Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui






I am Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bergen, and member of the Bergen Center for Competition Law & Economics (BECCLE) and Bergen Offshore Wind Centre (BOW). I currently lead the Research group for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law. My research interests are connected with the regulation of energy markets with a special emphasis on the regulation of offshore energy, offshore wind and new energy technologies, like hydrogen. Also, I have devoted a good part of my academic career to market and competition issues in the field of public procurement and buyer power.

I obtained my PhD from the University of Bergen with a thesis entitled "Buyer Power in EU Competition Law" (2012-2017), financed by the Norwegian Research Council. My PhD dissertation won the prestigious “2017 Concurrences PhD Award” to the best PhD dissertation in the field of competition law or economics of the year, awarded by Concurrences. In addition to the award, the thesis has been published as a monograph and it is available here.

As part of my on-going projects, I am the leader of the research project Governing Offshore Wind: Legal Challenges, Market Opportunities and Policy Perspectives (GOV-WIND). Further, as part of my work on energy law, I have published extensively in the field and I am one of the editors of a leading Handbook in the field - the Routledge Handbook of Energy Law.

Also, I received the Meltzerprisen for yngre forskere 2017 for my academic research and significant contributions to EU/EEA market law scholarship as a leading academic at the University of Bergen under 35 years old.

Previously I was leader of a research project financed by Statoil through the AkademiaAvtalen entitled "Regulating energy markets, a perspective from EEA/EU Competition and Public Procurement Law" (2017-2019). As part of this research project, I was awarded the prestigious International Scholar-in-Residence scholarship by the American Bar Association, which allowed me to visit the US for a period of almost four months and carry our research in the comparative regulation of transmission unbundling infrastructures in electricity markets while being a visiting researcher at Georgetown Law Center, D.C., and the School of Law of the University of Wisconsin.

I often contribute to social media and public debate on energy transition and my work has appeared in several national newspapers as well as internationally, including The Guardian.

If you are interested in my work, please visit my SSRN site to get access to most of my publications.


I am a frequent contributor to national and international debates in my areas of expertise. Both at academic conferences and seminar with presentations, as well as participations in popular press in the form of expert interviews in newspapers or journals.

Additionally, I am often invited to contribute as a guest author in different blogs and internet sites. For example:


I am involved in the teaching of several courses at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bergen. In addition, I also take part in interdisciplinary teaching at the University of Bergen but often collaborate with teaching in other institutions in the field of Energy Law (these include, for example, the University of Lisbon and the Technical University of Berlin).

At the UiB, I am currently responsible for the following courses:

  • Law of the Sea and its Uses: This course seeks to provide the law students with expertise concerning the applicable rules governing the different uses of the sea from a sustainable development and multidisciplinary perspective.

  • Energy Law: Hydrocarbons, Renewables and Energy Markets: In this course we study how legal regulation can contribute to an effective and sufficient energy production and consumption within sustainable limits.

  • International Climate Law: a course fully devoted to the analysis of the law and policy designed to mitigate climate change from an EU/EEA perspective.


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I am involved in several research projects. Most of them have been possible thanks to external funding from different sources. Some of these are listed below: