Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kinge, Jonas Minet; Øien, Henning; Dieleman, Joseph L.
et al. (2025). Forecasting total and cause-specific health expenditures for 116 health conditions in Norway, 2022–2050. (ekstern lenke)
Steel, Nicholas; Clarissa Maria Mercedes, Bauer-Staeb; Ford, John A
et al. (2025). Changing life expectancy in European countries 1990–2021: a subanalysis of causes and risk factors from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Bryazka, Dana; Reitsma, Marissa B; Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis
et al. (2024). Forecasting the effects of smoking prevalence scenarios on years of life lost and life expectancy from 2022 to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Vollset, Stein Emil; Ababneh, Hazim S; Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis
et al. (2024). Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022–2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Bhattacharjee, Natalia V.; Schumacher, Austin E; Aali, Amirali
et al. (2024). Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950-2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Schumacher, Austin E; Kyu, Hmwe Hmwe; Aali, Amirali
et al. (2024). Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Naghavi, Mohsen; Ong, Kanyin Liane; Aali, Amirali
et al. (2024). Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Ferrari, Alize J; Santomauro, Damian Francesco; Aali, Amirali
et al. (2024). Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Naghavi, Mohsen; Vollset, Stein Emil; Ikuta, Kevin S
et al. (2024). Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance 1990–2021: a systematic analysis with forecasts to 2050. (ekstern lenke)
Arndt, Michael Benjamin; Abate, Yohannes Habtegiorgis; Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen
et al. (2024). Global, regional, and national progress towards the 2030 global nutrition targets and forecasts to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Brauer, Michael; Roth, Gregory A.; Aravkin, Aleksandr Y.
et al. (2024). Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Mokdad, Ali H; Bisignano, Catherine; Hsu, Johnathan M
et al. (2024). Burden of disease scenarios by state in the USA, 2022–50: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Wu, Ai-Min; Cross, Marita; Elliott, James M.
et al. (2024). Global, regional, and national burden of neck pain, 1990–2020, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Ng, Marie; Dai, Xiaochen; Cogen, Rebecca M.
et al. (2024). National-level and state-level prevalence of overweight and obesity among children, adolescents, and adults in the USA, 1990–2021, and forecasts up to 2050. (ekstern lenke)
Ferreira, Manuela L.; Luca, Katie de; Haile, Lydia M
et al. (2023). Global, regional, and national burden of low back pain, 1990–2020, its attributable risk factors, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Mørland, Jørg Gustav; Magnus, Per Minor; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2023). Associations between serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and cause-specific mortality in a general population of 345 000 men and women aged 20–79 years. (ekstern lenke)
Ong, Kanyin Liane; Stafford, Lauryn K; McLaughlin, Susan A
et al. (2023). Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. (ekstern lenke)
Kinge, Jonas Minet; Dieleman, Joseph L.; Karlstad, Øystein
et al. (2023). Disease-specific health spending by age, sex, and type of care in Norway: a national health registry study. (ekstern lenke)
Kinge, Jonas Minet; de Linde, Astrid; Dieleman, Joseph
et al. (2023). Production losses from morbidity and mortality by disease, age and sex in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Ellingsen, Christian Lycke; Sulo, Enxhela
et al. (2022). Heart failure describing the underlying cause of death: a misconception, lack of information on the true underlying causes, or both?. (ekstern lenke)
Ellingsen, Christian Lycke; Alfsen, Glenny Cecilie; Ebbing, Marta
et al. (2022). Garbage codes in the Norwegian Cause of Death Registry 1996–2019. (ekstern lenke)
Clarsen, Benjamin Matthew; Nylenna, Magne; Klitkou, Søren Toksvig
et al. (2022). Changes in life expectancy and disease burden in Norway, 1990–2019: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. (ekstern lenke)
Kinge, Jonas Minet; Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Flatø, Martin
et al. (2021). Parental income and mental disorders in children and adolescents: prospective register-based study. (ekstern lenke)
Evensen, Miriam; Klitkou, Søren Toksvig; Tollånes, Mette Christophersen
et al. (2021). Parental income gradients in adult health: a national cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
Agardh, Emilie, E.; Allebeck, Peter; Flodin, Pär
et al. (2020). Alcohol‐attributed disease burden in four Nordic countries between 2000 and 2017: Are the gender gaps narrowing? A comparison using the Global Burden of Disease, Injury and Risk Factor 2017 study. (ekstern lenke)
Gildestad, Trude; Bjørge, Tone; Haaland, Øystein Ariansen
et al. (2020). Maternal use of folic acid and multivitamin supplements and infant risk of birth defects in Norway, 1999–2013. (ekstern lenke)
Afshin, Ashkan; Sur, Patrick John; Fay, Kairsten A.
