Asgeir Sorteberg
Research groups
Asgeir Sorteberg is professor in atmospheric dynamics working at the Geophysical Institute (GFI), University of Bergen and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR)
His main research focus on the hydrological cycle, extreme weather events, renewable energy resources and climate change.
Asgeir Sorteberg on:
I am currently teaching
Geophysical Institute
GEOF100: Introduction to climate, atmosphere and ocean physics
SDG213: Causes and impacts of Climate Change
GEOF348: Advanced Climate Dynamics
Digital teaching
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on FutureLearn: Causes of Climate Change
Previously taught courses
Geophysical Institute
GEOF100: Introduction to climate, atmosphere and ocean physics (2015-2024)
SDG213: Causes and impacts of Climate Change (2018-2024)
GEOF348: Advanced Climate Dynamics (2019-2024)
MNF344: Causes of Climate Change (2017).
GEOF212: Physical Climatology (2008-2011)
GEOF327: The General Circulation of the Atmosphere (2009-2010)
GEOF120: Meteorology (2009-2011, 2014)
Bergen Summer Research School, UiB
GDC08-05/ GDC10-05: Research Methods in Climate change and Health (2008, 2010)
GDC16-05: Climate change and water (2016)
Guest lecturer:
- Department of Geoscience (GEO), Univ. of Bergen: GEOV217: Geohazards (2016-2019)
- School of Economics (NHH): ENE452: Global Aspects of Climate Change and Ethical Challenges (2013-2017)
- Centre for International Health (CIH), Univ. of Bergen: INTH313: Globalisation and Health (2014)
- Department of Physics and Technology (IFT), Univ. of Bergen : PHYS109: Introduction in Astrophysics (2012-2013)
- UNIS - The University centre in Svalbard: AGF-213: Polar Meteorology (2000-2002), AGF-212: Processes in Snow and Ice (2002), AG-204: The Physical Geography of Svalbard (2002-2005). AGF-211: Air/Ice/Sea Interaction (2004-2007).
- Jaison, Ashbin; Michel, Clio; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2024). Projections of windstorm damages under changing climate and demography for Norway . (external link)
- Jaison, Ashbin; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Michel, Clio et al. (2024). Quantification, future projections and impact-based forecasting of damages. (external link)
- Eldevik, Tor; Gebhardt, Cristian Guillermo; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2024). Forskning og utdanning rundt havvind . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2024). The StormRisk project and damage modeling. (external link)
- Michel, Clio; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2024). Future wind climate. (external link)
- Jaison, Ashbin; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Michel, Clio et al. (2022). Storm damage relations for Norway: damage function approach. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). StormRisk prosjektet - Ekstrem vind og skade. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). Mister vi en årstid?. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Climatic changes in short duration extreme precipitation and rapid onset flooding – implications for design values . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Klima 2016: Hva som skjer, og hvorfor . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Klima i Norge 2100 – Hvor skal vi bygge? . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Klima i Norge 2100 – Kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatilpassing . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Nedbør i et varmere klima – mulige infrastrukturutfordringer. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Klima og vannkraft . (external link)
- Jaison, Ashbin; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Michel, Clio et al. (2024). Storms and associated damages in Norway. (external link)
- Jaison, Ashbin; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Michel, Clio et al. (2022). Storms and associated damages in Norway. (external link)
- Jaison, Ashbin; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Michel, Clio et al. (2022). Storms and associated damages in Norway. (external link)
- Pontoppidan, Marie Louise Nielsen; Kolstad, Erik; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter et al. (2019). Large-scale regional model biases in the extratropical North Atlantic storm track and impacts on downstream precipitation. (external link)
- Bhatt, Bhuwan Chandra; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Eidhammer, Trude et al. (2019). Hydro-climatic variability in the Hardanger glacier in Norway. (external link)
- Pontoppidan, Marie Louise Nielsen; Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter et al. (2017). Addressing challenges in convection permitting modelling: A Norwegian case. (external link)
- Mayer, Stephanie; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Dyrrdal, Anita Verpe (2016). Non-stationary extreme value analysis for precipitation over Norway. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Present and future snowfall in the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra Basins. (external link)
- Sørland, Silje Lund; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Liu, Changhai et al. (2013). Climate sensitivity simulations of monsoon low-pressure systems over India. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Estimating snowfall from temperature and precipitation in data-limited Himalayan watersheds. (external link)
- Sørland, Silje Lund; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Liu, Changhai et al. (2013). Monsoon low-pressure systems over India: a climatology study and high-resolution climate sensitivity simulations. (external link)
- Lunde, T. M.; Mesquita, Michel D Santos; Hodges, Kevin I. et al. (2011). The Influence of African Easterly Waveson the Generation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones in WRFTropical-Channel Simulations. (external link)
- Korecha, Diriba; Lunde, Torleif Markussen; Mesquita, Michel D Santos et al. (2010). Performance of tropical channel simulations using the WRF model: Ethiopian rainfall responses to microphysical and cumulus parameterization schemes. (external link)
- Orsolini, Yvan; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Impact of snow cover on inter-annual variability of the NH winter circulation in an ensemble GCM simulation forced by satellite observations. (external link)
- Barstad, Idar; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Flatøy, Frode et al. (2008). Downscaling of ERA40 in Norway. (external link)
- Ma, Shujie; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2005). Autumn snow cover and wintertime North Atlantic large scale variability: Observed and simulated analysis. (external link)
- Benestad, R.E.; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Chen, D. (2004). Storm statistics derived using a calculus-based cyclone identification method. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Byrkjedal, Øyvind; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar (2004). North Atlantic winter stormtrack variability and NAO/AO. (external link)
- Ma, Shujie; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2004). Impact of Eurasian snow conditions on the North Atlantic Oscillation. (external link)
- Mesquita, Michel dos Santos; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2004). Tracking Summer Storms: A Climatological Overview and Variability in the North Atlantic. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar (2003). Relationships between the South Asian Jet Stream Waveguide and the NAO. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar (2003). Relationships between the South Asian jet Stream Waveguide and the NAO. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2003). The development of sea ice, NAO and THC in a CO2 increase ensemble with the Bergen Climate Model. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2001). The NAO/AO Signal in the Bergen Climate Model: A Twin Experiment With/Without Flux Adjustment. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2024). Tørke gir vannkrise i Mexico. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2024). Dette er de beste klimatiltakene du kan gjøre selv . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2024). Så alvorlig er en varmere jordklode . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2024). Verdens fremste klimaforskere om 1,5-gradersmålet: – Nesten umulig. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2023). Er det en rar vinter eller klima-endringer?. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2023). Tror nye land vil oppleve turistboom om sommeren. Og ett land seiler opp som et perfekt sydenmål.. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2023). Vil Syden-turen om sommeren snart forsvinne?. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2023). Slik kobles flomkatastrofen i Libya til klimaendringene . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). Skrinne vannmagasiner i Telemark - trenger søkkvåt høst.. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). Vinteridyllen kan sprekke - Ny studie: Fremtidens OL er i fare . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). En framtid fattig på snø. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). Inte fler men ännu blötare stormar i framtiden. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Ekspertintervjuet: Derfor er Klimapanelet så bastante nå.. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Konsekvensene kan nå observeres over hele kloden: - Klimaendringene er her nå. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Nå kommer den viktigste klimarapporten på syv år: – Den er svært alvorstung.. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Klimaforsker: - Oslos infrastruktur er ikke dimensjonert for ekstremværet som kan komme. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Historisk bilde Har aldri skjedd tidligere. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Det blir enda mer ekstremvær - og det gjør ikke unntak for Oslo. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Det ekstreme blir mer vanlig. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Klimaforskerne har aldri vært sikrere: – Det blir stadig mer ekstremt. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Tørke, Branner, ekstremnedbør og Hetebølger - FN-rapport slår alarm om verdens tilstand.. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Mer intenst for hver grad temperaturen øker. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Vi har et tidsvindu for å redusere utslippene. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2020). «Himmelelvene» er usynlige helt til de treffer land. Da kommer ekstremværet.. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2020). Himmelelver gjør vinteren våt. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2020). De er usynlige helt til de treffer land. Da kommer ekstremværet.. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2019). Havet stig: Over 50.000 bygningar kan bli ramma. Her kan du sjå om stormfloda vil fløyma inn i huset eller naustet ditt!. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2019). Vêrvarsel for dei neste 80 åra: Meir ekstremnedbør. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2018). Nærmere 1,7 millioner evakueres: Florence kan treffe land med enorm styrke. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2018). Ekstreme Hordaland på naturskadetoppen. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Skybrudd i ørkenen. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Spår drastisk snøreduksjon i hytte-Norge. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Klimafokus på byggsamling. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Slik smelter drømmen om snø - Skisesongen blir dramatisk kortere i fremtiden. (external link)
