Kort info
Cellebiolog utdannet ved Universitetet i Oslo, forskningsopphold i England og Tyskland, Dr philos ved UiO MedFak på genetiske studier av gener med betydning for fettomsetning og hjerte- og karsykdom. Forsker ved Institutt for Kreftforskning, Radiumhospitalet, en del av Oslo Universitetssykehus.
Jeg har siden 1988 forsket primært på sarkomer, kreft i binde- og støttevev. I de senere år har vi fokusert på barnekreft.
Established the CCBIO906 Course in Cancer Genomics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Sveen, Anita; Johannessen, Bjarne; Klokkerud, Solveig Margrete Knoph et al. (2024). Evolutionary mode and timing of dissemination of high-grade serous carcinomas. (ekstern lenke)
- Zhou, Yang; Ray, Partho Sarothi; Zhu, Jianguo et al. (2024). Systematic analysis of RNA-binding proteins identifies targetable therapeutic vulnerabilities in osteosarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Ranji, Parmida; Jonasson, Emma; Andersson, Lisa et al. (2024). Deciphering the role of FUS::DDIT3 expression and tumor microenvironment in myxoid liposarcoma development. (ekstern lenke)
- Bai, Baoyan; Wise, Jillian Frances; Vodak, Daniel et al. (2024). Multi-omics profiling of longitudinal samples reveals early genomic changes in follicular lymphoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Namløs, Heidi Maria; Khelik, Ksenia; Nakken, Sigve et al. (2023). Chromosomal instability and a deregulated cell cycle are intrinsic features of high-risk gastrointestinal stromal tumours with a metastatic potential. (ekstern lenke)
- Anzar Martinez de Lagran, Irantzu; Malone, Brandon; Samarakoon, Pubudu Saneth et al. (2023). The interplay between neoantigens and immune cells in sarcomas treated with checkpoint inhibition. (ekstern lenke)
- Ballinger, Mandy L.; Pattnaik, Swetansu; Mundra, Piyushkumar A. et al. (2023). Heritable defects in telomere and mitotic function selectively predispose to sarcomas. (ekstern lenke)
- Misund, Kristine; Hofste op Bruinink, Davine; Coward, Eivind et al. (2022). Clonal evolution after treatment pressure in multiple myeloma: heterogenous genomic aberrations and transcriptomic convergence. (ekstern lenke)
- Venizelos, Andreas; Engebrethsen, Christina; Deng, Wei et al. (2022). Clonal evolution in primary breast cancers under sequential epirubicin and docetaxel monotherapy. (ekstern lenke)
- Namløs, Heidi Maria; Skårn, Magne Nordang; Ali, Deeqa Ahmed Mohamed et al. (2022). miR-486-5p expression is regulated by DNA methylation in osteosarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Peneder, Peter; Stütz, Adrian M.; Surdez, Didier et al. (2021). Multimodal analysis of cell-free DNA whole-genome sequencing for pediatric cancers with low mutational burden. (ekstern lenke)
- Georgiesh, Tatiana; Namløs, Heidi Maria; Sharma, Nitin et al. (2021). Clinical and molecular implications of NAB2-STAT6 fusion variants in solitary fibrous tumour. (ekstern lenke)
- Nakken, Sigve; Saveliev, Vladislav; Hofmann, Oliver et al. (2021). Cancer Predisposition Sequencing Reporter (CPSR): A flexible variant report engine for high-throughput germline screening in cancer. (ekstern lenke)
- Sveen, Anita; Johannessen, Bjarne; Eilertsen, Ina Andrassy et al. (2021). The expressed mutational landscape of microsatellite stable colorectal cancers. (ekstern lenke)
- Grad, Iwona; Hanes, Robert; Ayuda-Duran, Maria del Pilar et al. (2021). Discovery of novel candidates for anti-liposarcoma therapies by medium-scale high-throughput drug screening. (ekstern lenke)
- Stabell, Marianne; Sæther, Thomas; Kjendseth, Åsmund Røhr et al. (2021). Methylation-dependent SUMOylation of the architectural transcription factor HMGA2. (ekstern lenke)
- Cortés-Ciriano, Isidro; Lee, Jake June-Koo; Xi, Ruibin et al. (2020). Comprehensive analysis of chromothripsis in 2,658 human cancers using whole-genome sequencing. (ekstern lenke)
- Zapatka, Marc; Borozan, Ivan; Brewer, Daniel S. et al. (2020). The landscape of viral associations in human cancers. (ekstern lenke)
- Yuan, Yuan; Ju, Young Seok; Kim, Youngwook et al. (2020). Comprehensive molecular characterization of mitochondrial genomes in human cancers. (ekstern lenke)
- Rodriguez-Martin, Bernardo; Alvarez, Eva G.; Baez-Ortega, Adrian et al. (2020). Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes identifies driver rearrangements promoted by LINE-1 retrotransposition. (ekstern lenke)
- Akdemir, Kadir C.; Le, Victoria T.; Chandran, Sahaana et al. (2020). Disruption of chromatin folding domains by somatic genomic rearrangements in human cancer. (ekstern lenke)