et al. (2019). Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. (ekstern lenke)
Øyen, Nina; Olsen, Sjurdur Frodi; Basit, Saima
et al. (2019). Association Between Maternal Folic Acid Supplementation and Congenital Heart Defects in Offspring in Birth Cohorts From Denmark and Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Kinge, Jonas Minet; Modalsli, Jørgen Heibø; Øverland, Simon Nygaard
et al. (2019). Association of Household Income with Life Expectancy and Cause-Specific Mortality in Norway, 2005-2015. (ekstern lenke)
Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad; Vosoughi, Kia; Heydarpour, Pouria
et al. (2019). Burden of neurodegenerative diseases in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990-2016: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Feigin, Valery L.; Nichols, Emma; Alam, Tahiya
et al. (2019). Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Igland, Jannicke; Øverland, Simon Nygaard
et al. (2019). Heart failure in Norway, 2000-2014: analysing incident, total and readmission rates using data from the Cardiovascular Disease in Norway (CVDNOR) Project. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Igland, Jannicke; Sulo, Enxhela
et al. (2019). Mortality following first-time hospitalization with acute myocardial infarction in Norway, 2001-2014: Time trends, underlying causes and place of death. (ekstern lenke)
Fitzmaurice, Christina; Abate, Degu; Abazzi, Naghmeh
et al. (2019). Global, regional, and national cancer incidence,
mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability,
and disability-adjusted life-years for 29 cancer groups,
1990 to 2017: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. (ekstern lenke)
Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Allebeck, Peter; Tollånes, Mette Christophersen
et al. (2019). Life expectancy and disease burden in the Nordic countries: results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017. (ekstern lenke)
Mokdad, Ali H.; Khalil, Ibrahim; Collison, Michael
et al. (2018). Maternal mortality and morbidity burden in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. (ekstern lenke)
Mokdad, Ali H.; El Bcheraoui, Charbel; Wang, Haidong
et al. (2018). Trends in HIV/AIDS morbidity and mortality in Eastern Mediterranean countries, 1990–2015: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Svingen, Gard Frodahl Tveitevåg; Tell, Grethe S.
et al. (2018). Plasma concentrations and dietary intakes of choline and betaine in association with atrial fibrillation risk: Results from 3 prospective cohorts with different health profiles. (ekstern lenke)
Ellingsen, Christian Lycke; Ebbing, Marta; Alfsen, G. Cecilie
et al. (2018). Injury death certificates without specification of the circumstances leading to the fatal injury - the Norwegian Cause of Death Registry 2005-2014. (ekstern lenke)
Fullman, Nancy; Yearwood, Jamal; Abay, Solomon M.
et al. (2018). Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Troeger, Christopher; Blacker, Brigette F; Khalil, Ibrahim A
et al. (2018). Estimates of the global, regional, and national morbidity, mortality, and aetiologies of diarrhoea in 195 countries: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Tollånes, Mette Christophersen; Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2018). Sykdomsbyrden i Norge i 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Degenhardt, Louisa; Charlson, Fiona; Ferrari, Alize
et al. (2018). The global burden of disease attributable to alcohol and drug use in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 . (ekstern lenke)
Cowan, Andrew J.; Allen, Christine; Barać, Aleksandra
et al. (2018). Global burden of multiple myeloma: A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Mokdad, Ali H.; Khalil, Ibrahim; El Bcheraoui, Charbel
et al. (2018). Burden of diarrhea in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990-2015: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Igland, Jannicke; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2018). Trends in incident acute myocardial infarction in Norway: An updated analysis to 2014 using national data from the CVDNOR project. (ekstern lenke)
Griswold, Max G; Fullman, Nancy; Hawley, Caitlin
et al. (2018). Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Tell, Grethe S.; Ueland, Per Magne
et al. (2018). The PAr index, an indicator reflecting altered vitamin B-6 homeostasis, is associated with long-term risk of stroke in the general population: the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK). (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Nygård, Ottar; Ueland, Per Magne
et al. (2018). Association of plasma neopterin with risk of an inpatient hospital diagnosis of atrial fibrillation: results from two prospective cohort studies. (ekstern lenke)
Mokdad, Ali H.; Ballestros, Katherine; Echko, Michelle
et al. (2018). The state of US health, 1990-2016: Burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors among US states. (ekstern lenke)
Gustavson, Kristin; Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Nesvåg, Ragnar
et al. (2018). Prevalence and stability of mental disorders among young adults: Findings from a longitudinal study. (ekstern lenke)
Brodwall, Kristoffer; Greve, Gottfried; Leirgul, Elisabeth
et al. (2018). The five-year survival of children with Down syndrome in Norway 1994-2009 differed by associated congenital heart defects and extracardiac malformations. (ekstern lenke)
Kyu, Hmwe H.; Maddison, Emilie R.; Henry, Nathaniel J.