- Nisancioglu, Kerim Hestnes; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Håper å dra studenter til campus: UiB bruker Mooc som lokkemat. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Regn med mer ekstremregn. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Kjempeorkaner kan ramme Nord-Europa. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Uvêret er tilfeldig. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Uvêret er tilfeldig. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Helt ekstremt! Forskerne beregnet mye nedbør - men ikke så mye som dette. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Tyfonene blir verre og verre. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Tilfeldig uvær. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Dette blir det mer av. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Stigende hav kan sluke mye av jærstrendene. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Framtiden i låste hender. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Mesquita, Michel D Santos (2012). Til India for å forske på snø. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Vi kan merke utslippseffekt om 100 år. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Kraftig økning i ekstremnedbør. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). - Vi treng ikkje frykta villare vêr. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Må regne med flere superorkaner. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Derfor kan tropiske orkaner gi høststormer i Norge. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). 5 spørsmål orkaner. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Det har vært lite snø. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Meir storm ved Stad. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Studentene gjør meg bedre. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Meir ekstremver. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Mer ekstremvær i vente. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Belønnet for Engasjement. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Kraftig advarsel om mer ekstremvær. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Vent deg våtere vintre. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Må tilpasse oss ekstreme hendelser. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Varsler mer ekstremvær. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). Vi får mest nedbør. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). Sommervarmen lar vente på seg. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). Isen i Arktis blåser bort. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). The answer is blowing in the wind: Winds from Siberia reduce Arctic sea ice cover. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). Isutbredelse usikkert klimamål i Arktis. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). Isen i Arktis blåser bort. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2009). Vi lærer ikke av våre feil. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2009). Føler oss trygge i faresonen. (external link)
- Drange, Helge; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Global oppvarming utsatt. (external link)
- Drange, Helge; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Global opvarmning udsat. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Johannessen, Jill (2008). Våte drømmer for kraftbransjen. (external link)
- Drange, Helge; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). CO2-utslippene til himmels. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Været har blitt verre. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Dyster klimastudie vekker oppsikt. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Flere lavtrykk siste 60 år. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). 30 prosent flere lavtrykk. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). 30 prosent flere lavtrykk. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Været var bedre før. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Norge tjener på klimaendringer. (external link)
- Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Pengar stoppar sikker tunnel. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Lønnsom klimaendring: Mer regn gir kraftoverskudd i Norge. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Avblåser kraftkrisen. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Lavtrykk i kø gir ny våt uke. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Norge tjener på klimaendringer. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Climate researchers with the whole world as their laboratory. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Malariamyggen truer flere. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Forstår ikke hvorfor isen smelter så fort. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). CO2-utslipp gir mer regn og mer tørke. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Smelting av isen i Arktis. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). 2,5 meter regn. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Så vått at forskerne ikke henger med. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Miljøslakt av Tromsø-OL. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Klimabløffen. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Miljøslakt av Tromsø-OL. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Skal varsle malaria. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Risikofullt hav. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Varmere hav gir økt orkanaktivitet. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Skal varsle malaria. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Høyfjellsovergangene i Sør-Norge stengt. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Slik blir kloden - Her er FNs nye klimascenarier. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Dette kan bli helt normalt. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Hotvedt, Marte (2006). Venn deg til vannet!. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Norge må se mot Kina. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Kindem, Ina K. Thorstensen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Sibirsk snø gir regn i Bergen. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Lavtrykk i polkø. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Tidenes varmeste på jordkloden?. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Snø i Himalaya. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Launching of the Norwegian Climate Centre 9 May 2005. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2002). "Klimamodell vekker internasjonal oppsikt." Intervju i forbindelse med Bjerknesdagene 2002. (external link)
Academic article
- Jaison, Ashbin; Michel, Clio; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2024). Projections of windstorms damages under changing climate and demography for Norway. (external link)
- Jaison, Ashbin; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Michel, Clio et al. (2024). Assessment of wind-damage relations for Norway using 36 years of daily insurance data. (external link)
- Konstali, Kjersti; Spensberger, Clemens; Spengler, Thomas et al. (2024). Global Attribution of Precipitation to Weather Features. (external link)
- Konstali, Kjersti; Spengler, Thomas; Spensberger, Clemens et al. (2024). Linking Future Precipitation Changes to Weather Features in CESM2-LE. (external link)
- Hagen, Jenny Sjåstad; Hasibi, Ramin; Leblois, Etienne et al. (2023). Reconstructing daily streamflow and floods from large-scale atmospheric variables with feed-forward and recurrent neural networks in high latitude climates. (external link)
- Michel, Clio; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2023). Future Projections of EURO-CORDEX Raw and Bias-Corrected Daily Maximum Wind Speeds Over Scandinavia. (external link)
- Solbrekke, Ida Marie; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2023). Norwegian offshore wind power—Spatial planning using multi-criteria decision analysis. (external link)
- Solbrekke, Ida Marie; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). NORA3-WP: A high-resolution offshore wind power dataset for the Baltic, North, Norwegian, and Barents Seas. (external link)
- Konstali, Kjersti; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). Why has Precipitation Increased in the Last 120 Years in Norway?. (external link)
- Bondevik, Stein; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Groundwater fluctuations during a debris flow event in western Norway - Triggered by rain and snowmelt. (external link)
- Michel, Clio; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Eckhardt, Sabine et al. (2021). Characterization of the atmospheric environment during extreme precipitation events associated with atmospheric rivers in Norway - Seasonal and regional aspects. (external link)
- Hagen, Jenny Sjåstad; Leblois, Etienne; Lawrence, Deborah et al. (2021). Identifying major drivers of daily streamflow from large-scale atmospheric circulation with machine learning. (external link)