- Zhang, Yiqun; Chen, Fengju; Fonseca, Nuno A. et al. (2020). High-coverage whole-genome analysis of 1220 cancers reveals hundreds of genes deregulated by rearrangement-mediated cis-regulatory alterations. (ekstern lenke)
- Bhandari, Vinayak; Li, Constance H.; Bristow, Robert G. et al. (2020). Divergent mutational processes distinguish hypoxic and normoxic tumours. (ekstern lenke)
- Jiao, Wei; Atwal, Gurnit; Polak, Paz et al. (2020). A deep learning system accurately classifies primary and metastatic cancers using passenger mutation patterns. (ekstern lenke)
- Cmero, Marek; Yuan, Ke; Ong, Cheng Soon et al. (2020). Inferring structural variant cancer cell fraction. (ekstern lenke)
- Sieverling, Lina; Hong, Chen; Koser, Sandra D. et al. (2020). Genomic footprints of activated telomere maintenance mechanisms in cancer. (ekstern lenke)
- Cmero, Marek; Yuan, Ke; Ong, Cheng Soon et al. (2020). Inferring structural variant cancer cell fraction. (ekstern lenke)
- Rubanova, Yulia; Shi, Ruian; Harrigan, Caitlin F. et al. (2020). Reconstructing evolutionary trajectories of mutation signature activities in cancer using TrackSig. (ekstern lenke)
- Bailey, Matthew H.; Meyerson, William U.; Dursi, L. Jonathan et al. (2020). Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples. (ekstern lenke)
- Dörnen, Jessica; Myklebost, Ola; Dittmar, Thomas (2020). Cell Fusion of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells and Breast Cancer Cells Leads to the Formation of Hybrid Cells Exhibiting Diverse and Individual (Stem Cell) Characteristics. (ekstern lenke)
- Li, Constance H.; Prokopec, Stephenie D.; Sun, Ren X. et al. (2020). Sex differences in oncogenic mutational processes. (ekstern lenke)
- Serguienko, Ansastassia; Braadland, Peder Rustøen; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A. et al. (2020). Accurate 3-gene-signature for early diagnosis of liposarcoma progression. (ekstern lenke)
- Wise, Jillian; Nakken, Sigve; Steen, Chloe Beate et al. (2020). Mutational dynamics and immune evasion in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma explored in a relapse-enriched patient series. (ekstern lenke)
- ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis, of Whole Genomes Consortium; Campbell, Peter J.; Getz, Gad et al. (2020). Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes. (ekstern lenke)
- Hanes, Robert; Munthe, Else; Grad, Iwona et al. (2019). Preclinical Evaluation of the Pan-FGFR Inhibitor LY2874455 in FRS2-Amplified Liposarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Namløs, Heidi Maria; Pedersen, Kjetil Boye; Mishkin, Skyler J. et al. (2018). Noninvasive Detection of ctDNA Reveals Intratumor Heterogeneity and Is Associated with Tumor Burden in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor. (ekstern lenke)
- Serguienko, Anastassia; Wang, Mengyu; Myklebost, Ola (2018). Real-time vital mineralization detection and quantification during in vitro osteoblast differentiation. (ekstern lenke)
- Løvf, Marthe; Zhao, Sen; Axcrona, Ulrika et al. (2018). Multifocal primary prostate cancer exhibits high degree of genomic heterogeneity. (ekstern lenke)
- Vodak, Daniel; Lorenz, Susanne; Nakken, Sigve et al. (2018). Sample-Index Misassignment Impacts Tumour Exome Sequencing. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Namløs, Heidi Maria; Lorenz, Susanne et al. (2018). Evaluation of commercial DNA and RNA extraction methods for high-throughput sequencing of FFPE samples. (ekstern lenke)
- Gouravan, Sarina; Meza, Leonardo Zepeda; Myklebost, Ola et al. (2018). Preclinical evaluation of vemurafenib as therapy for BRAFV600E mutated sarcomas. (ekstern lenke)
- Birkeland, Einar Elvbakken; Zhang, Shan; Poduval, Deepak et al. (2018). Patterns of genomic evolution in advanced melanoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Rustad, Even Holth; Coward, Eivind; Skytøen, Emilie R et al. (2017). Monitoring multiple myeloma by quantification of recurrent mutations in serum. (ekstern lenke)
- Berg, Kaja Christine Graue; Eide, Peter Andreas Wold; Eilertsen, Ina Andrassy et al. (2017). Multi-omics of 34 colorectal cancer cell lines - a resource for biomedical studies. (ekstern lenke)
- Engkvist, Marie Elise; Stratford, Eva Wessel; Lorenz, Susanne et al. (2017). Analysis of the miR-34 family functions in breast cancer reveals annotation error of miR-34b. (ekstern lenke)
- Behjati, Sam; Tarpey, Patrick S.; Haase, Kerstin et al. (2017). Recurrent mutation of IGF signalling genes and distinct patterns of genomic rearrangement in osteosarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Namløs, Heidi Maria; Zaikova, Olga; Bjerkehagen, Bodil et al. (2017). Use of liquid biopsies to monitor disease progression in a sarcoma patient: a case report. (ekstern lenke)
