hufthammer, Karl Ove
(2010). Measuring Financial Contagion by Local Gaussian Correlation. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag
(2007). A Convolution Estimator for the Density of Nonlinear Regression Observations. (ekstern lenke)
Karlsen, Hans A; Myklebust, Terje; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2000). Nonparametric estimation in a nonlinear cointegration type model. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Modelling panels of intercorrelated autoregressive time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Nonparametric estimation for null recurrent time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Sperlich, Stefan; Yang, Lijian
(1997). Nonparametric estimation of interaction in additive models. (ekstern lenke)
Auestad, Bjørn; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1990). Functional identification in nonlinear timeseries. Report No.21 July 1990. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Auestad, Bjørn
(1989). Identification of nonlinear timeseries. First order characterization and order determination. Report No.20 Nov.1989. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Johnsen, Gyrid
(1988). Estimation of AR parameters in time series with suddenley changing structure. (ekstern lenke)
Karlsen, Hans A; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1988). Segmentation of data traces with applications to dipmeter oilwell measurements. (ekstern lenke)
Karlsen, Hans A; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1987). Consistent estimates of the NEAR(2) and NLAR(2) time series models. (ekstern lenke)
Karlsen, Hans A; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1986). Fitting nonstationary autoregressive models to dipmeter data. (ekstern lenke)
Lysne, Dan; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1986). Loss of spectral peaks in autoregressive spectral estimation. (ekstern lenke)
Stensholt, Boonchai K.; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1985). Multiple bilinear time series models. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Paulsen, Jostein
(1983). Autoregressive processes with a time dependent variance II: Some further properties of least sequances estimates. (ekstern lenke)
Paulsen, Jostein; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1983). On the estimation of residual variances and order in autoregressive time series. (ekstern lenke)
Riise, Trond; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1983). Theory and practice of multivariate arma forecasting. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Paulsen, Jostein
(1981). Bias and some commonly used time series estimates. (ekstern lenke)
Tyssedal, John S.; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1981). Autoregressive processes with a time dependent variance. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2015). Count time series models with latent autoregressive dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2012). Modelling nonlinear and nonstationary time series. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag
(2007). A new convolution estimator for nonparametric regression. (ekstern lenke)
Støve, Bård; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2007). A new convolution estimator for nonparametric regression. (ekstern lenke)
Myklebust, Terje; Karlsen, Hans Arnfinn; Tjøstheim, Dag
et al. (2002). Nonlinear Unit Root Processes and the Problem of Nonlinear Cointegration. (ekstern lenke)
Myklebust, Terje; Karlsen, Hans; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2002). Nonlinear unit root processes and the problem of nonlinear cointegration. (ekstern lenke)
Myklebust, Terje; Karlsen, Hans A; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(2002). Nonlinear Unit Root Processes and the Problem of Nonlinear Cointegration. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1999). Nonparametric specification tests for time series. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1999). Residual variance estimates and order determination in panels of intercorrelated time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Nonparametric specification procedures for time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Exploring time series using semi- and nonparametric methods. (ekstern lenke)
Teräsvivla, T.; Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne; Granger, C. W. J.
et al. (1994). Aspects of modelling nonlinear time series. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Panels of intercorrelated time series in linear and nonlinear models. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Panels of intercorrelated time series: Linear and nonlinear models. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Specification procedures for linear and nonlinear time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Panels of intercorrelated time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1998). Nonparametric estimation for null recurrent time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1997). Panels of intercorrelated time series. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1997). Panels of intercorrelated time series: Linear and nonlinear models. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1997). Panels of intercorrelated time series: Linear and nonlinear models. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1997). Exploring time series using nonparametric methods. (ekstern lenke)
Tjøstheim, Dag Bjarne
(1994). Tests of Independence. (ekstern lenke)
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