- Solbrekke, Ida Marie; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Haakenstad, Hilde (2021). The 3 km Norwegian reanalysis (NORA3) – a validation of offshore wind resources in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea. (external link)
- Solbrekke, Ida Marie; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2020). Mitigation of offshore wind power intermittency by interconnection of production sites. (external link)
- Mao, Yiwen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2020). Improving Radar-Based Precipitation Nowcasts with Machine Learning Using an Approach Based on Random Forest. (external link)
- Pariyar, Sunil Kumar; Keenlyside, Noel; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2020). Factors affecting extreme rainfall events in the South Pacific. (external link)
- Pontoppidan, Marie Louise Nielsen; Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter et al. (2019). Large‐scale regional model biases in the extratropical North Atlantic storm track and impacts on downstream precipitation. (external link)
- Bohlinger, Patrik; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Liu, Changhai et al. (2018). Multiscale characteristics of an extreme precipitation event over Nepal. (external link)
- Sandvik, Mari Ingeborg; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Rasmussen, Roy (2017). Sensitivity of historical orographically enhanced extreme precipitation events to idealized temperature perturbations. (external link)
- Azad, Roohollah; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2017). Extreme daily precipitation in coastal western Norway and the link to atmospheric rivers. (external link)
- Bohlinger, Patrik; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2017). A comprehensive view on trends in extreme precipitation in Nepal and their spatial distribution. (external link)
- Bohlinger, Patrik; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Sodemann, Harald (2017). Synoptic Conditions and Moisture Sources Actuating Extreme Precipitation in Nepal. (external link)
- Sørland, Silje Lund; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Liu, Changhai et al. (2016). Precipitation response of monsoon low-pressure systems to an idealized uniform temperature increase. (external link)
- Sørland, Silje Lund; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). The dynamic and thermodynamic structure of monsoon low-pressure systems during extreme rainfall events. (external link)
- Sørland, Silje Lund; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Low-pressure systems and extreme precipitation in central India: sensitivity to temperature changes. (external link)
- Sand, Maria; Iversen, Trond; Bohlinger, Patrik et al. (2015). A standardised global climate model study showing unique properties for the climate response to black carbon aerosols. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Snowfall in the Himalayas: An uncertain future from a little-known past. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Snowfall in the Himalayas: an uncertain future from a little-known past . (external link)
- Lindtjorn, Bernt; Loha, Eskindir; Deressa, Wakgari et al. (2014). Strengthening malaria and climate research in Ethiopia. (external link)
- Azad, Roohollah; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2014). The vorticity budgets of North Atlantic winter extratropical cyclone life cycles in MERRA reanalysis. Part I: Development phase. (external link)
- Azad, Roohollah; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2014). The vorticity budgets of North Atlantic winter extratropical cyclone life cycles in MERRA reanalysis. Part II: Decaying phase. (external link)
- Lunde, Torleif Markussen; Korecha, Diriba; Loha, Eskindir et al. (2013). A dynamic model of some malaria-transmitting anopheline mosquitoes of the Afrotropical region. I. Model description and sensitivity analysis. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Korecha, Diriba; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Recent drought and precipitation tendencies in Ethiopia. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). The effect of moisture transport variability on Ethiopian summer precipitation. (external link)
- Lunde, Torleif Markussen; Korecha, Diriba; Loha, Eskindir et al. (2013). A dynamic model of some malaria-transmitting anopheline mosquitoes of the Afrotropical region. I. Model description and sensitivity analysis. (external link)
- Lunde, Torleif Markussen; Balkew, Meshesha; Korecha, Diriba et al. (2013). A dynamic model of some malaria-transmitting anopheline mosquitoes of the Afrotropical region. II. Validation of species distribution and seasonal variations. (external link)
- Korecha, Diriba; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Validation of operational seasonal rainfall forecast in Ethiopia. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Moisture transport into the Ethiopian highlands. (external link)
- Mengistu, Dereje Tesfahun; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Sensitivity of SWAT simulated streamflow to climatic changes within the Eastern Nile River basin. (external link)
- Barstad, Idar; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Mesquita, Michel D Santos (2012). Present and future offshore wind power potential in northern Europe based on downscaled global climate runs with adjusted SST and sea ice cover. (external link)
- Heikkila, Ulla Elina; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Characteristics of autumn-winter extreme precipitation on the Norwegian west coast identified by cluster analysis. (external link)
- Heikkila, Ulla Elina; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Dynamical downscaling of ERA-40 in complex terrain using the WRF regional climate model. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Moisture transport into the Ethiopian highlands. (external link)
- Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Sirevaag, Anders; Kloster, Kjell et al. (2011). Recent wind driven high sea ice area export in the Fram Strait contributes to Arctic sea ice decline. (external link)
- Caidong, Caidong; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). Modelled mass balance of Xibu glacier, Tibetan Plateau: sensitivity to climate change. (external link)
- Azad, Roohollah; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2009). A diagnosis of warm-core and cold-core extratropical cyclone development using the Zwack–Okossi equation. (external link)
- Orsolini, Y.; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2009). Projected changes in Arctic summer cyclones under global warming in the Bergen climate model. (external link)
- Barstad, Idar; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Flatøy, Frode et al. (2009). Precipitation, temperature and wind in Norway: dynamical downscaling of ERA40. (external link)
- Elshamy, Mohamed; Seierstad, Ivar Ambjørn; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2009). Impacts of climate change on Blue Nile flows using bias-corrected GCM scenarios. (external link)
- Jaedicke, C.; Solheim, A.; Blikra, L. H. et al. (2008). Spatial and temporal variations of Norwegian geohazards in a changing climate, the GeoExtreme Project. (external link)
- Zhang, Xiangdong; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Zhang, Jing et al. (2008). Recent radical shifts of atmospheric circulations and rapid changes in Arctic climate system. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Walsh, John E. (2008). Seasonal cyclone variability at 70 degrees N and its impact on moisture transport into the Arctic. (external link)
- Mesquita, Michel dos Santos; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2008). Climatological properties of summertime extra-tropical storm tracks in the Northern Hemisphere. (external link)
- Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kloster, Kjell (2008). Recent and future changes of the Arctic sea-ice cover. (external link)
- Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Song, Yongjia; Seierstad, Ivar Ambjørn et al. (2008). Clustering of cyclones in the ARPEGE general circulation model. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kattsov, Vladimir; Walsh, John E. et al. (2007). The Arctic surface energy budget as simulated with the IPCC AR4 AOGCMs. (external link)
- Collins, Matt; Botzet, A; Carril, AF et al. (2006). Interannual to decadal climate predictability in the North Atlantic: A multimodel-ensemble study. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvingedal, Børge (2006). Atmospheric forcing on the Barents Sea winter ice extent. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar (2006). The effect of internal variability on anthropogenic climate projections. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Furevik, Tore; Drange, Helge et al. (2005). Effects of simulated natural variability on Arctic temperature projections. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2003). Description and Evaluation of the Bergen Climate Model: ARPEGE coupled with MICOM. (external link)
- Berge, Erik; Walker, Stein Erik; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2001). A real-time operational forecast model for meteorology and air quality during peak air pollution episodes in Oslo, Norway. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Hov, Øystein; Schmidbauer, N. et al. (1998). Gaseous and particulate oxidized and reduced nitrogen species in the atmospheric boundary layer in Scandinavia in spring. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Hov, Øystein; Solberg, Sverre et al. (1998). Gaseous and particulate oxidized and reduced nitrogen species in the atmospheric boundary layer in Scandinavia in spring. (external link)
- Hov, Øystein; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Schmidbauer, Norbert et al. (1997). European VOC emission estimates evaluated by measurements and model calculations. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Hov, Øystein (1996). Two parametrizations of the dry deposition exchange for SO2 and NH3 in a numerical model. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Hov, Ø. (1996). Two parametrizations of the dry deposition exchange for SO2 and NH3 in a numerical model. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Seland, Øyvind; van Pul, Addo et al. (1995). Implementation of a resistance dry deposition module and a variable local correction factor in the largrangian EMEP model. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Jaison, Ashbin; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Michel, Clio et al. (2023). Increased windstorm damage under climate change over Norway. (external link)