- Helland, Åslaug; Brustugun, Odd Terje; Nakken, Sigve et al. (2017). High number of kinome-mutations in non-small cell lung cancer is associated with reduced immune response and poor relapse-free survival. (ekstern lenke)
- Sveen, Anita; Johannessen, Bjarne; Tengs, Torstein et al. (2017). Multilevel genomics of colorectal cancers with microsatellite instability – clinical impact of JAK1 mutations and consensus molecular subtype 1. (ekstern lenke)
- Serguienko, Anastassia; Hanes, Robert; Grad, Iwona et al. (2017). PP2A regulatory subunit b55γ is a gatekeeper of osteoblast maturation and lineage maintenance. (ekstern lenke)
- Ballinger, Mandy L.; Goode, David L.; Ray-Coquard, Isabelle et al. (2016). Monogenic and polygenic determinants of sarcoma risk: an international genetic study. (ekstern lenke)
- Lorenz, Susanne; Barøy, Tale; Sun, Jinchang et al. (2016). Unscrambling the genomic chaos of osteosarcoma reveals extensive transcript fusion, recurrent rearrangements and frequent novel TP53 aberrations. (ekstern lenke)
- Hanes, Robert; Grad, Iwona; Lorenz, Susanne et al. (2016). Preclinical evaluation of potential therapeutic targets in dedifferentiated liposarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Barøy, Tale; Chilamakuri, Chandra Sekhar Reddy; Lorenz, Susanne et al. (2016). Genome analysis of osteosarcoma progression samples identifies FGFR1 overexpression as a potential treatment target and CHM as a candidate tumor suppressor gene. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandhu, Vandana; Wedge, David C.; Lothe, Inger Marie Bowitz et al. (2016). The genomic landscape of pancreatic and periampullary adenocarcinoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Halvorsen, Ann Rita; Silwal-Pandit, Laxmi; Meza, Leonardo Zepeda et al. (2016). TP53 mutation spectrum in smokers and never smoking lung cancer patients. (ekstern lenke)
- Kanojia, Deepika; Nagata, Yasunobu; Garg, Manoj et al. (2015). Genomic landscape of liposarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Ju, Y.S; Tubio, J.M.C; Mifsud, W et al. (2015). Frequent somatic transfer of mitochondrial DNA into the nuclear genome of human cancer cells. (ekstern lenke)
- Safavi, S; Järnum, S; Vannas, C et al. (2015). HSP90 inhibition blocks ERBB3 and RET phosphorylation in myxoid/round cell liposarcoma and causes massive cell death in vitro and in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
- Rustad, Even Holth; Dai, Hong Yan; Hov, Håkon et al. (2015). BRAF V600E mutation in early-stage multiple myeloma: good response to broad acting drugs and no relation to prognosis. (ekstern lenke)
- Naderi, Elin Hallan; Skah, Seham; Ugland, Hege Katrin et al. (2015). Bone marrow stroma-derived PGE<sub>2</sub> protects BCP-ALL cells from DNA damage-induced p53 accumulation and cell death. (ekstern lenke)
- Serguienko, Anastassia; Grad, Iwona; Wennerstrøm, Anna et al. (2015). Metabolic reprogramming of metastatic breast cancer and melanoma by Let-7a microRNA. (ekstern lenke)
- Anninga, Jakob K.; Cleton-Jansen, Anne-Marie; Hassan, Bass et al. (2014). Workshop Report on the 2nd Joint ENCCA/EuroSARC European Bone Sarcoma Network Meeting: Integration of Clinical Trials with Tumour Biology.. (ekstern lenke)
- Stratford, Eva Wessel; Myklebost, Ola (2014). TRAP1 is a novel interaction partner of PML, localised with PML in nuclear bodies and relocating with PML to the cytoplasm following stress. (ekstern lenke)
- Håkelien, Anne-Mari; Bryne, Jan Christian; Harstad, Kristine Gjul et al. (2014). The regulatory landscape of osteogenic differentiation. (ekstern lenke)
- Wennerstrøm, Anna; Lothe, Inger Marie Bowitz; Sandhu, Vandana et al. (2014). Generation and Characterisation of Novel Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Xenograft Models and Corresponding Primary Cell Lines. (ekstern lenke)
- Skårn, Magne Nordang; Noordhuis, Paul; Wang, Mengyu et al. (2014). Generation and characterization of an immortalized human mesenchymal stromal cell line. (ekstern lenke)
- Tubio, JMC; Li, Y; Ju, YS et al. (2014). Extensive transduction of non-reptitive DNA mediated by L1 retrotransposition in cancer genomes. (ekstern lenke)
- Barøy, Tale; Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Skårn, Magne Nordang et al. (2014). Reexpression of LSAMP inhibits tumor growth in a preclinical osteosarcoma model. (ekstern lenke)
- Stratford, Eva Wessel; Daffinrud, Jeanette L.; Munthe, Else et al. (2014). The tankyrase-specific inhibitor JW74 affects cell cycle progression and induces apoptosis and differentiation in osteosarcoma cell lines. (ekstern lenke)
- Garsed, Dale W.; Marshall, Owen J.; Corbin, Vincent D.A. et al. (2014). The Architecture and Evolution of Cancer Neochromosomes. (ekstern lenke)
