Jørn Hetland
Førsteamanuensis, Arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi
- Forskningsgruppen for arbeidsmiljø, ledelse og konflikt (FALK)
- Sosial innflytelse på ungdoms atferd og helse
- Ledelse
- Jobb engasjement
- Kvantiative dagbokdesign
- Job Crafting (Proaktiv jobbutforming)
- Mobbing og konflikt
- Helse
PSYK 110 "Arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi"
PSYK 106 "Personalpsykologi"
PSYK 201 "Bacheloroppgave i arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi"
MAPSYK 302 "Forskingsmetoder"
MAPSYK 321 "Organisasjons- og leiarutvikling"
PROPSY 311 "Psykologen som leder"
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Hetland, Jørn; Bakker, Arnold B.; Nielsen, Morten Birkeland et al. (2023). Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily negative and positive affect: exploring the moderating role of neuroticism. (ekstern lenke)
- Olsen, Olav Kjellevold; Ågotnes, Kari Wik; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2023). Virtual team-cooperation from home-office: a quantitative diary study of the impact of daily transformational- and passive-avoidant leadership – and the moderating role of task interdependence. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahlquist, Lena Aadnevik; Hetland, Jørn; Notelaers, Guy Louis Alice et al. (2023). When the going gets tough and the environment Is rough: The role of departmental level hostile work climate in the relationships between job stressors and workplace bullying. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørlie, Henrik; Hetland, Jørn; Bakker, Arnold B. et al. (2022). Daily autonomy and job performance: Does person-organization fit act as a key resource?. (ekstern lenke)
- Rosander, Michael; Hetland, Jørn; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne (2022). Workplace bullying and mental health problems in balanced and gender-dominated workplaces. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Bakker, Arnold B.; Espevik, Roar et al. (2022). Daily work pressure and task performance: The moderating role of recovery and sleep. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahlquist, Lena Aadnevik; Hetland, Jørn; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne et al. (2022). Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily exposure to bullying behaviors at work: The moderating roles of trait anger and trait anxiety. (ekstern lenke)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Hetland, Jørn; Harris, Anette Kristoffersen et al. (2022). The impact of follower leadership position on transformational leadership as moderator of the association between work-related ambiguity and job satisfaction. (ekstern lenke)
- Bakker, Arnold B.; Hetland, Jørn; Olsen, Olav Kjellevold et al. (2022). Daily transformational leadership: A source of inspiration for follower performance?. (ekstern lenke)
- Hoprekstad, Øystein Løvik; Hetland, Jørn; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne (2021). Exposure to negative acts at work and self-labelling as a victim of workplace bullying: The role of prior victimization from bullying. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Bakker, Arnold B.; Demerouti, Evangelia et al. (2021). Work pressure and recovery during a cross-atlantic voyage: A test of the stressor-detachment model.. (ekstern lenke)
- Nordmo, Morten; Olsen, Olav Kjellevold; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2020). It's been a hard day's night: A diary study on hardiness and reduced sleep quality among naval sailors. (ekstern lenke)
- Olsen, Olav Kjellevold; Hetland, Jørn; Matthiesen, Stig Berge et al. (2020). Passive avoidant leadership and safety non-compliance: A 30 days diary study among naval cadets . (ekstern lenke)
- Sørlie, Henrik; Hetland, Jørn; Dysvik, Anders et al. (2020). Person-Organization Fit in a military selection context. (ekstern lenke)
- Hoprekstad, Øystein Løvik; Hetland, Jørn; Wold, Bente et al. (2020). Exposure to Bullying Behaviors at Work and Depressive Tendencies: The Moderating Role of Victimization From Bullying During Adolescence. (ekstern lenke)
- Manger, Terje; Hetland, Jørn; Jones, Lise Øen et al. (2020). Prisoners' academic motivation, viewed from the perspective of self-determination theory: Evidence from a population of Norwegian prisoners.. (ekstern lenke)
- Einarsen, Kari; Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2020). Outcomes of a proximal workplace intervention against workplace bullying and harassment: A protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial among Norwegian industrial workers. (ekstern lenke)
- Bakker, Arnold B.; Hetland, Jørn; Olsen, Olav Kjellevold et al. (2020). Job crafting and playful work design: Links with performance during busy and quiet days. (ekstern lenke)