et al. (2018). The global burden of tuberculosis: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Fitzmaurice, Christina; Akinyemiju, Tomi F.; Al Lami, Faris Hasan
et al. (2018). Global, regional, and national cancer incidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-adjusted life-years for 29 cancer groups, 1990 to 2016 a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study global burden of disease cancer collaboration. (ekstern lenke)
Kassebaum, N.J.; Smith, A.G.C.; Bernabé, E.
et al. (2017). Global, Regional, and National Prevalence, Incidence, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years for Oral Conditions for 195 Countries, 1990-2015: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors. (ekstern lenke)
Gakidou, Emmanuela; Afshin, Ashkan; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu
et al. (2017). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Akinyemiju, Tomi; Abera, Semaw Ferede; Ahmed, Muktar
et al. (2017). The burden of primary liver cancer and underlying etiologies from 1990 to 2015 at the global, regional, and national level results from the global burden of disease study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H.; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2017). Burden of musculoskeletal disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990-2013: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Nygård, Ottar; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2017). Smoking, plasma cotinine and risk of atrial fibrillation: the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Fullman, Nancy; Barber, Ryan M.; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu
et al. (2017). Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Vos, Theo; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu; Abbafati, Cristiana
et al. (2017). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Hay, Simon I.; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu; Abate, Kalkidan Hassen
et al. (2017). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Brodwall, Kristoffer; Greve, Gottfried; Leirgul, Elisabeth
et al. (2017). Recurrence of congenital heart defects among siblings - a nationwide study. (ekstern lenke)
Barber, Ryan M; Fullman, Nancy; Sorensen, Reed J D
et al. (2017). Healthcare Access and Quality Index based on mortality from causes amenable to personal health care in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2015: a novel analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Reitsma, Marissa B; Fullman, Nancy; Ng, Marie
et al. (2017). Smoking prevalence and attributable disease burden in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Igland, Jannicke; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2017). Prognostic impact of in-hospital and postdischarge heart failure in patients with acute myocardial infarction: a nationwide analysis using data from the Cardiovascular Disease in Norway (CVDNOR) Project. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Enxhela; Nygård, Ottar; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2017). Time trends and educational inequalities in out-of-hospital coronary deaths in Norway 1995-2009: A Cardiovascular Disease in Norway (CVDNOR) project. (ekstern lenke)
Roth, Gregory A; Johnson, Catherine; Abajobir, Amanuel
et al. (2017). Global, Regional, and National Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases for 10 Causes, 1990 to 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Wang, Haidong; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu; Abate, Kalkidan Hassen
et al. (2017). Global, regional, and national under-5 mortality, adult mortality, age-specific mortality, and life expectancy, 1970-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Naghavi, Mohsen; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu; Abbafati, Cristiana
et al. (2017). Global, regional, and national age-sex specific mortality for 264 causes of death, 1980-2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. (ekstern lenke)
Riise, Hilde Kristin Refvik; Sulo, Gerhard; Tell, Grethe S.
et al. (2017). Incident coronary heart disease after Preeclampsia: Role of reduced fetal growth, preterm delivery, and parity. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Igland, Jannicke; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2017). Trends in the risk of early and late-onset heart failure as an adverse outcome of acute myocardial infarction: A Cardiovascular Disease in Norway project. (ekstern lenke)
Kinge, Jonas Minet; Sælensminde, Kjartan; Dieleman, Joseph
et al. (2017). Economic losses and burden of disease by medical conditions in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Ueland, Per Magne; Midttun, Øivind
et al. (2017). Results from the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition link vitamin B6 catabolism and lung cancer risk. (ekstern lenke)
Soriano, Joan B.; Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu; Abate, Kalkidan Hassen
et al. (2017). Global, regional, and national deaths, prevalence, disability-adjusted life years, and years lived with disability for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Thomas, Bernadette; Matsushita, Kunihiro; Abate, Kalkidan Hassen
et al. (2017). Global cardiovascular and renal outcomes of reduced GFR. (ekstern lenke)
Afshin, Ashkan; Forouzanfar, Mohammad H.; Reitsma, Marissa B.
et al. (2017). Health effects of overweight and obesity in 195 countries over 25 years. (ekstern lenke)
Kassebaum, N.J.; Barber, R.M.; Dandona, L.
et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national levels of maternal mortality, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Wang, Haidong; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Coates, Matthew M
et al. (2016). Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Wang, H.; Wolock, T.M.; Carter, A.