- Chilamakuri, Chandra Sekhar Reddy; Lorenz, Susanne; Madoui, Mohammed-Amin et al. (2014). Performance comparison of four exome capture systems for deep sequencing. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandberg, Cecilie; Altschuler, Gabriel; Jeong, Jieun et al. (2013). Comparison of glioma stem cells to neural stem cells from the adult human brain identifies dysregulated Wnt- signaling and a fingerprint associated with clinical outcome. (ekstern lenke)
- Stratford, Eva Wessel; Bostad, Monica; Russell, Castro et al. (2013). Photochemical internalization of CD133-targeting immunotoxins efficiently depletes sarcoma cells with stem-like properties and reduces tumorigenicity. (ekstern lenke)
- Kuijjer, Marieke L.; Peterse, Elisabeth FP; van den Akker, BEWM et al. (2013). IR/IGF1R signaling as potential target for treatment of high-grade osteosarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Behjati, Sam; Tarpey, Patrick S.; Presneau, Nadège et al. (2013). Distinct H3F3A and H3F3B driver mutations define chondroblastoma and giant cell tumor of bone. (ekstern lenke)
- Lauvrak, Silje Anett Ugland; Munthe, Else; Kresse, Stine Henrichson et al. (2013). Functional characterization of osteosarcoma cell lines and identification of mRNAs and miRNAs associated with aggressive cancer phenotypes. (ekstern lenke)
- Nome, Torfinn; Thomassen, Gard O Sundby; Bruun, Jarle et al. (2013). Common fusion transcripts identified in colorectal cancer cell lines by high throughput RNA sequencing. (ekstern lenke)
- Doorn, Joyce; Fernandes, Hugo A.M.; Le, Bach Q. et al. (2013). A small molecule approach to engineering vascularized tissue. (ekstern lenke)
- Bianchini, Laurence; Birtwisle, Loic; Saada, Esma et al. (2013). Identification of PPAP2B as a novel recurrent translocation partner gene of HMGA2 in lipomas. (ekstern lenke)
- Skårn, Magne; Barøy, Tale; Stratford, Eva Wessel et al. (2013). Epigenetic Regulation and Functional Characterization of MicroRNA-142 in Mesenchymal Cells. (ekstern lenke)
- Ohnstad, Hege Oma; Castro, Russell; Sun, Jinchang et al. (2013). Correlation of TP53 and MDM2 genotypes with response to therapy in sarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Skårn, Magne; Namløs, Heidi Maria; Noordhuis, Paul et al. (2012). Adipocyte Differentiation of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Stromal Cells Is Modulated by MicroRNA-155, MicroRNA-221, and MicroRNA-222. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Meza, Leonardo Zepeda; Machado, Isidro et al. (2012). Preclinical xenograft models of human sarcoma show nonrandom loss of aberrations. (ekstern lenke)
- Namløs, Heidi Maria; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo Andrés; Barøy, Tale et al. (2012). Modulation of the Osteosarcoma Expression Phenotype by MicroRNAs. (ekstern lenke)
- Kuijjer, Marieke L.; Rydbeck, Halfdan; Kresse, Stine Henrichson et al. (2012). Identification of osteosarcoma driver genes by integrative analysis of copy number and gene expression data. (ekstern lenke)
- Namløs, Heidi Maria; Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Muller, Christoph Rainer et al. (2012). Global gene expression profiling of human osteosarcomas reveals metastasis-associated chemokine pattern. (ekstern lenke)
- Stratford, Eva Wessel; Castro, Russell; Daffinrud, Jeanette L. et al. (2012). Characterization of liposarcoma cell lines for preclinical and biological studies. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Rydbeck, Halfdan; Skårn, Magne et al. (2012). Integrative Analysis Reveals Relationships of Genetic and Epigenetic Alterations in Osteosarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Hjortland, Geir Olav; Meza, Leonardo Zepeda; Beiske, Klaus et al. (2011). Genome wide single cell analysis of chemotherapy resistant metastatic cells in a case of gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Kuijjer, Marieke L.; Namløs, Heidi Maria; Hauben, Esther I. et al. (2011). mRNA expression profiles of primary high-grade central osteosarcoma are preserved in cell lines and xenografts. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Meza, Leonardo Zepeda; Machado, Isidro et al. (2011). Genomic validation of preclinical xenograft models of human sarcoma reveals recurrent loss of aberrations. (ekstern lenke)
- Stratford, Eva Wessel; Castro, R; Wennerström, Anna Berit et al. (2011). Combined ALDH and CD133 expression defines a stem-like cancer cell population in liposarcoma xenograft. (ekstern lenke)