- Ågotnes, Kari Wik; Skogstad, Anders; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2020). Daily work pressure and exposure to bullying-related negative acts: The role of daily transformational and laissez-faire leadership. (ekstern lenke)
- van den Heuvel, Machteld; Demerouti, Evangelia; Bakker, Arnold B. et al. (2020). How do Employees Adapt to Organizational Change? The Role of Meaning-making and Work Engagement. (ekstern lenke)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Christensen, Jan Olav; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2020). Organizational prevention and management strategies for workplace aggression among child protection workers. A Project Protocol for the Oslo Workplace Aggression Survey (OWAS). (ekstern lenke)
- Heradstveit, Ove; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2019). Psychiatric diagnoses differ considerably in their associations with alcohol/drug-related problems among adolescents. A Norwegian population-based survey linked with national patient registry data. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahlquist, Lena; Hetland, Jørn; Skogstad, Anders et al. (2019). Job Demands as Risk Factors of Exposure to Bullying at Work: The Moderating Role of Team-Level Conflict Management Climate. (ekstern lenke)
- Hoprekstad, Øystein Løvik; Hetland, Jørn; Bakker, Arnold B. et al. (2019). How long does it last? Prior victimization from workplace bullying moderates the relationship between daily exposure to negative acts and subsequent depressed mood . (ekstern lenke)
- Nordmo, Morten; Olsen, Olav Kjellevold; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2019). Daily sleep quality and naval work performance: the role of leadership . (ekstern lenke)
- Heradstveit, Ove; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Bøe, Tormod et al. (2018). Prospective associations between childhood externalising and internalising problems and adolescent alcohol and drug use: The Bergen Child Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Ågotnes, Kari Wik; Vikan, Lise; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2018). Passiv-unnvikende ledelse - en høyrisikosport? En studie av sammenhengene mellom passiv-unnvikende ledelse, mestringstro, interaksjonsrettferdighet og passiv-kontraproduktiv medarbeideratferd. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Hetland, Hilde; Bakker, Arnold B. et al. (2018). Daily transformational leadership and employee job crafting: The role of promotion focus. (ekstern lenke)
- Bakker, Arnold B.; Hetland, Jørn; Olsen, Olav Kjellevold et al. (2018). Daily strengths use and employee well‐being: The moderating role of personality. (ekstern lenke)
- Sveinsdottir, Vigdis; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Baste, Valborg et al. (2018). Young adults at risk of early work disability: who are they?. (ekstern lenke)
- Ågotnes, Kari Wik; Einarsen, Ståle; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2018). The moderating effect of laissez-faire leadership on the relationship between co-worker conflicts and new cases of workplace bullying: A true prospective design. (ekstern lenke)
- Heradstveit, Ove; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2017). Alcohol and illicit drug use are important factors for school-related problems among adolescents. (ekstern lenke)
- Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Bakker, Arnold B.; Bjorvatn, Bjørn et al. (2017). Working conditions and individual differences are weakly associated with workaholism: A 2-3-year prospective study of shift-working nurses. (ekstern lenke)
- Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Griffiths, Mark D.; Rajita, Sinha et al. (2016). The relationships between workaholism and symptoms of psychiatric disorders: A large-scale cross-sectional study. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Hetland, Hilde; Bakker, Arnold B. et al. (2015). Psychological need fulfillment as a mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and positive job attitudes. (ekstern lenke)
- Slåtten, Hilde; Anderssen, Norman; Hetland, Jørn (2015). Gay-related name-calling among Norwegian adolescents - harmful and harmless. (ekstern lenke)
- Slåtten, Hilde; Hetland, Jørn; Anderssen, Norman (2015). Correlates of gay-related name-calling in schools. (ekstern lenke)
- Skogstad, Anders; Hetland, Jørn; Glasø, Lars et al. (2014). Is avoidant leadership a root cause of subordinate stress? Longitudinal relationships between laissez-faire leadership and role ambiguity. (ekstern lenke)
- Tjora, Tore; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard et al. (2014). The association between smoking and depression from adolescence to adulthood. (ekstern lenke)
- Glambek, Mats; Matthiesen, Stig Berge; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2014). Workplace bullying as an antecedent to job insecurity and intention to leave: A 6-month prospective study. (ekstern lenke)