et al. (2016). Estimates of global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980–2015: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Agardh, Emilie Elisabet; Danielsson, Anna-Karin; Ramstedt, Mats
et al. (2016). Alcohol-attributed disease burden in four Nordic countries: a comparison using the Global Burden of Disease, Injuries and Risk Factors 2013 study. (ekstern lenke)
Gildestad, Trude; Øyen, Nina; Klungsøyr, Kari
et al. (2016). Maternal use of folic acid supplements and infant risk of neural tube defects in Norway 1999-2013. (ekstern lenke)
Langørgen, Jørund; Ebbing, Marta; Igland, Jannicke
et al. (2016). The universal 2012 definition of myocardial infarction compared to the 2007 definition. (ekstern lenke)
Monsen, Anne Lise Bjørke; Ulvik, Arve; Nilsen, Roy Miodini
et al. (2016). Impact of Pre-Pregnancy BMI on B Vitamin and Inflammatory Status in Early Pregnancy: An Observational Cohort Study. (ekstern lenke)
Fanidi, Anouar; Muller, David C.; Midttun, Øivind
et al. (2016). Circulating Vitamin D in relation to cancer incidence and survival of the head and neck and oesophagus in the EPIC cohort. (ekstern lenke)
Berge, Line Iden; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Sulo, Gerhard
et al. (2016). Health anxiety and risk of ischaemic heart disease: A prospective cohort study linking the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK) with the Cardiovascular Diseases in Norway (CVDNOR) project. (ekstern lenke)
Haugsgjerd, Teresa Risan; Dierkes, Jutta; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2016). Association between weight change and mortality in community living older people followed for up to 14 years. The Hordaland Health Study (HUSK). (ekstern lenke)
Forouzanfar, Mohammad H.; Afshin, Ashkan; Alexander, Lily T.
et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Wang, Haidong; Naghavi, Mohsen; Allen, Christine
et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Price, Alison J.; Travis, Ruth C.; Appleby, Paul N.
et al. (2016). Circulating folate and vitamin B12 and risk of prostate cancer: a collaborative analysis of individual participant data from six cohorts including 6875 cases and 8104 controls. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Nygård, Ottar; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2016). Higher education is associated with reduced risk of heart failure among patients with acute myocardial infarction: A nationwide analysis using data from the CVDNOR project. (ekstern lenke)
Vos, Theo; Allen, Christine; Arora, Megha
et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Jortveit, Jarle; Øyen, Nina; Leirgul, Elisabeth
et al. (2016). Trends in Mortality of Congenital Heart Defects. (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Ueland, Per Magne; Ulvik, Arve
et al. (2016). Plasma Biomarkers of Inflammation, the Kynurenine Pathway, and Risks of All-Cause, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: The Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Reese, Sarah E; Zhao, Shanshan; Wu, Michael C
et al. (2016). DNA methylation score as a biomarker in newborns for sustained maternal smoking during pregnancy. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Igland, Jannicke; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2016). Heart Failure Complicating Acute Myocardial Infarction; Burden and Timing of Occurrence: A Nation-wide Analysis Including 86 771 Patients From the Cardiovascular Disease in Norway (CVDNOR) Project. (ekstern lenke)
Mortensen, Jan Helge Seglem; Øyen, Nina; Fomina, Tatiana
et al. (2016). Supplemental folic acid in pregnancy and childhood cancer risk. (ekstern lenke)
Egeland, Grace M.; Igland, Jannicke; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2016). High population attributable fractions of myocardial infarction associated with waist-hip ratio. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Enxhela; Nygård, Ottar; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2016). Coronary angiography and myocardial revascularization following the first acute myocardial infarction in Norway during 2001-2009: Analyzing time trends and educational inequalities using data from the CVDNOR project. (ekstern lenke)
Chuang, Shu-Chun; Boeing, Heiner; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2016). Cellular immune activity biomarker neopterin is associated hyperlipidemia: results from a large population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
Joubert, Bonnie R; Den Dekker, Herman T; Felix, Janine F
et al. (2016). Maternal plasma folate impacts differential DNA methylation in an epigenome-wide meta-analysis of newborns. (ekstern lenke)
Kassebaum, Nicholas J.; Arora, Megha; Barber, Ryan M.
et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE), 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. (ekstern lenke)
Leirgul, Elisabeth; Gildestad, Trude; Nilsen, Roy Miodini
et al. (2015). Periconceptional folic acid supplementation and infant risk of congenital heart defects in Norway 1999-2009. (ekstern lenke)
Aleksandrova, Krasimira; Chuang, Shu-Chun; Boeing, Heiner
et al. (2015). A prospective study of the immune system activation biomarker neopterin and colorectal cancer risk. (ekstern lenke)
Vos, Theo; Barber, Ryan M.; Bell, Brad
et al. (2015). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (ekstern lenke)
Deb-Rinker, Paromita; León, Juan Andrés; Gilbert, Nicolas L.