- Jaison, Ashbin; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Michel, Clio et al. (2022). Modelling windstorm damage relations for Norway. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). Erfarte og forventede klimaendringer . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). Havvind på norsk sokkel - Hvor bør det bygges? . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2022). StormRisk prosjektet. (external link)
- Jaison, Ashbin; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Michel, Clio et al. (2021). Modeling relations between windstorms and damage in Norway. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Regional climate projections of precipitation – why are they so uncertain? . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2016). Diagnosing precipitation changes – Norwegian precipitation - Why has is changed so much? . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Challenges in bias correction of climate projections. (external link)
- Sørland, Silje Lund; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Viste, Ellen (2015). Monsoon low-pressure systems - the precipitation response to atmospheric warming. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). The Influence of Snow and Ice Changes on Water Resources in Himalaya. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). How important are glaciers for Indus water resources?. (external link)
- Sørland, Silje Lund; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2013). Monsoon low-pressure systems over India: a climatology study and high-resolution climate sensitivity simulations. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). Arctic temperature and sea ice changes: Forcings and feedbacks. (external link)
- Heikkila, Ulla Elina; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). Dynamical Downscaling of the ERA-40 reanalysis and ARPEGE GCM with the WRF regional climate model - comparison with ENSEMBLES. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). Relationships between extreme precipitation and atmospheric circulation. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2010). Methods used in climate change modelling. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Projected Changes in Arctic Circulation and summer cyclones under global warming. (external link)
- Flatøy, Frode; Barstad, Idar; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). The GeoExtreme project, Module B: Description of the current climate and investigation of future climate scenarios. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Uncertainties in climate projections due to natural variability and model differences. (external link)
- Sletten, K.; Solheim, A.; Blikra, L. H. et al. (2008). The GeoExtreme project, Norwegian geohazards in a changing climate. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Climate predictability. (external link)
- Kravik, Reiar; Ólafsson, Haraldur; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Avalanches in Scandinavia in a future climate. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Research in Tibet. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Cyclone variability and its impact on moisture transport into the Arctic. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). The radiation balance of the Arctic Ocean. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Status for klimaforskningen – Hva vet vi og hvor er de største usikkerhetene. (external link)
- Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Byrkjedal, Øyvind; Ezau, Igor et al. (2006). Arctic climate change – observations and simulations. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). The human influence on climate and possible consequences for Norway. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Cyclones entering the Arctic. (external link)
- dos Santos Mesquita, M; Atkinson, D.E.; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Characteristics and Variability of Storm Tracks in Alaska. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Paneldebatt: Development Research. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Prediktabiliteten i klimasystemet. (external link)
- Kronholm, K.; Schuler, D.V.; Jaedicke, C. et al. (2006). Spatial and temporal variations of the geohazard situation in Norway under a changing climate. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Research Methods and Predicting Approaches in Climate Change. (external link)
- Atkinson, D.E.; dos Santos Mesquita, M; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Chukchi Sea Storm Densities Derived From Various Storm Idenfication Algorithms. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). High latitude cyclones, variability, trends and impacts. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Stormtracks into the Arctic, main pathways and their influence on arctic climate variability. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Changes in the future North Atlantic Stormtracks. (external link)
- Mesquita, Michel; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Extratropical Summer Storms in the North Atlantic: Variability and Relation to the Large Scale Flow. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Effects of natural variability on Arctic temperature projections. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). How chaotic is the Atmosphere? The influence of snowcover on atmospheric circulation. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Ma, Shujie (2005). Eurasian snowcover as a predictor for NAO. (external link)
- Ma, Shujie; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2005). Impact of autumn Eurasian snow conditions on wintertime NAO. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Walsh, J; Kattsov, Vladimir et al. (2005). Climate Projections of the Arctic. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Framtidige lavtrykksbaner. (external link)
- Ma, Shujie; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2005). The influence of snow conditions on wintertime extratropical atmospheric variability by numerical simulations. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). The influence of snowcover on the atm. circulation. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Drange, Helge; Furevik, Tore et al. (2004). The Sensitivity of Arctic Climate Projections to Natural Variability. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Drange, Helge et al. (2004). Climate scenarios and uncertainties in high-northern latitudes. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Drange, Helge; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar (2004). Trender og intern klimavariabilitet i et CMIP2 ensemble simulert med Bergen Climate Model. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Drange, Helge; Otterå, Odd-Helge et al. (2003). An overview of the large-scale modelling activity in Berge: with focus on the role of fresh water on the Atlantic Meridional Overtyrning Circulation (AMOC). (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Drange, Helge et al. (2003). Results from CMIP2 ensemble simulations with the Bergen Climate Model (BCM). (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2003). Bergen climate model: Some results from a 300 years control integration. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Bentsen, Mats et al. (2003). Variability and trends in the Arctic Climate as Simulated with the Bergen Climate model. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Furevik, Tore; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar et al. (2003). The sensitivity of Arctic Climate Projections to the Initial state and fate of the thermohaline circulation. (external link)
- Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2003). An overview of modeling activities at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Drange, Helge; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar (2003). Regional uncertainties in climate projections due to sensitivity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). (external link)
- Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Collins, Matt; Drange, Helge et al. (2003). Decadal-scale predictability of the Atlantic-European climate and the role of the North Atlantic. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2002). Highlights from the Bergen Climate model: Results from a 300-years control integration,and from a 80-years integration with 1% increase in CO2. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Furevik, Tore; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar (2002). Simulated influence of increased greenhouse gas forcing on the North Atlantic Oscillation. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats et al. (2002). NAO/AO variability in the coupled Bergen Climate Model. (external link)
- Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Furevik, Tore et al. (2002). The Bergen Climate Model: Results from a CMIP2 integration - regional aspects. (external link)
- Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Furevik, Tore et al. (2002). The Bergen Climate Model: Results from a CMIP2 integration - regional aspects. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2001). THE NAO/AO SIGNAL IN THE BERGEN CLIMATE MODEL: ARPEGE COUPLED TO MICOM. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2001). Variability in a 300 years integration with the Bergen Climate Model. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2001). An overview of the Bergen Climate Model. (external link)
Masters thesis
- Eidsmoen, Tora; Oltedal, Velaug Myrseth; Gilpin, Geoffrey Sean et al. (2023). A Comparative Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment of Titanium Slag Production with Hydrogen and Coal based Pre-Reduction. (external link)
- Adrian, Hjellestad; Oltedal, Velaug Myrseth; Sorteberg, Asgeir et al. (2022). Offshore wind power and hydrogen for oil and gas platform electrification. (external link)
- Petersen Jikiun, Sunniva; Oltedal, Velaug Myrseth; Tatham, Michael Robert et al. (2022). Public Acceptance of Hydrogen Production from Onshore Wind Energy in Norway. (external link)