- Skogstad, Anders; Aasland, Merethe Schanke; Nielsen, Morten Birkeland et al. (2014). The relative effects of constructive, laissez-faire, and tyrannical leadership on subordinate job satisfaction: Results from two prospective and representative studies. (ekstern lenke)
- Mentzoni, Rune Aune; Sætrevik, Bjørn; Molde, Helge et al. (2014). Attentional bias in snus users: An experimental study. (ekstern lenke)
- Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Griffiths, Mark D.; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2014). The prevalence of workaholism: A survey study in a nationally representative sample of norwegian employees. (ekstern lenke)
- Slåtten, Hilde; Anderssen, Norman; Hetland, Jørn (2014). Endorsement of male role norms and gay-related name-calling. (ekstern lenke)
- Breevaart, Kimberley; Bakker, Arnold B.; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2014). Daily transactional and transformational leadership and daily employee engagement. (ekstern lenke)
- Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Hetland, Jørn; Pallesen, Ståle (2014). Psychometric assessment of workaholism measures. (ekstern lenke)
- Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Hetland, Jørn; Pallesen, Ståle (2013). Workaholism and work-family spillover in a cross-occupational sample. (ekstern lenke)
- Ree, Eline; Odeen, Magnus; Eriksen, Hege Randi et al. (2013). Subjective health complaints and self-rated health: are expectancies more important than socioeconomic status and workload?. (ekstern lenke)
- Brunborg, Geir Scott; Mentzoni, Rune Aune; Melkevik, Ole et al. (2013). Gaming addiction, gaming engagement, and psychological health complaints among Norwegian adolescents. (ekstern lenke)
- Tjora, Tore; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard et al. (2012). Late-onset smokers: how many, and associations with health behaviours and socioeconomic status. (ekstern lenke)
- Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Griffiths, Mark D.; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2012). Development of a work addiction scale. (ekstern lenke)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Hetland, Jørn; Matthiesen, Stig Berge et al. (2012). Longitudinal relationships between workplace bullying and psychological distress. (ekstern lenke)
- Petrou, Paraskevas; Demerouti, Evangelia; Peeters, Maria C. W. et al. (2012). Crafting a job on a daily basis: Contextual correlates and the link to work engagement. (ekstern lenke)
- Brummelhuis ten, Lieke L.; Bakker, Arnold B.; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2012). Do new ways of working foster work engagement?. (ekstern lenke)
- Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Hetland, Jørn; Pallesen, Ståle (2012). Coping and workaholism. Results from a large cross-occupational sample. (ekstern lenke)
- Breevaart, Kimberley; Bakker, Arnold B.; Demerouti, Evangelia et al. (2012). The measurement of state work engagement: a multilevel factor analytic study. (ekstern lenke)
- Tjora, Tore; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard et al. (2011). Distal and proximal family predictors of adolescents' smoking initiation and development. A longitudinal latent curve model analysis. (ekstern lenke)
- Mentzoni, Rune; Brunborg, Geir Scott; Molde, Helge et al. (2011). Problematic video game use: estimated prevalence and associations with mental and physical health. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Hilde; Hetland, Jørn; Andreassen, Cecilie Schou et al. (2011). Leadership and fulfillment of the three basic psychological needs at work. (ekstern lenke)
- Aanes, Mette; Hetland, Jørn; Pallesen, Ståle et al. (2011). Does loneliness mediate the stress-sleep quality relation? The Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Hetland, Jørn; Molde, Helge et al. (2011). 'Workaholism' and potential outcomes in well-being and health in a cross-occupational sample. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Hilde; Skogstad, Anders; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2011). Leadership and Learning Climate in a Work Setting. (ekstern lenke)
- Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Tjora, Tore; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2010). Associations between adolescent socioeducational status and use of snus and smoking. (ekstern lenke)
- Andreassen, Cecilie Schou; Hetland, Jørn; Pallesen, Ståle (2010). The relationship between “workaholism”, basic needs satisfaction at work, and personality. (ekstern lenke)
- Braverman, Marc T; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Bontempo, Daniel E et al. (2010). Bar and restaurant workers' attitudes towards Norway's comprehensive smoking ban: a growth curve analysis. (ekstern lenke)
- Hoel, Helge; Glasø, Lars; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2010). Leadership styles as predictors of self-reported and observed workplace bullying. (ekstern lenke)