et al. (2015). Differences in perinatal and infant mortality in high-income countries: Artifacts of birth registration or evidence of true differences?. (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Ueland, Per Magne; Eussen, Simone
et al. (2015). Markers of vitamin B6 status and metabolism as predictors of incident cancer: The Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Øyen, Jannike; Svingen, Gard Frodahl Tveitevåg; Gjesdal, Clara Gram
et al. (2015). Plasma dimethylglycine, nicotine exposure and risk of low bone mineral density and hip fracture: the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Bakken, Inger Johanne; Ellingsen, Christian Lycke; Pedersen, Anne-Gro
et al. (2015). Sammenlikning av data fra Dødsårsaksregisteret og Norsk pasientregister. (ekstern lenke)
Mortensen, Jan Helge Seglem; Øyen, Nina; Fomina, Tatiana
et al. (2015). Supplemental folic acid in pregnancy and maternal cancer risk. (ekstern lenke)
Brodwall, Kristoffer; Leirgul, Elisabeth; Greve, Gottfried
et al. (2015). Possible Common Aetiology behind Maternal Preeclampsia and Congenital Heart Defects in the Child: a Cardiovascular Diseases in Norway Project Study.. (ekstern lenke)
Murray, Christopher J.L.; Barber, Ryan M.; Foreman, Kyle J.
et al. (2015). Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition.. (ekstern lenke)
Gildestad, Trude; Bjørge, Tone; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2015). Folic acid supplements and risk of oral clefts in the newborn: A population-based study.. (ekstern lenke)
Kinge, Jonas Minet; Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Skirbekk, Vegard
et al. (2015). Musculoskeletal disorders in Norway: Prevalence of chronicity and use of primary and specialist health care services. (ekstern lenke)
Kinge, Jonas Minet; Strand, Bjørn Heine; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2015). Educational inequalities in obesity and gross domestic product: evidence from 70 countries. (ekstern lenke)
Fitzmaurice, Christina; Dicker, Daniel; Pain, Amanda
et al. (2015). The Global Burden of Cancer 2013. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Igland, Jannicke; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2015). Effect of the Lookback period's length used to identify incident acute myocardial infarction on the observed trends on incidence rates and survival: cardiovascular disease in Norway project. (ekstern lenke)
Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt; Skjaerven, Rolv; Klungsøyr, Kari
et al. (2015). Can 'early programming' be partly explained by smoking? Results from a prospective, population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Enxhela; Vollset, Stein Emil; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2015). Trends in 28-day and 1-year mortality rates in patients hospitalized for a first acute myocardial infarction in Norway during 2001-2009: A Cardiovascular disease in Norway (CVDNOR) project. (ekstern lenke)
Eussen, Simone; Ueland, Per Magne; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2015). Kynurenines as predictors of acute coronary events in the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Leirgul, Elisabeth; Fomina, Tatiana; Brodwall, Kristoffer
et al. (2014). Birth prevalence of congenital heart defects in Norway 1994-2009 - A nationwide study. (ekstern lenke)
Kinge, Jonas Minet; Roxrud, Ingrid; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2014). Are the Norwegian health research investments in line with the disease burden?. (ekstern lenke)
Wang, Haidong; Liddell, Chelsea A; Coates, Matthew M
et al. (2014). Global, regional, and national levels of neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (ekstern lenke)
Langørgen, Jørund; Ebbing, Marta; Igland, Jannicke
et al. (2014). Implications of changing definitions of myocardial infarction on number of events and all-cause mortality: the WHO 1979, ESC/ACC 2000, AHA 2003, and Universal 2007 definitions revisited. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Igland, Jannicke; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2014). Favorable trends in incidence of AMI in Norway during 2001-2009 do not include younger adults: a CVDNOR project. (ekstern lenke)
Murray, Christopher J L; Neupane, Sudan Prasad; Kinge, Jonas Minet
et al. (2014). Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990—2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (ekstern lenke)
Eidem, Ingvild; Vangen, Siri; Henriksen, Tore
et al. (2014). Discrepancy in term calculation from second trimester ultrasound scan versus last menstrual period in women with type 1 diabetes. (ekstern lenke)
Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Mastroiacovo, Pierpaolo; Gunnes, Nina
et al. (2014). Folic acid supplementation and interpregnancy interval. (ekstern lenke)
Sengpiel, Verena; Bacelis, Jonas; Myhre, Ronny
et al. (2014). Folic acid supplementation, dietary folate intake during pregnancy and risk for spontaneous preterm delivery: a prospective observational cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
Igland, Jannicke; Vollset, Stein Emil; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2014). Educational inequalities in acute myocardial infarction incidence in Norway: A nationwide cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
Ng, Marie; Fleming, Tom; Robinson, Margaret