- Sandøy, Sindre; Oltedal, Velaug Myrseth; Ulleberg, Øystein et al. (2022). Zero-Emission Fish Farm Powered by Wind Power and Hydrogen - A Feasibility Study. (external link)
Programme participation
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2021). Dagsnytt 18 - FNs Klimarapport. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2019). Norge Nå. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2018). Norge Nå. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2018). Naturens Verden. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2018). Naturens Verden. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2011). NRK: Her og nå. (external link)
- Drange, Helge; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2009). Det internasjonale polaråret. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Kommentator Regjeringens klimamelding. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Klima. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Polisene er i ferd med å smelte. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Miljøtest Bergen-Stavanger. (external link)
- Bilt, Willem van der; Bakke, Jostein; Smedsrud, Lars H. et al. (2019). Climate in Svalbard 2100 . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Lawrence, Deborah; Dyrrdal, Anita Verpe et al. (2018). Climatic changes in short duration extreme precipitation and rapid onset flooding - implications for design values. (external link)
- Hanssen-Bauer, Inger; Førland, E. J.; Haddeland, Ingjerd et al. (2017). Climate in Norway 2100 - a knowledge base for climate adaptation. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Haddeland, Ingjerd; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter et al. (2015). Evaluation of distribution mapping based bias correction methods. (external link)
- Hanssen-Bauer, Inger; Førland, Eirik J.; Haddeland, Ingjerd et al. (2015). Klima i Norge 2100 - Kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatilpasning oppdatert 2015. (external link)
- Førland, E. J.; Bernestad, R. E.; Flatøy, Frode et al. (2010). Klimautvikling i Nord-Norge og på Svalbard i perioden 1900-2100, Klimaendringer i norsk Arktis, NorACIA delutredning 1. (external link)
- Hanssen-Bauer, I.; Drange, Helge; Førland, E.J. et al. (2009). Klima i Norge 2100. (external link)
- Førland, Eirik J.; Benestad, Rasmus E.; Flatøy, Frode et al. (2009). Climate development in North Norway and the Svalbard region during 1900-2100. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Andersen, M.S. (2008). Regional Precipitation and Temperature Changes for Norway 2010 and 2025 -Results from 11 simulations using 8 different regional models. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Uncertainties in Observationally-based Estimates of the Arctic Surface Radiation Budget. In Arctic Ocean Variability - advection and external forcing encounter local processes and constraints. (external link)
- Kronholm, K.; Vikhamar Schuler, Dagrun; Jaedicke, C. et al. (2006). Forecasting snow avalanche days from meteorological data using classification trees; Grasdalen, western Norway (2006). (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Walsh, J.E. (2006). Cyclones Entering the Arctic, Main Paths and their Influence on the Moisture Transport. (external link)
- Barstad, Idar; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Flatøy, Frode (2006). Spectral nudging using a streched version of Arpege/IFS. Technical description. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar (2005). The Effect of Internal Variability on Antropogenic CLimate Projections. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Furevik, Tore (2002). Simulated influence of increased greenhouse gas forcing on the North Atlantic Oscillation. (external link)
- Penkett, S.; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Hov, Øystein et al. (1996). Hydrocarbons Across the North Sea Atmosphere: Final Report to the European Commission. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Pontoppidan, Marie Louise Nielsen; Kolstad, Erik Wilhelm; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2019). Dynamical downscaling – impact on storm tracks and precipitation. (external link)
- Bohlinger, Patrik; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Rasmussen, Roy (2018). Extreme Precipitation in Nepal: Trends and Key Processes . (external link)
- Sørland, Silje Lund; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Monsoon low-pressure systems - the precipitation response to atmospheric warming. (external link)
- Dadi, Diriba Korecha; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2014). Characterizing the Predictability of Seasonal Climate in Ethiopia. (external link)
- Lunde, Torleif Markussen; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Lindtjorn, Bernt (2013). On the dynamics of two efficient malaria vectors of the Afrotropical region: Anopheles gambiae s.s. and Anopheles arabiensis. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (1998). The Cycle of Atmospheric Trace Species containing Sulphur, Nitrogen, Carbon and Halogens over Europe and the eastern Atlantic. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Mayer, Stephanie; Dyrrdal, Anita Verpe (2018). Ekstremnedbør i et klima i forandring. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir; Furevik, Tore (2015). Vestlandsregnet - blir det våtere enn før?. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2014). Global oppvarming gir mer ekstremt regnvær. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2014). Nedbør i Norge siden 1900. (external link)
- Viste, Ellen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2014). Høytrykk gir værtrøbbel. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2012). Flere dager med nedbør. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Drange, Helge (2012). Skyldes det klimaendringene?. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2009). Bruk og misbruk av klimaframskrivninger. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar (2008). Hvor mye vil nedbøren øke i et varmere klima?. (external link)
- Drange, Helge; Marzeion, Ben; Nesje, Atle et al. (2007). Opptil en meter havstigning langs Norskekysten innen år 2100. (external link)
- Drange, Helge; Marzeion, Ben; Nesje, Atle et al. (2007). Om havnivåstigning. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Skal varsle malaria. (external link)
- Drange, Helge; Bentsen, Mats; Flatøy, Frode et al. (2005). Omfattende arbeid med bedre klimamodeller. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Grønås, Sigbjørn (2004). Store naturlige klimavariasjoner også i framtiden. (external link)
- Grønås, Sigbjørn; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2004). Store naturlige klimavariasjoner gir usikkerhet i Arktis. (external link)
- Iversen, Trond; Jan Erik, Haugen; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2003). Kombinasjon av to scenarier for 2030-2050: Ekstremene nedjusteres. (external link)
- Furevik, Tore; Drange, Helge; Sorteberg, Asgeir (2002). Anticipated Changes in the Nordic Seas Marine Climate. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2002). Lovende resultater for nyutviklet klimamodell. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Bentsen, Mats; Drange, Helge et al. (2002). Økt CO2 gir forandring i sirkulasjonsmønsteret. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Flommen på Vestlandet - Hva skjedde? . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2015). Vær og klima i Norge og på Nes - siste 100 år . (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). SMELTING I ARKTIS -Fortid, nåtid og fremtid. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Status for klimaforskningen - hva vet vi og hvor er de største usikkerhetene?. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Globale og nasjonale klimascenarier. Hvordan møte Klimaendringene. Utfordringer for og muligheter for norske bedrifter?. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Blir framtida varmere og våtere?. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). The Nile Basin Research programme. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2008). Klima og utvikling. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Skred og ras -Endringer i meteorologiske forhold. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Hovedresultat fra FNs klimapanels 4. rapport. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Hva vet vi og hvor er de største usikkerhetene. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Hovedresultat fra FNs klimapanels 4. rapport. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Klimaforandringer- observerte og fremtidige forandringer. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Main results from the IPCC’s 4th assessment report. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Klimaendringer - Globale klimamodeller. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2007). Status for Klimaforskningen - Hva vet vi og hvor er de største usikkerhetene. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). IPCC simulation with Bergen Climate Model. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Paneldebatt om filmen: A inconvenient truth. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Klimaendringer og overvannsepisoder. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2006). Klimaendringer – Konsekvenser for Vestlandet. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir (2005). Klimaendringer, menneskeskapte eller naturlige variasjoner?. (external link)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Book review
Feature article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Byrkjedal, Øyvind (2005). Wintertime Nordic Seas Cyclone Variability and Its Impact on Oceanic Volume Transports Into the Nordic Seas. (external link)
- Sorteberg, Asgeir; Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar; Byrkjedal, Øyvind (2004). Wintertime Nordic Seas cyclone variability and its impact on oceanic volume transports into the Nordic Seas. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Web of Science ResearcherID: N-8576-2015
Google Scholar: Asgeir Sorteberg
Peer reviewed papers
Assessment of wind-damage relations for Norway using 36 years of daily insurance data (2024): Jaison, A.,Sorteberg, A., Michel, C. and Breivik Ø. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 1341—1355
Norwegian offshore wind power—Spatial planning using multi‐criteria decision analysis (2023): Solbrekke I.M., Sorteberg A. Wind Energy 27 (1), 5-32.