- Aanes, Mette; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Hetland, Jørn (2010). Interpersonal stress and poor health: The mediating role of loneliness. (ekstern lenke)
- Due, Pernille; Merlo, Juan; Harel-Fisch, Yossi et al. (2009). Socioeconomic inequality in exposure to bullying during adolescence: A comparative, cross-sectional, multilevel study in 35 countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Wiium, N; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Hetland, J (2009). Subjective attractiveness and perceived trendiness in smoking and snus use: a study among young Norwegians. (ekstern lenke)
- Danielsen, Anne Grete; Samdal, Oddrun; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2009). School-related social support and students' perceived life satisfaction. (ekstern lenke)
- Wiium, Nora; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Hetland, Jørn (2009). Psychological reactance and adolescents' attitudes toward tobacco-control measures. (ekstern lenke)
- Craig, Wendy; Harel-Fisch, Yossi; Fogel-Grinvald, Haya et al. (2009). A cross-national profile of bullying and victimization among adolescents in 40 countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike; Torsheim, Torbjørn; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2009). Subjective health, symptom load and quality of life of children and adolescents in Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Aanes, Mette; Hetland, Jørn; Mittelmark, Maurice B (2009). The Experience of Loneliness. Main and Interactive Effects of Interpersonal Stress, Social Support and Positive Affect. (ekstern lenke)
- Holstein, Bjørn; Currie, Candace; Boyce, William et al. (2009). Socio-economic inequality in multiple health complaints among adolescents: international comparative study in 37 countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Øverland, S; Hetland, J; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2008). Relative harm of snus and cigarettes: what do norwegian adolescents say?. (ekstern lenke)
- Pallesen, Ståle; Hetland, Jørn; Sivertsen, Børge et al. (2008). Time trends in sleep-onset difficulties among Norwegian adolescents: 1983–2005. (ekstern lenke)
- Aarø, Leif Edvard; Lindbak, Rita Lill; Øverland, Simon Nygaard et al. (2008). Tobakksbruk blant norske ungdomsskoleelever 1975–2005. (ekstern lenke)
- Aarø, Leif Edvard; Lindbak, Rita Lill; Øverland, Simon Nygaard et al. (2008). Tobakksbruk blant norske ungdomsskoleelever 1875-2005. (ekstern lenke)
- Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2008). Relative harm of snus and cigarettes: What do Norwegian adolescents say?. (ekstern lenke)
- Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2008). Røyking og snusbruk blant ungdommar i 2004 og 2007. (ekstern lenke)
- Sam, David Lackland; Amponsah, Benjamin; Hetland, Jørn (2008). Values of children among Sub-Sahran African women: The case of Ghanaian women. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Hetland, Hilde; Mykletun, Reidar J. et al. (2008). Employees' job satisfaction after the introduction of a total smoke-ban in bars and restaurants in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Hetland, Hilde; Mykletun, Reidar J. et al. (2008). Employees' job satisfaction after the introduction of a total smoke-ban in bars and restaurants in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Skogstad, Anders; Glasø, Lars; Hetland, Jørn (2008). Er ledere i kraft av sin stilling beskyttet mot mobbing? Resultater fra en landsrepresentativ undersøkelse. (ekstern lenke)
- Braverman, Marc T.; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Hetland, Jørn (2008). Changes in smoking among restaurant and bar employees following Norway's comprehensive smoking ban. (ekstern lenke)
- Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike; Erhart, Michael; Torsheim, Torbjørn et al. (2008). An International scoring system for self-reported health complaints in adolescents. (ekstern lenke)
- Bancila, Delia; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Hetland, Jørn (2006). The association of interpersonal stress with psychological distress in Romania. (ekstern lenke)
- Torsheim, Torbjørn; Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2006). Cross-national variation of gender differences in adolescent subjective health in Europe and North America. (ekstern lenke)
- Eagan, Tomas M.L.; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2006). Decline in respiratory symptoms in service workers five months after a public smoking ban. (ekstern lenke)
- Wold, Bente; Torsheim, Torbjørn; Samdal, Oddrun et al. (2005). Nye tall om ungdom: Sosial ulikhet og trender i subjektiv helse og livsstil blant norske ungdom i perioden 1985-2001. (ekstern lenke)