et al. (2014). Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Vollset, Stein Emil; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2014). Trends in acute myocardial infarction event rates and risk of recurrences after an incident event in Norway 1994 to 2009 (from a cardiovascular disease in Norway project). (ekstern lenke)
Sengpiel, Verena; Bacelis, Jonas; Myhre, Ronny
et al. (2014). Retraction: " folic acid supplementation, dietary folate intake during pregnancy and risk for spontaneous preterm delivery: A prospective observational cohort study". (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Tell, Grethe Seppola; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2014). Interferon-γ-induced inflammatory markers and the risk of cancer: The Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Theofylaktopoulou, Despoina; Ulvik, Arve; Midttun, Øivind
et al. (2014). Vitamins B2 and B6 as determinants of kynurenines and related markers of interferon-gamma-mediated immune activation in the community-based Hordaland health study.. (ekstern lenke)
Igland, Jannicke; Vollset, Stein Emil; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2014). Educational inequalities in 28 day and 1-year mortality after hospitalisation for incident acute myocardial infarction - A nationwide cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
Johansson, Mattias; Anouar, Fanidi; Muller, David C.
et al. (2014). Circulating biomarkers of one-carbon metabolism in relation to renal cell carcinoma incidence and survival. (ekstern lenke)
Fanidi, Anouar; Relton, Caroline; Ueland, Per Magne
et al. (2014). A prospective study of one-carbon metabolism biomarkers and cancer of the head and neck and esophagus. (ekstern lenke)
De Vogel, Stefan; Ulvik, Arve; Meyer, Klaus
et al. (2014). Sarcosine and other metabolites along the choline oxidation pathway in relation to prostate cancer – a large nested case-control study within the JANUS cohort in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Øyen, Jannike; Gjesdal, Clara Gram; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2014). Smoking and body fat mass in relation to bone mineral density and hip fracture: The Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Engel, Stephanie M.; Joubert, Bonnie R.; Wu, Michael C.
et al. (2014). Neonatal genome-wide methylation patterns in relation to birth weight in the Norwegian mother and child cohort. (ekstern lenke)
Joubert, Bonnie R.; Håberg, Siri Eldevik; Bell, Douglas A.
et al. (2014). Maternal smoking and DNA methylation in newborns: In utero effect or epigenetic inheritance?. (ekstern lenke)
Shaw, Gary M.; Yang, Wei; Carmichael, Suzan L.
et al. (2014). One-carbon metabolite levels in mid-pregnancy and risks of conotruncal heart defects. (ekstern lenke)
Nitter, Mathilde Hjelle; Norgård, Benedicte Wentzel; De Vogel, Stefan
et al. (2014). Plasma methionine, choline, betaine, and dimethylglycine in relation to colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). (ekstern lenke)
Doets, EL; Ueland, Per Magne; Tell, Grethe S
et al. (2014). Interactions between plasma concentrations of folate and markers of vitamin B12 status with cognitive performance in elderly people not exposed to folic acid fortification: the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Øyen, Jannike; Nygård, Ottar; Gjesdal, Clara Gram
et al. (2014). Plasma choline, nicotine exposure, and risk of low bone mineral density and hip fracture: the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Chuang, Shu-Chun; Fanidi, Anouar; Ueland, Per Magne
et al. (2014). Circulating biomarkers of tryptophan and the kynurenine pathway and lung cancer risk. (ekstern lenke)
Naghavi, Mohsen; Wang, Haidong; Lozano, Rafael
et al. (2014). Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (ekstern lenke)
Roth, Christine; Monsen, Anne Lise Bjørke; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted
et al. (2013). Use of folic acid supplements in early pregnancy in relation to maternal plasma levels in week 18 of pregnancy. (ekstern lenke)
Vinknes, Kathrine; Elshorbagy, Amany K; Nurk, Eha
et al. (2013). Plasma stearoyl-CoA desaturase indices: Association with lifestyle, diet and body composition. (ekstern lenke)
Vogiatzoglou, Anna; Smith, David; Nurk, Eha
et al. (2013). Cognitive function in an elderly population: Interaction between vitamin B12 status, depression and apolipoprotein E4. The Hordaland Homocysteine Study. (ekstern lenke)
Egeland, Grace M ; Sundvor, Vernar; Igland, Jannicke
et al. (2013). Opportunities for diabetes research using the Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Registry. (ekstern lenke)
Sengpiel, Verena; Bacelis, Jonas; Myhre, Ronny
et al. (2013). Folic acid supplementation, dietary folate intake during pregnancy and risk for spontaneous preterm delivery: a prospective observational cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
Vinknes, Kathrine; Elshorbagy, Amany K.; Drevon, Christian A
et al. (2013). Associations between plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids, plasma stearoyl-CoA desaturase indices and body fat. (ekstern lenke)
Vinknes, Kathrine; Dekker, Jacqueline M.; Drevon, Christian A
et al. (2013). Plasma sulfur amino acids and stearoyl-CoA desaturase activity in two caucasian populations. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2. (ekstern lenke)
Håberg, Siri Eldevik; Trogstad, Lill; Gunnes, Nina
et al. (2013). Risk of Fetal Death after Pandemic Influenza Virus Infection or Vaccination. (ekstern lenke)
Hjellvik, Vidar; Selmer, Randi; Gjessing, Håkon K.