Global attribution of precipitation to weather features (2023): Konstali K., Spensberger C., Spengler T., Sorteberg A. Journal of Climate.
Reconstructing daily streamflow and floods from large-scale atmospheric variables with feed-forward and recurrent neural networks in high latitude climates (2023): Hagen J. S., Hasibi R., Leblois E., Lawrence D., Sorteberg A. Hydrological Sciences Journal 68 (3), 412-431.
Future Projections of EURO‐CORDEX Raw and Bias‐Corrected Daily Maximum Wind Speeds Over Scandinavia (2023): Michel C. and Sorteberg A. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128 (6), e2022JD037953.
Why has Precipitation Increased in the Last 120 Years in Norway? (2022): Konstali K. and Sorteberg A. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Vol. 127, Issue15.
NORA3-WP: A high-resolution offshore wind power dataset for the Baltic, North, Norwegian, and Barents Seas (2022): Solbrekke I. M. and Sorteberg A. Scientific Data 9,362.
The 3 km Norwegian reanalysis (NORA3) – a validation of offshore wind resources in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea (2021): Solbrekke I. M., Sorteberg A. and Haakenstad H. Wind Energy Sci., 6, 1501–1519
Characterization of the atmospheric environment during extreme precipitation events associated with atmospheric rivers in Norway - seasonal and regional aspects (2021): Michel C., Sorteberg A., Eckhard S., Weijenborg C., Stohl A, Cassiani M. Weather and Climate Extremes.
Identifying major drivers of daily streamflow from large-scale atmospheric circulation with machine learning (2021): Hagen, J.S., Leblois, E., Lawrence, D., Solomatine, D., Sorteberg, A. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 596. Article Number: 126086.
Groundwater fluctuations during a debris flow event in western Norway – triggered by rain and snowmelt (2021): Bondevik, S., Sorteberg, A. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25, 4147-4158.
Improving Radar-Based Precipitation Nowcasts with Machine Learning Using an Approach Based on Random Forest, (2020): Mao, Y., and Sorteberg, A., Weather and Forecasting 35(6), 2461-2478.
Factors affecting extreme rainfall events in the South Pacific, Weather and Climate Extremes (2020): Pariyar S. K., Keenlyside N., Sorteberg A., Spengler T., Bhatt B. C., Ogawa F. Weather and Climate Extremes, Volume 29, ISSN 2212-0947,
Mitigation of offshore wind power intermittency by interconnection of production sites (2019): Solbrekke I. M., Kvamstø N. G. and Sorteberg A. (2020) Wind Energy Science, Volume 5, 1663-1678.
Large‐scale regional model biases in the extratropical North Atlantic storm track and impacts on downstream precipitation (2019). M Pontoppidan M., Kolstad E.W., Sobolowski S.P., Sorteberg A., Liu C. and Rasmussen R. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 145 (723), 2718-2732.
Multiscale characteristics of an extreme precipitation event over Nepal (2019), Bohlinger P, Sorteberg A., Liu C., Rasmussen R., Sodemann H. and Ogawa F., Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 145, issue 718, pp. 179-196.
Synoptic Conditions and Moisture Sources Actuating Extreme Precipitation in Nepal (2018), Bohlinger P, Sorteberg A. and Sodemann H., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 23, (12,653-12,671).
A comprehensive view on trends in extreme precipitation in Nepal and their spatial distribution (2017): Bohlinger P. and Sorteberg, A. International Journal of Climatology 38 (4), 1833-1845.
Sensitivity of historical orographically enhanced extreme precipitation events to idealized temperature perturbations (2017): Sandvik, M.I., Sorteberg, A. and Rasmussen, R. Climate Dynamics pp 1-15. doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3593-1.
Extreme Daily Precipitation in Coastal Western Norway and the Link to Atmospheric Rivers (2017). Azad R. and Sorteberg A. Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmosphere, 122, 1-16,
Precipitation response of monsoon low-pressure systems to an idealized uniform temperature increase (2016). Sørland, S. L., A. Sorteberg, C. Liu, and R. Rasmussen. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 6258–6272,
Snowfall in the Himalayas: an uncertain future from a little-known past (2015). Viste, E. and Sorteberg A.. The Cryosphere, 9, 1147-1167,
Low-pressure systems and extreme precipitation in central India: sensitivity temperature changes (2015) Sørland S. and Sorteberg A. Climate Dynamics, p 1-16,
The dynamic and thermodynamic structure of monsoon low-pressure systems during extreme rainfall events (2015). Sørland S. L. and Sorteberg A. Tellus A, Vol 67. doi:
A Standardized Global Climate Model Study Showing Unique Properties for the Climate Response to Black Carbon Aerosols (2015). M. Sand, T. Iversen, P. Bohlinger, A. Kirkevåg, I. Seierstad, Ø. Seland, and A. Sorteberg, J. Climate, 28, 2512–2526. doi:
The Vorticity Budgets of North Atlantic Winter Extratropical Cyclones life cycle in MERRA Reanalysis, Part I: Development Phase (2014). Azad R. and A. Sorteberg. A. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 71, No. 9, p. 3109-3128.
The Vorticity Budgets of North Atlantic Winter Extratropical Cyclones life cycle in MERRA Reanalysis, Part II: Decaying Phase (2014). Azad R. and A. Sorteberg. A. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 71, No. 9, p. 3129-3143.
Validation of operational seasonal rainfall forecasts in Ethiopia (2013) Korecha D. and Sorteberg A. Water Resource Research,
A dynamic model of some malaria-transmitting anopheline mosquitoes of the Afrotropical region. I. Model description and sensitivity analysis (2013). Markussen Lunde T., Korecha D., Loha E., Sorteberg A. and Lindtjørn B. Malaria Journal, Vol 12.
A dynamic model of some malaria-transmitting anopheline mosquitoes of the Afrotropical region. II. Validation of species distribution and seasonal variations (2013). Markussen Lunde T., Meshesha B., Korecha D., Gebre-Michael T, Massebo F., Sorteberg A. and Lindtjørn B. Malaria Journal, Vol 12.
Characteristics of autumn-winter extreme precipitation on the Norwegian west coast identified by cluster analysis (2012). U. Heikkila and A. Sorteberg. Climate Dynamics. Volume 39.(3-4) p. 929-939.
IPCC-SREX. Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (2012): A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, 582 pp
The effect of moisture transport variability on Ethiopian summer precipitation (2012). Viste E. and Sorteberg A. International Journal of Climatology.
Recent drought and precipitation tendencies in Ethiopia (2012). Viste E., D. Korecha and Sorteberg A. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Present and future offshore windpower potential in northern Europe based on downscaled global climate runs with adjusted SST and sea ice cover (2012). Barstad I., Sorteberg A. and dos Santos Mesquita M. Renewable energy. Volume 44. p. 398-405.