- Buddingh, EP; Kuijjer, ML; Duim, RL et al. (2011). Metastasis suppression by tumor-infiltrating macrophages in high-grade osteosarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Skårn, Magne; Namløs, Heidi Maria; Noordhuis, Paul et al. (2011). Adipocyte Differentiation of Immortalized Human Bone Marrow-Derived Stromal Cells is Modulated by microRNA-155, microRNA-221 and microRNA-222. (ekstern lenke)
- Buddingh, Emilie P.; Kuijjer, Marieke L.; Duim, Ronald A.J. et al. (2011). Tumor-Infiltrating Macrophages Are Associated with Metastasis Suppression in High-Grade Osteosarcoma: A Rationale for Treatment with Macrophage Activating Agents. (ekstern lenke)
- Ohnstad, Hege Oma; Paulsen, Erik Braarød; Noordhuis, Paul et al. (2011). MDM2 antagonist Nutlin-3a potentiates antitumour activity of cytotoxic drugs in sarcoma cell lines. (ekstern lenke)
- Mayordomo, E; Machado, I; Giner, F et al. (2010). A Tissue Microarray Study of Osteosarcoma: Histopathologic and Immunohistochemical Validation of Xenotransplanted Tumors as Preclinical Models. (ekstern lenke)
- Ottaviano, L; Schaefer, K-L; Gajewski, M et al. (2010). Molecular Characterization of Commonly Used Cell Lines for Bone Tumor Research: A Trans-European EuroBoNet Effort. (ekstern lenke)
- Muller, Christoph Rainer; Namløs, Heidi Maria; Bjerner, Johan et al. (2010). Characterization of Treatment Response to Recombinant Interferon-α2b in Osteosarcoma Xenografts. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Szuhai, K; Heslanyeth Barragan Polania, Ana et al. (2010). Evaluation of high-resolution microarray platforms for genomic profiling of bone tumours. (ekstern lenke)
- Henriksen, Jørn; Stabell, Marianne; Meza, Leonardo Zepeda et al. (2010). Identification of target genes for wild type and truncated HMGA2 in mesenchymal stem-like cells. (ekstern lenke)
- Eide, Marianne Brodtkorb; Liestøl, Knut; Lingjærde, Ole Christian et al. (2010). Genomic alterations reveal potential for higher grade transformation in follicular lymphoma and confirm parallel evolution of tumor cell clones. (ekstern lenke)
- Tenstad, Ellen; Tourovskaia, Anna; Folch, Albert et al. (2010). Extensive adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of patterned human mesenchymal stem cells in a microfluidic device. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Ohnstad, Hege Oma; Bjerkehagen, Bodil et al. (2010). DNA Copy Number Changes in Human Malignant Fibrous Histiocytomas by Array Comparative Genomic Hybridisation. (ekstern lenke)
- Lehne, Gustav; Grasmo-Wendler, Unn-Hilde; Berner, Jeanne-Marie et al. (2009). Upregulation of stem cell genes in multidrug resistant K562 leukemia cells. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Ohnstad, HO; Paulsen, Erik Braarød et al. (2009). LSAMP, a Novel Candidate Tumor Suppressor Gene in Human Osteosarcomas, Identified by Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization. (ekstern lenke)
- Ottaviano, L; Schaefer, K-L; Gajewski, M et al. (2009). Molecular characterization of commonly used cell lines for bone tumor research. A trans-European EuroBoNet effort. (ekstern lenke)
- Lyng, H; Lando, M; Brovig, RS et al. (2008). GeneCount: genome-wide calculation of absolute tumor DNA copy numbers from array comparative genomic hybridization data. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Skårn, Magne; Ohnstad, Hege Oma et al. (2008). DNA copy number changes in high-grade malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors by array CGH. (ekstern lenke)
- Roman, E; Meza, Leonardo Andres Zepeda; Kresse, Stine Henrichson et al. (2008). Chromosomal aberrations in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas in Norwegian and Sudanese populations by array comparative genomic hybridization. (ekstern lenke)
- Roman, Eric; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A.; Kresse, Stine H. et al. (2008). Chromosomal aberrations in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas in Norwegian and Sudanese populations by array comparative genomic hybridization. (ekstern lenke)
- Meza, Zepeda Leonardo; Noer, Agate; Dahl, John Arne et al. (2008). High-resolution analysis of genetic stability of human adipose tissue stem cells cultured to senescence. (ekstern lenke)
- Francis, P; Namlos, HM; Muller, C et al. (2007). Diagnostic and prognostic gene expression signatures in 177 soft tissue sarcomas: hypoxia-induced transcription profile signifies metastatic potential. (ekstern lenke)
- Kleivi, Kristine; Lind, Guro E; Diep, Chieu B et al. (2007). Gene expression profiles of primary colorectal carcinomas, liver metastases, and carcinomatoses. (ekstern lenke)
- Muller, CR; Paulsen, EB; Noordhuis, P et al. (2007). Potential for treatment of liposarcomas with the MDM2 antagonist Nutlin-3A. (ekstern lenke)