et al. (2013). Body mass index, smoking, and risk of death between 40 and 70 years of age in a Norwegian cohort of 32,727 women and 33,475 men. (ekstern lenke)
Theofylaktopoulou, Despoina; Midttun, Øivind; Ulvik, Arve
et al. (2013). A community-based study on determinants of circulating markers of cellular immune activation and kynurenines: the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Igland, Jannicke; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2013). Cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus in Norway during 1994 -2009: CVDNOR - nationwide research project. (ekstern lenke)
Nurk, Eha; Refsum, Helga; Bjelland, Ingvar
et al. (2013). Plasma free choline, betaine and cognitive performance: the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Engeland, Anders; Bjørge, Tone; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti
et al. (2013). Effects of preconceptional paternal drug exposure on birth outcomes: cohort study of 340,000 pregnancies using Norwegian population-based databases. (ekstern lenke)
Monsen, Anne Lise Bjørke; Roth, Christine; Magnus, Per
et al. (2013). Maternal B vitamin status in pregnancy week 18 according to reported use of folic acid supplements. (ekstern lenke)
Sulo, Gerhard; Vollset, Stein Emil; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2013). Neopterin and kynurenine-tryptophan ratio as predictors of coronary events in older adults, the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Vollset, Stein Emil
(2013). Risk and causes of death between 40 and 70 years of age in the Nordic countries 1951-2010. (ekstern lenke)
Eussen, Simone; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Midttun, Øivind
et al. (2013). North-south gradients in plasma concentrations of B-vitamins and other components of one-carbon metabolism in Western Europe: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study. (ekstern lenke)
Lu, Yuan; Hajifathalian, Kaveh; Ezzati, Majid
et al. (2013). Metabolic mediators of the effects of body-mass index, overweight, and obesity on coronary heart disease and stroke: a pooled analysis of 97 prospective cohorts with 1.8 million participants. (ekstern lenke)
Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Suren, Pål; Gunnes, Nina
et al. (2013). Analysis of self-selection bias in a population-based cohort study of autism spectrum disorders. (ekstern lenke)
Vinknes, Kathrine; Elshorbagy, Amany K.; Drevon, Christian A
et al. (2013). Evaluation of the body adiposity index in a caucasian population: the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
De Vogel, Stefan; Meyer, Klaus; Fredriksen, Åse
et al. (2013). Serum folate and vitamin B12 concentrations in relation to prostate cancer risk-a Norwegian population-based nested case-control study of 3000 cases and 3000 controls within the JANUS cohort. (ekstern lenke)
Vollset, Stein Emil; Clarke, Robert; Lewington, Sarah
et al. (2013). Effects of folic acid supplementation on overall and site-specific cancer incidence during the randomised trials: meta-analyses of data on 50 000 individuals. (ekstern lenke)
Veiby, Gyri; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti; Schjølberg, Synnve
et al. (2013). Exposure to antiepileptic drugs in utero and child development - a prospective population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
Joubert, Bonnie R.; Håberg, Siri Eldevik; Nilsen, Roy Miodini
et al. (2012). 450K epigenome-wide scan identifies differential DNA methylation in newborns related to maternal smoking during pregnancy. (ekstern lenke)
Igland, Jannicke; Vollset, Stein Emil; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2012). Relative importance of risk factors for coronary heart disease - The Hordaland Homocysteine Study. (ekstern lenke)
Knudsen, Ann Kristin Skrindo; Forthun, Ingeborg; Madsen, Christian
et al. (2024). Mortality in Norway during the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-2023. (ekstern lenke)
Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Vollset, Stein Emil
et al. (2018). Sykdomsbyrden i Norge i 2016. Resultater fra Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016). (ekstern lenke)
Ariansen, Inger; Nystad, Wenche; Graff-Iversen, Sidsel
et al. (2017). Utvikling av indikatorer på NCD området knyttet til rapportering for den globale og nasjonale NCD strategien
. (ekstern lenke)
Knudsen, Ann Kristin Skrindo; Tollånes, Mette Christophersen; Haaland, Øystein Ariansen
et al. (2017). Sykdomsbyrde i Norge 2015. Resultater fra Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 (GBD 2015). (ekstern lenke)
Knudsen, Ann Kristin; Kinge, Jonas Minet; Skirbekk, Vegard
et al. (2016). Sykdomsbyrde i Norge 1990-2013. Resultater fra Global burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors study 2013 (GBD 2013). (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Bakken, Inger Johanne Landsjøåsen; Ariansen, Anja Maria Steinsland; Knudsen, Gun Peggy S.