Sensitivity of SWAT simulated streamflow to climatic changes within the Eastern Nile River basin (2012). Mengistu D. T. and A. Sorteberg. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences: Volume 16.(2) p. 391- 407.
Moisture transport into the Ethiopian highlands (2011). Viste E. and Sorteberg A. International Journal of Climatology.
Recent wind driven high sea ice export in the Fram Strait contributes to Arctic sea ice decline (2011). Smedsrud L. H., A. Sirevaag A., Kloster K., Sorteberg and Sandven S.. The Cryosphere, 5, 821–829, 2011.
Dynamical downscaling of ERA-40 in complex terrain using the WRF regional climate model – comparison with ENSEMBLE models (2010). Heikkila U, Sandvik A. and Sorteberg A. Climate Dynamics.
Modelled Mass Balance of a Tibetan Plateau Glacier - Sensitivity to Climate Change (2010). Caidong C. and Sorteberg A. Journal of Glaciology. Vol. 56, No. 196, pp. 235-248.
A Diagnosis of Cold-core and Warm-core Cyclone Development Using the Zwack-Okossi Development Equation (2009) Azad R. and Sorteberg A. Atmospheric Science Letters. Vol. 10, p 220-225.
Impacts of climate change on Blue Nile flows using bias-corrected GCM scenarios (2009). Elshamy M. E., Seierstad I. A., and Sorteberg A. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., Vol. 13, pp.551-565.
Projected changes in Arctic summer cyclones under global warming in the Bergen climate model (2009) Orsolini Y. J. and Sorteberg A. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. Vol. 2, No 1, pp. 62-67.
Precipitation, Temperature and Wind in Norway - dynamical downscaling of ERA40 (2008). Barstad I., Sorteberg A., Flatøy F. and Deque M. Climate Dynamics , DOI 10.1007/s00382-008-0476-5
Spatial and temporal variations of geohazards in Norway under a changing climate (2008). Jaedicke C, , A. Solheim, L.H. Blikra, K. Stalsberg, A. Sorteberg, A. Aaheim, K. Kronholm, D. Vikhamar-Schuler, K. Isaksen, K. Sletten, K. Kristensen, I. Barstad, C. Melchiorre, Ø. A. Høydal, H. Mestl. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 8, 893-904.
Recent Radical Shifts of Atmospheric Circulations and Rapid Changes in Arctic Climate System (2008) Zhang X., Sorteberg A., Zhang J., Gerdes R. and Comiso J. C. Geophysical Res. Letter, Vol. 35, L22701, doi:10.1029/2008GL035607, 2008
Recent and future changes of the Arctic sea-ice cover (2008). Smedsrud L. H, Sorteberg A. and Kloster K. Geophysical Res. Letter, Vol. 35, L20503, doi:10.1029/2008GL034813, 2008
Seasonal Cyclone Variability at 70°N and its Impact on Moisture Transport to the Arctic (2008). Sorteberg A. and Walsh J. E. Tellus A, 60 (3), 570-586, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00314.x
Clustering of Cyclones in the ARPEGE General Circulation Model (2008). Kvamstø N. G., Song Y., Seierstad, I. and Sorteberg, A., Stephenson D. Tellus A 60 (3) , 547–556 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00307.x
Climatological Properties of Summertime Extra-Tropical storm Tracks in the Norther Hemisphere (2008). dos Santos Mesquita M., Kvamstø N. G., Sorteberg A. and Atkinson D. Tellus A, 60, (3), 557-56, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00305.x
The Arctic Surface Energy Budget as Simulated with the IPCC AR4 AOGCMs (2007) . Sorteberg A., Katsov V., Walsh J. and Palova T. Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-006-0222-9
The Effect of Internal Variability om Antropoghenic Climate Projections (2006) Sorteberg, A. and Kvamstø, N. G. Tellus A, Vol 58, Issue 5 p. 565-574.
Atmospheric forcing on the Barents Sea Ice Extent (2006). Sorteberg, A. and Kvingedal B. Journal of Climate, Vol. 19, No. 19. p. 4772-4784
Interannual to Decadal Climate Predictability: A multi-Perfect-model-Ensemble Study (2006).Collins M., Botzet M., Carril A., Drange H., Jouzeau A., Latif M., Otterå O. H., Pohlmann H., Sorteberg A., Sutton R. and Terray L. Journal of Climate 19(7), 1195-1203.
Effects of simulated natural variability on Arctic temperature projections (2005). Sorteberg, A., Furevik T., Drange H. and Kvamstø, N.G. Geophysical Research Letter, Vol. 32, L18708, doi: 10.1029/2005GL023404
Wintertime Nordic Seas cyclone variability and its impact on oceanic volume transport into the Nordic Seas (2005). Sorteberg, A., Kvamstø, N.G. and Byrkjedal Ø. The Nordic Seas: An integrated Perspective. AGU Geophysical Monograph Series 158. Editor: Drange H.
Description and Validation of the Bergen Climate Model: ARPEGE coupled with MICOM (2003). Furevik, T ., Bentsen, M., Drange, H., Kindem, I.K.T., Kvamstø, N.G., and Sorteberg, A. Climate Dynamics Vol. 21, p27-51
A real-time operational forecast model for meteorology and air quality during peak air pollution episodes in Oslo, Norway (2001) Berge E., Walker S-E, Sorteberg A., Lenkopane M., Eastwood S., Jablonska H. and Ødegaard M., J. of Water Air and Soil Pollution Vol 2, No 5-6, p. 745-757
Gaseous and particulate oxidized and reduced nitrogen species in the atmospheric boundary layer in Scandinavia in spring (1998) Sorteberg A., Hov Ø., Solberg S., Tørseth K., Areskoug H., Ferm M., Granby K., Lattila H., Persson K. and Simpson D. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry Vol 30, pp.241-271
European VOC emission estimates evaluated by measurements and model calculations. (1997). Hov Ø., Sorteberg A., Schmidbauer N., Solberg S., Stordal F., Simpson D., Lindskog H., Areskoug H., Oyola P., Lattila H. and Heidam Z., 1997 J. of Atmospheric Chemistry Vol 28, pp. 173-193
Two parametrizations of the dry deposition exchange for SO2 and NH3 in a numerical model. (1996). Sorteberg A. and Hov Ø. Atmospheric Environment Vol. 30, No. 10-11, pp. 1823-1840
Climatic changes in short duration extreme precipitation and rapid onset flooding - implications for design values (2018). Sorteberg A., Lawrence D., Dyrrdal A. V., Mayer S., Engeland K. Norwegian Centre for Climate Services (NCCS) Report no. 1/2018 pp. 143
Klima i Norge 2100. Kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatipasning (2015). Hanssen-Bauer I., E.J. Førland, I. Haddeland, H. Hisdal, S. Mayer, A. Nesje, J.E.Ø. Nilsen, S. Sandven, A.B. Sandø, A. Sorteberg og B. Ådlandsvik Norwegian Centre for Climate Services (NCCS) Report no. 2/2015 pp. 204
Evaluation of distribution mapping based bias correction methods (2014) Sorteberg A., Haddeland I., Haugen J. E., Sobolowski S., 2 and Wong W. K. Norwegian Centre for Climate Services (NCCS) Report no. 1/2014 pp. 23
IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX) Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, 582 pp.
