Lilya Budaghyan




Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Vitenskapelig monografi
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie

Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin


    * L.Budaghyan. The Equivalence of AB and APN Functions and Their Generalizations. VDM verlag, 2008.

Journal and conference publications

    * L.Budaghyan and C.Carlet. CCZ-equivalence of single and multi output Boolean functions. Submitted, 2009.

    * L.Budaghyan and C.Carlet. CCZ-equivalence of bent vectorial functions and related constructions. Submitted, 2009.

    * L.Budaghyan and T.Helleseth. New commutative semifields defined by new PN multinomials. Submitted, 2009.

    * L.Budaghyan, C.Carlet, G.Leander. On a construction of quadratic APN functions. Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW'09, Taormina, Sicily, Oct. 2009.

    * L.Budaghyan and T.Helleseth. On commutative semifields of a family of planar functions.  Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies 2009, Yerevan, Armenia, Sept. 2009.

    * L.Budaghyan and C.Carlet. CCZ-equivalence and Boolean functions. Book of abstracts of the 9-th International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications, Fq'09, Dublin, July 2009.

    * L.Budaghyan and C.Carlet. On CCZ-equivalence and its use in secondary constructions of bent functions. Preproceedings of WCC 2009, Ullensvang, Norway, May 2009.

    * L.Budaghyan, C.Carlet, G.Leander. Constructing new APN functions from known ones. Finite Fields and Their Applications 15(2), Pages 150-159, April 2009.

    * L.Budaghyan and A.Pott. On Differential Uniformity and Nonlinearity of Functions. Special Issue of Discrete Mathematics devoted to "Combinatorics 2006", 309(2), pp. 371-384, 2009.

    * L.Budaghyan and T.Helleseth. New perfect nonlinear multinomials over $F_{p^{2k}}$ for any odd prime $p$. Proceedings of SETA 2008,, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5203, pp. 403-414, Lexington, USA, Sep. 2008.

    * L.Budaghyan, C.Carlet, G.Leander. On inequivalence between known power APN functions. Preceedings of BFCA 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2008.

    * L.Budaghyan, C.Carlet, G.Leander. Two classes of quadratic APN binomials inequivalent to power functions. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 54(9), pp. 4218-4229, 2008.

    * L.Budaghyan and C.Carlet. Classes of Quadratic APN Trinomials and Hexanomials and Related Structures. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 54(5), pp. 2354-2357, 2008.

    * L. Budaghyan. The Simplest Method for Constructing APN Polynomials EA-Inequivalent to Power Functions. Proceedings of WAIFI 2007, PP. 177-188, Madrid, Spain, June 2007.

    * L.Budaghyan, C.Carlet, G.Leander. Another class of quadratic APN binomials over $\F_{2^n}$: the case $n$ divisible by 4. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, WCC 2007, dedicated to the memory of Hans Dobbertin, pp. 49-58, Versailles, France, Apr. 2007.

   * L.Budaghyan, C.Carlet, P.Felke, G.Leander. An infinite class of quadratic APN functions which are not equivalent to power mappings. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2006, Jul. 2006.

    * L.Budaghyan, C.Carlet, A.Pott. New Classes of Almost Bent and Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 1141- 1152, March 2006.

    * L.Budaghyan. On APN and AB polynomials which are not equivalent to power functions. Book of Abstracts of the Workshop on Groebner Bases in Cryptography, Coding Theory, and Algebraic Combinatorics, Linz, Austria, May 2006.

    * L.Budaghyan, C.Carlet, A.Pott. New Constructions of Almost Bent and Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions. Proceedings of the Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2005, P.Charpin and O.Ytrehus eds., pp. 306-315, Bergen, Norway, March 2005.

    * L.Budaghyan, A.Pott. Differentially Uniform and Nonlinear functions. YACC04, Book of Abstracts, Porquerolles, France, June 2004.

    * L.Budaghyan, Yu.M.Movsisyan. On Elementary Decidability of Quasi-Boolean Algebras. Book of Abstracts of International Conference "Mathematics in Armenia", Tsahkadzor, Armenia, Oct. 2003.

    * L.Budaghyan. Elementary Classification of Quasi-Boolean Algebras. Scientific Notes of YSU, 3(199), pp.~12-20, 2002.

    * L.Budaghyan, Yu.M.Movsisyan. On Hyperidentities of Algebraic Systems. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies 2001, Yerevan, Armenia, 2001.

    * L.Budaghyan, Yu.M.Movsisyan. On Algebras with Hyperidentities of Boolean Algebras. Proceedings of Algebra International Conference Dedicated to the 100-th Anniversary of P.~S.~Novikov, Moscow, Russia, 2001.

PhD Thesis and Scientific Report

    * L.Budaghyan. The Equivalence of Almost Bent and Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions and Their Generalizations. PhD Thesis, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Dec. 2005.

    * L.Budaghyan. Classification and decidability of the elementary theories of algebras with hyperidentities of Boolean algebras. Scientific Report. Yerevan State University, 2002.