- Berner, Jeanne-Marie; Muller, Christoph Rainer; Holden, Marit et al. (2006). Sampling effects on gene expression data from a human tumour xenograft. (ekstern lenke)
- Meza, Zepeda Leonardo; Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Barragan-Polania, AH et al. (2006). Array comparative genomic hybridization reveals distinct DNA copy number differences between gastrointestinal stromal tumors and leiomyosarcomas. (ekstern lenke)
- Meza-Zepeda, L. A.; Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Barragan-Polania, AH et al. (2006). Array comparative genomic hybridization reveals distinct DNA copy number differences between gastrointestinal stromal tumors and leiomyosarcomas.. (ekstern lenke)
- Ågesen, T.H; Flørenes, Vivi Ann; Molenaar, I. et al. (2005). Expression patterns of cell cycle components in sporadic and neurofibromatosis type 1 related malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. (ekstern lenke)
- Nygaard, Vigdis; Holden, Marit; Løland, Anders et al. (2005). Limitations of mRNA amplification from small-size cell samples. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Berner, Jeanne-Marie; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardi A et al. (2005). Mapping and characterizatin of the amplicon near APOA2 in Iq23 in human sarcomas by FISH and array CGH. (ekstern lenke)
- Galteland, Eivind; Sivertsen, EA; Svendsrud, D.H et al. (2005). Translocation t(14;18)and gain of chromosome 18/BCL2: effects on BCL2 exression and apoptosis in B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjerkehagen, Bodil; Myklebost, Ola (2005). Molekylærbiologisk diagnostikk ved bein- og bløtvevssvulster. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Junbai; Meza, Zepeda Leonardo; Kresse, Stine Henrichson et al. (2004). M-CGH: Analysing microarray-based CGH experiments. (ekstern lenke)
- Lyng, Heidi; Badiee, Azadeh; Svendsrud, Debbie H. et al. (2004). Profound influence of microarray scanner characteristics on gene expression ratios: analysis and procedure for correction. (ekstern lenke)
- Troen, Gunhild; Nygaard, Vigdis; Jenssen, T. K. et al. (2004). Constitutive expression of the AP-1 transcription factors c-jun, junD, junB and c-fos and the marginal zone B-cell transcription factor Notch2 in splenic marginal zone lymphoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Junbai; Bø, Trond Hellem; Bo, TH et al. (2004). Tumor classification and marker gene prediction by feature selection and fuzzy c-means clustering using microarray data. (ekstern lenke)
- Lyng, Heidi; Landsverk, Kirsti; Kristiansen, Elin et al. (2004). The response of malignant B lymphocytes to ionizing radiation: Geneexpression and genotype. (ekstern lenke)
- Haug, O; Myklebost, Ola; Aldrin, M et al. (2004). Analysis of the humoral immune response to immunoselected phage-displayed peptides by a microarray-based method. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Junbai; Meza-Zepeda, LA; Kresse, Stine Henrichson et al. (2004). M-CGH: analysing microarray-based CGH experiments.. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Junbai; Bø, Trond; Jonassen, Inge et al. (2003). Tumor classification and marker gene prediction by feature selection and fuzzy c-means clustering using microarray data. (ekstern lenke)
- Maire, G.; Forus, Anne; Foa, C et al. (2003). 11q13 alterations in two cases of hibernoma: large heterozygous deletions and rearrangement breakpoints near GARP in 11q13.5. (ekstern lenke)
- Henriksen, Jørn; Aagesen, T.H.; Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari et al. (2003). Amplification and overexpression of COPS3 in osteosarcomas potentially target TP53 for proteasome-mediated degradation. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Junbai; Myklebost, Ola; Hovig, Eivind (2003). MGraph: graphical models for microarray data analysis. (ekstern lenke)
- Andersen, Kristin; Smith-Sørensen, Birgitte; Pedersen, Kjetil Boye et al. (2003). Interferon-gamma suppresses S100A4 transciption independently of apoptosis or cell cycle arrest. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Junbai; Myklebost, Ola; Hovig, Eivind et al. (2003). Tumor classification and marker gene prediction by feature selection and fuzzy c-means clustering using microarray data. (ekstern lenke)
- Nygaard, Vigdis; Løland, Anders; Holden, Marit et al. (2003). Effects of mRNA amplification on gene expression ratios in cDNA experiments estimated by analysis of variance. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Junbai; Bø, Trond Hellem; Jonasen, Inge et al. (2003). Tumor classification and marker gene prediction by feature selection and fuzzy c-means clustering using microarray data. (ekstern lenke)