- Strønstad, Kjersti; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2002). Depressivitet og røyking - en prospektiv panelstudie blant ungdom i Hordaland. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Torsheim, Torbjørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2002). Subjective health complaints in adolescence: dimensional structure and variation across gender and age. (ekstern lenke)
- Aarø, Leif Edvard; Haugland, Siren; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2001). Psykiske og somatiske plager blant ungdom. (ekstern lenke)
- Hoprekstad, Øystein Løvik; Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne; Hetland, Jørn (2022). Exposure and reactions to workplace bullying: The role of prior victimization from bullying. (ekstern lenke)
- Heradstveit, Ove; Hysing, Mari; Skogen, Jens Christoffer et al. (2019). Alcohol- and drug use among adolescents. School-related problems, childhood mental health problems, and psychiatric diagnoses. (ekstern lenke)
- Sveinsdottir, Vigdis; Reme, Silje Endresen; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2019). Supported Employment and preventing Early Disability (SEED). (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn (2006). The nature of subjective health complaints in adolescence: Dimensionality, stability, and psychosocial predictors. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Zahlquist, Lena; Hetland, Jørn; Einarsen, Ståle et al. (2019). Daily interpersonal conflicts and exposure to daily negative acts: The moderating role of trait anger and trait anxiety. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørlie, Henrik; Hetland, Jørn; Bakker, Arnold B. et al. (2019). The relationship between Work Autonomy and daily Contextual Performance: The moderating role of Person-Organization Fit. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahlquist, Lena; Hetland, Jørn; Bakker, Arnold B. et al. (2018). Job demands as risk factors of exposure to bullying-related negative acts at work: The moderating role of team-level conflict management climate. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahlquist, Lena; Hetland, Jørn; Skogstad, Anders et al. (2018). Job demands as risk factors of exposure to bullying at work: The moderating role of team-level conflict management climate. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Bakker, Arnold B.; Espevik, Roar et al. (2016). interpersonal conflocts and daily negative and positive affect: exploring the moderating role of neuroticism. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Bakker, Arnold B.; Hetland, Hilde et al. (2015). Does authentic leaders enhance followers daily job crafting behaviors? exploring the mediating role of autonomy and organizational justice. (ekstern lenke)
- Bakker, Arnold B.; Hetland, Jørn; Olsen, Olav Kjellevold et al. (2013). When does work engagement foster performance? A diary study among naval cadets. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Olsen, Olav Kjellevold (2012). Is passive avoidant and machiavellian leadership behaviours related to followers' psychological need satisfaction on a daily basis. (ekstern lenke)
- Glambek, Mats; Matthiesen, Stig Berge; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2012). Workplace bullying, qualitative job-insecurity and intention to leave: A six-month prospective study among north-sea workers. (ekstern lenke)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Hetland, Jørn; Matthiesen, Stig Berge et al. (2009). The effect of exposure to bullying at work on subsequent symptoms of anxiety and depression: A longitudinal study. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Hetland, Hilde; Aarø, Leif Edvard et al. (2009). Employee's job satisfaction after the introduction of a total smoke-ban in bars and restaurant in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Matthiesen, Stig Berge; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2008). Workplace Bullying, Mental Health and Job-Satisfaction: Findingsfrom a Longitudinal Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Hilde; Skogstad, Anders; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2008). Leadership and learning climate. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Hetland, Hilde; Mykletun, Reidar J. et al. (2007). Smoke-free bars and restaurants in Norway: Implications for employees' self-reported health. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Hilde; Hetland, Jørn; Skogstad, Anders (2007). Ledelse og læringsklima. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Hilde; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard et al. (2006). Job satisfaction after the introduction of a total smoke-ban. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Hilde; Hetland, Jørn; Skogstad, Anders (2006). Leadership styles in contemporary work settings. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2005). Røykfrie serveringssteder - bedret luftkvalitet og helse?. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2004). Smoke-free food and drink establishments in Norway: A longitudinal evaluation study among employees in the hospitality business. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn (2004). Hvordan lage en god poster?. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Nordanger, Dag Øystein (2003). The challenges of living in an unfamiliar context. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Nordanger, Dag Øystein (2003). The challenges of living in an unfamiliar context. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn (2001). Subjective health complaints in adolescence. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn (2001). subjective health complaints from adolescence to early adulthood. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn (2000). Helse og livsstil blant barn og unge i Norge. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn (2000). Subjektive helseplager blant barn og unge. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn (2000). Depression and bullying. (ekstern lenke)
- Ågotnes, Kari Wik; Skogstad, Anders; Hetland, Jørn et al. (2018). Do daily reports of transformational and laissez-faire leadership behaviour moderate the relationship between daily work pressure and daily exposure to bullying behaviours?. (ekstern lenke)
- Cappelen, Kathrine; Aase, Karina; Storm, Marianne et al. (2016). Improving patient safety culture in Norwegian nursing homes: Validating the NHSOPSC instrument. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Hetland, Hilde; Mykletun, Reidar J. et al. (2007). Job satisfaction after the introduction of a total smoke ban in bars and restaurants in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Aanes, Mette; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Hetland, Jørn (2007). Muscular and skeletal complaints and physical functioning: The role of psychological and social factors. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Samdal, Oddrun (2004). The chicken or the egg? Subjective health complaints and bullying during adolescence. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Samdal, Oddrun (2004). Subjective health complaints and bulling in early adolescence. A longitudinal study. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Torsheim, Torbjørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2000). Subjective health complaints in adolescence: Dimensional structure and variation across gender and age. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- Hetland, Jørn; Torsheim, Torbjørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2009). Subjektive helseplager i ungdomsårene. (ekstern lenke)
- Aarø, Leif Edvard; Hetland, Jørn (2009). Ungdom og tobakk. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Hilde; Hetland, Jørn (2009). Motivasjon og basale psykologiske behov i arbeidslivskontekst. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Hilde; Hetland, Jørn (2002). Basale psykologiske behov i arbeidslivet: Autonomi, kompetanse og tilhørighet. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Torsheim, Torbjørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (1997). Subjektive helseplager i ungdomsårene. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Øverland, Simon (2007). Smoke-free hospitality venues. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2005). Røykevaner, holdninger til innføringen av røykfrie serveringssteder og opplevelse av håndhevningsproblemer i serveringsbransjen - en prospektiv panelundersøkelse. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard (2005). Røykfrie serveringssteder: Luftkvalitet, helse og trivsel blant ansatte i serveringsbransjen. (ekstern lenke)
- Torsheim, Torbjørn; Samdal, Oddrun; Wold, Bente et al. (2004). Helse og trivsel blant barn og unge: Norske resultater fra studien "Helsevaner blant skoleelever. En WHO-studie i flere land". (ekstern lenke)
- Wold, Bente; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard et al. (2000). Utviklingstrekk i helse og livsstil blant barn og unge fra Norge, Sverige, Ungarn og Wales. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
- Hetland, Jørn; Nordanger, Dag Øystein (2003). The challenges of living in an unfamiliar context. (ekstern lenke)
- Nordanger, Dag Øystein; Hetland, Jørn (2003). The challenges of living in an unfamiliar context. (ekstern lenke)
- Nordanger, Dag Øystein; Hetland, Jørn (2003). The challenges of living in an unfamiliar context. (ekstern lenke)
- Nordanger, Dag Øystein; Hetland, Jørn (2003). The challenges of living in an unfamiliar context. (ekstern lenke)
- Nordanger, Dag Øystein; Hetland, Jørn (2003). How to cope with homecoming. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Nordanger, Dag Øystein (2003). How to cope with homecoming. (ekstern lenke)
- Hetland, Jørn; Nordanger, Dag Øystein (2003). How to cope with homecoming. (ekstern lenke)