et al. (2019). The Norwegian Patient Registry and the Norwegian Registry for Primary Health Care: Research potential of two nationwide healthcare registries. (ekstern lenke)
Roth, Gregory A.; Johnson, Catherine O.; Abate, Kalkidan Hassen
et al. (2018). The burden of cardiovascular diseases among us states, 1990-2016. (ekstern lenke)
Kassebaum, Nicholas; Kyu, Hmwe Hmwe; Zoeckler, Leo
et al. (2017). Child and adolescent health from 1990 to 2015: Findings from the global burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors 2015 study. (ekstern lenke)
Fitzmaurice, Christina; Allen, Christine; Barber, Ryan M.
et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national cancer incidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-adjusted life-years for 32 cancer groups, 1990 to 2015: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study Global Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration. (ekstern lenke)
Leirgul, Elisabeth; Brodwall, Kristoffer; Greve, Gottfried
et al. (2016). Maternal Diabetes, Birth Weight, and Neonatal Risk of Congenital Heart Defects in Norway, 1994-2009. (ekstern lenke)
Kyu, Hmwe H.; Pinho, Christine; Wagner, Joseph A.
et al. (2016). Global and national burden of diseases and injuries among children and adolescents between 1990 and 2013 findings from the global burden of disease 2013 study. (ekstern lenke)
Forouzanfar, Mohammad H.; Alexander, Lily; Anderson, H. Ross
et al. (2015). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (ekstern lenke)
Chuang, Shu-Chun; Rota, Matteo; Gunter, Mark J.
et al. (2013). Quantifying the dose-response relationship between circulating folate concentrations and colorectal cancer in cohort studies: a meta-analysis based on a flexible meta-regression model. (ekstern lenke)
Park, Jin Young; Vollset, Stein Emil; Melse-Boonstra, Alida
et al. (2013). Dietary intake and biological measurement of folate: A qualitative review of validation studies. (ekstern lenke)
Stanaway, Jeffrey D.; Afshin, Ashkan; Gakidou, Emmanuela
et al. (2019). Erratum: Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 (The Lancet (2018) 392(10159) (1923–1994), (S0140673618322256), (10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32225-6)). (ekstern lenke)
Roth, Gregory A.; Abate, Degu; Abate, Kalkidan Hassen
et al. (2018). Erratum: Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 (The Lancet (2018) 392(10159) (1736–1788)(S0140673618322037)(10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32203-7)). (ekstern lenke)
Kassebaum, N.J.; Barber, R.M.; Dandona, L.
et al. (2017). Erratum: Global, regional, and national levels of maternal mortality, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (The Lancet (2016) 388(10053) (1775–1812)(S0140673616314702)(10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31470-2)). (ekstern lenke)
Wang, Haidong; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Coates, Matthew M
et al. (2017). Erratum: Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (The Lancet (2016) 388(10053) (1725–1774)(S0140673616315756)(10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31575-6)). (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Riise, Hilde Kristin Refvik; Sulo, Gerhard; Tell, Grethe S.
et al. (2017). Gestational hypertension and risk of cardiovascular disease in 613,996 Norwegian women
. (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Ueland, Per Magne; Nygård, Ottar
et al. (2017). Plasma choline and betaine and risk of incident atrial fibrillation: the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Tell, Grethe S.; Ueland, Per Magne
et al. (2017). Vitamin B6-related biomarkers and long-term stroke risk: the Hordaland Health Study. (ekstern lenke)
Zuo, Hui; Ueland, Per Magne; Eussen, Simone
et al. (2014). Markers of vitamin B6 status and metabolism as predictors of incident cancer: A community-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
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