- Xie, Y.; Skytting, B.; Nilsson, G. et al. (2002). The SYT-SSX1 fusion type of synovial sarcoma is associated with increased expression of cyclin A and D1. A link between t(X;18)(p11;2;q11.2) and the cell cycle machinery. (ekstern lenke)
- Jenssen, Tor-Kristian; Langaas, Mette; Kuo, Winston P. et al. (2002). Analysis of repeatability in spotted cDNA microarrays. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Jacob Edward; Delabie, Jan; Aasheim, Hans-Christian et al. (2002). Clustering of the SOM easily reveals distinct gene expression patterns: results of a reanalysis of lymphoma study. (ekstern lenke)
- Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A.; Forus, Anne; Lygren, B. et al. (2002). Positional cloning identifies a novel cyclophilin as a candidate amplified oncogene in 1q21. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Junbai; Delabie, Jan; Åsheim, Hans-Christian et al. (2002). Clustering of the SOM easily reveals distinct gene expression patterns: results of a reanalysis of lymphoma study. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Junbai; Delabie, Jan; aasheim, Hans-Christian et al. (2002). Clustering of the SOM easily reveals distinct gene expression patterns: results of a reanalysis of lymphoma study.. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Arne K.; Støren, Ole; Nørsett, Kristin et al. (2001). Måling av genaktivitet med DNA mikromatriser (mikroarray). Molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper. (ekstern lenke)
- Forus, Anne; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A.; Bjerkhagen, B. et al. (2001). Dedifferentiation of a WDLPS to a highly malignant osteogenic tumor is associated with high-level amplification og 12q14-q22 and gain of 1q22. (ekstern lenke)
- Forus, Anne; Larramedny, M. L.; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A. et al. (2001). Dedifferentiation of a well-differentiated liposarcoma to a highly malignant osteosarcoma:amplification of 12q14 at all stages and gain of 1q22-q24 associated with metastases. (ekstern lenke)
- Forus, Anne; Larramedny, M. L.; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A. et al. (2001). Dedifferentiation of a well-differentiated liposarcoma to a highly malignant metastatic osteosarcoma: amplification of 12q14 at all stages and gain of 1q22-q24 associated with metastases. (ekstern lenke)
- Forus, Anne; Sørlie, Therese; Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise et al. (2001). Mikromatriser i kreftforskning: Nå trenger vi ikke å bare lete under gatelyktene!. (ekstern lenke)
- Hovig, Eivind; Myklebost, Ola; Aamdal, Steinar et al. (2001). Genterapi ved kreft. (ekstern lenke)
- Forus, Anne; Bjerkhagen, B.; Sirvent, N. et al. (2001). A well-differentiated liposarcoma with a new type of chromosome 12-derived markers. (ekstern lenke)
- Lægreid, A.; Komorowski, J.; Sandvik, Arne K. et al. (2001). DNA mikroarray- vindu mot tusentals gen. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Arne K.; Støren, O.; Nørsett, K. et al. (2001). Måling av genaktivitet med DNA mikromatriser (mikroarray). Molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Arne K.; Støren, O.; Nørsett, K. et al. (2000). DNA Mikroarray- molekylære og teknologiske prinsipper. (ekstern lenke)
- Simons, A.; Schepens, M.; Jeuken, J. et al. (2000). Frequent allelic loss of 9p21 (p16INK4A) and other genomic imbalances in human malignant fibruos histiocytoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A.; Berner, Jeanne-Marie; South, A. et al. (2000). Characterisation of etopic sequences from tumor-associated, truncated HMGIC genes shows recurrent involvement of spesific chromosomal regions. (ekstern lenke)
- Simons, A.; Jeuken, J.; Zande, G. van de et al. (2000). Frequent allelic loss of 9p21 (p16INK4A) and other genomic imbalances in human malignant fibruos histiocytoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Sirvent, N.; Forus, Anne; Lescaut, W. et al. (2000). Characterization of centromere alterations in liposarcomas. (ekstern lenke)
- Forus, Anne; Larramedny, M. L.; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A. et al. (2000). Dedifferentiation of a WDLPS to a highly malignant osteogenic tumor is associated with high-level amplification of 12q14-q22 and gain of 1q22. (ekstern lenke)
- Sirvent, N.; Forus, Anne; Lescaut, W. et al. (2000). Characterization of centromere alterations in liposarcomas. (ekstern lenke)
- Ljøsne, Isabelle Budin; Solbakk, Jan Helge; Harris, Jennifer Ruth et al. (2018). Bringing personalized medicine to people. (ekstern lenke)