Klima i Norge 2100. Bakgrunnsmateriale til NOU Klimatilplassing (2009). See new 2015 version above. Hanssen-Bauer, I., H. Drange, E.J. Førland, L.A. Roald, K.Y. Børsheim, H. Hisdal, D. Lawrence, A. Nesje, S. Sandven, A. Sorteberg, S. Sundby, K. Vasskog og B. Ådlandsvik Norsk klimasenter, pp. 148
Climate development in North Norway and the Svalbard region during 1900-2100 (2009) Førland E. J. (ed), Benestad R. E, Flatøy F., Hanssen-Bauer I., Haugen J. E., Isaksen K., Sorteberg A. and, Aadlandsvik B. Norwegian Polar Institute, Report series no. 128 pp. 44
Uncertainties in Observationally-based Estimates of the Arctic Surface Radiation Budget (2007) Sorteberg, A.,In Arctic Ocean Variability - advection and external forcing encounter local processes and constraints. p. 13-30. Compiled by B. Rudels. Workshop held at DAMOCLES General Assembly, 2007
Regional Precipitation and Temperature Changes for Norway 2010 and 2025 - Results from 11 simulations using 8 different regional models. (2008) Sorteberg, A. and Andersen M. S.. Report Series of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. BCCR Report No 28.
Forecasting snow avalanche days from meteorological data using classification trees; Grasdalen, western Norway (2006) Kronholm K., Vikhamar-Schuler D., Jaedicke C., Isaksen K., Sorteberg, A. and Kristensen K.,Proceedings, International Snow Science Workshop, Telluride, Colorado, 2006.
Spectral nudging using a streched version of Arpege/IFS. Technical description (2006) Barstad I., Sorteberg, A. and Flatøy F.,GeoExtrem, General technical report, 1/2006.
Cyclones Entering the Arctic, Main Paths and their Influence on the Moisture Transport (2006) Sorteberg, A. and Walsh J.,RegClim, General technical report, 9/2006.
The Effect of Internal Variability om Antropoghenic Climate Projections (2005) Sorteberg, A. and Kvamstø, N. G.,RegClim, General technical report, 8/2005.
Regional Uncertainties in Climate Projections due to Sensitivity to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (2003) Sorteberg A., Drange, H. and Kvamstø, N.G.RegClim, General technical report, 7/2003, p.77-92.
Simulated influence of increased greenhouse gas forcing on the North Atlantic Oscillation (2002) Sorteberg A., Furevik, T and Kvamstø, N.G., 2002RegClim, General Technical Report, 6/2002.
Anticipated Changes in the Nordic Seas Marine Climate (2002) Furevik, T., Drange, H. and Sorteberg, A.Fisken og havet, 4/2002, pp 1-13.
The influence of horizontal grid resolution on forecast in coastal and mountainous areas using the non-hydrostatic MM5 with 10 and 3 km resolution (2001). Sorteberg A.The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Research Report No. 118. ISSN 0332-9879. pp. 46.
The sensitivity of inversion strength to the formulation of the non-dimensional momentum and heat profiles (2001).Sorteberg A.The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Research Report No. 117. ISSN 0332-9879. pp. 61.
Development, testing and implementation of a prognosis models for meteorology and air pollution in Trondheim. (2000). Berge E., H. Laupsa, M. Ødegaard, A. Sorteberg, D. Tønnesen, S. Eastwood, S.E. Walker, and R. Ødegaard.The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Research Report No. 107. ISSN 0332-9879 (in Norwegian). pp. 41.
Development, testing and implementation of a prognosis models for meteorology and air pollution in Drammen.(2000). Ødegaard M., H. Laupsa, E. Berge,A. Sorteberg, D. Tønnesen, S. Eastwood, T. Bøhler, S.E. Walker, and R. Ødegaard.The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Research Report No. 1067. ISSN 0332-9879 (in Norwegian). pp. 40.
Evaluation of operational forecasts of meteorology and air quality during 22 winterdays in Oslo. (2000). Berge E., S.E. Walker, A. Sorteberg, M. Lenkopane, S. Eastwood, H.J. Jablonska and M. Ødegaard 2000The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Research Report No. 100. ISSN 0332-9879 (in Norwegian). pp. 66.
Development and testing of a pilot model for Air Quality in Oslo and Bergen. Results for Oslo. (2000). Berge E., A. Sorteberg, J. Kristiansen, S. Eastwood, D. Tønnesen and S.E. Walker 2000.The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Research Report No. 99. ISSN 0332-9879 (in Norwegian). pp. 45.
Development and testing of a pilot model for Air Quality in Oslo and Bergen. Results for Bergen. (1999). Berge E., A. Sorteberg, J. Kristiansen, S. Eastwood, D. Tønnesen and S.E. Walker.The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Research Report No. 100. ISSN 0332-9879 (in Norwegian). pp. 39.
The role of halogenated species in the destruction of tropospheric ozone and precursors; Sensitivity runs and 3-D model results for the measuring period 2-9 May 1997. (1997). Sorteberg A. and Hov Ø.HALOTROP-CYMFO. Final Report to the European commission. Ed. U. Platt pp. 121-185
The role of halogenated species on ozone and precursors in the lower troposphere (1997). Sorteberg A. and Hov Ø.HALOTROP-CYMFO Report
Decay of hydrocarbons over the North Sea: The role of chemistry versus dispersion and quantitative relationships between hydrocarbon emission and oxidant formation (1996). Sorteberg A. and Hov Ø.Hydrocarbons Across the North Sea Atmosphere (HANSA): Final Report to the European Commission', 1996. Ed. Penkett S. chapter 3, pp. 65
Resdistribution of ozone, NOx and hydrocarbons i the boundary layer during spring, summer and fall. Sorteberg A. and Hov Ø.Hydrocarbons Across the North Sea Atmosphere (HANSA) Report
Implementation of a Resistance Dry Deposition module and a variable Local Correction Factor in the Lagrangian EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) model (1995). Seland Ø., van Pul A., Sorteberg A., Tuovinen J. P.EMEP/MSC-W Report 3/95
Current Projects
StormRisk (2020-2024): Extreme windstorms and related damage (PI).
Impetus4Change (2022-2026): Near-term climate change
OffShoreWindSize (2024-2029): Sizing and location strategies for offshore wind power in a hybrid hydro-wind generation systems connected by limited capacity transmission lines (PI).
Previous projects last 10 years
KeyCLIM (2019-2023): Key Earth System processes to understand Arctic Climate Warming and Northern Latitude Hydrological Cycle Changes (WP Leader)
CHEX (2018-2022): Climate hazards and extremes (PI)
ExPrecFlood (2015-2018): Climatic changes in short duration extreme precipitation and rapid onset flooding – Implications for design values (PI)
WaCyEx (2015-2018): Water Cycle Extremes across Scales (PI)
NorIndia (2012-2015): Climate Change and its Impacts on Selected Indian Hydrological Systems using Earth System and High-Resolution Modelling (WP Leader)
EarthClim (2011-2014): An Integrated Earth System Approach to Explore Natural Variability and Climate Sensitivity (WP Leader)
SnowHim (2009-2012): “The Influence of Snow and Ice Changes on Water Resources in Himalaya (PI)
EMAPS (2007-2012): Ethiopian Malaria Prediction System. Observations and modelling of the relationship between climatic variability and malaria in Ethiopia. (WP Leader)