- Hanes, Robert; Myklebost, Ola; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A et al. (2018). Precision medicine for the treatment of a highly malignant and resistant type of liposarcoma. (ekstern lenke)
- Kresse, Stine Henrichson; Myklebost, Ola (2008). Chromosomal aberrations in human sarcomas identified using genomic microarrays. (ekstern lenke)
- Aamdal, Steinar; Bentzen, Heidi Beate; Borge, Ole Johan et al. (2017). Åpne Nordens grenser for forskning og behandling. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola; Lothe, Ragnhild A; Gjertsen, Bjørn Tore et al. (2015). Bør hver kreftpasient bli et eget forskningsprosjekt?. (ekstern lenke)
- Skotheim, Rolf Inge; Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo Andrés; Hovig, Eivind et al. (2012). Genomsekvensering for persontilpasset kreftbehandling. (ekstern lenke)
- Stratford, Eva Wessel; Myklebost, Ola (2016). Vil behandle sjeldne kreftformer med personlig medisinering. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2015). Ny studie: Flaks eller uflaks bestemmer oftest om du får kreft – ikke usunn livsstil.Tilfeldige mutasjoner i DNA står bak to av tre krefttilfeller.. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2015). ”It’s All About the Genome”. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2015). ”Jakten på en kreftkur”. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2015). “Helseforetakene driver beskyttede industribedrifter” Om svak satsing på fagutvikling og utprøvende behandling.. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2014). En ny generasjon kreftmedisin. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2014). Muligheter med livets strekkkode. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2014). "Dødstest" kan forusi risiko for å dø i løpet av fem år. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2013). Kartlegger kreftgenene. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2013). Kreftforskning; Kan kampen vinnes?. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2013). Beregner seg frem til ny kreftbehandling. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2013). Storsatsing på bedre kreftbehandling. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). Om Norsk Kreftgenomikkonsortium. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). Skal kartleggja kreftgenar hos 4000 nordmenn. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). Intervju om medisinske gjennombrudd. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). Intervju om persontilpasset kreftmedisin. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola; Lothe, Ragnhild A. (2012). Persontilpasset kreftbehandling. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). Norway invests in personalized cancer care. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). Norway to bring cancer tests to the clinic. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). På vei mot persontilpasset kreftmedisin. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). Når gener skrus av og på. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). Reading cancer's blueprint. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2012). Persontilpasset kreftmedisin. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2009). “Utforsker kreftsynder” Artikkel om symposiet “Frontiers in Cancer Stem Cell Research: From Basic Science Towards a Cure”. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola; Meza, Leonardo Andres Zepeda (2009). Skal lage “bok” over alle krefttyper. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2009). Dreper vi de riktige kreftcellene?. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
- Kager, Leo; Whelan, Jeremy; Dirksen, U et al. (2016). The ENCCA-WP7/EuroSarc/EEC/PROVABES/EURAMOS 3rd European Bone Sarcoma Networking Meeting/Joint Workshop of EU Bone Sarcoma Translational Research Networks; Vienna, Austria, September 24-25, 2015. Workshop Report. (ekstern lenke)
- Myklebost, Ola (2015). Personalized cancer therapy for soft tissue sarcomas: progress and pitfalls. (ekstern lenke)
- Tubio, José M.C.; Li, Yilong; Ju, Young Seok et al. (2014). Extensive transduction of nonrepetitive DNA mediated by L1 retrotransposition in cancer genomes. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomas, DM; Wilhelm, M; Cleton-Jansen, Anne-Marie et al. (2012). Workshop report on the European Bone Sarcoma Networking Meeting: integration of clinical trials with tumor biology. (ekstern lenke)
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Main projects:
NoSarC, characterization of a national 3-year cohort of sarcoma patients and their samples, including establishment and characterization of disease models.
KidImmune, a study of autoimmunity in pediatric cancer patients.