Strafferettens fortellinger

Public Debate: Narratives in the Criminal Process

What role do narratives play in the criminal process – from the beginning of the police investigation to the final verdict?

Fru Justitia fremfor bøker


As part of the conference «Narratives in the Criminal Process» there will be held a public debate on the conference theme, at Litteraturhuset in Bergen. 

Stories are everywhere in the criminal process: The police construct stories while investigating the crime, the police prosecutor writes stories in the indictment, witnesses, defendants and lawyers tell stories in court, and the court presents a story of the criminal events in the judgment. This means that one cannot understand the criminal process properly without considering the role played in it by narratives. Stories seem inevitable in criminal proceedings. But are some stories more problematic than others? Are there ways of constructing stories that are fairer, truer and more just than other ways of telling stories?

These and related questions will be discussed by an international panel of distinguished scholars: Greta Olson, professor at the University of Giessen, Matías Martínez, professor at the University of Wuppertal and P. J. van Koppen, professor at the University of Amsterdam. The discussion will be moderated by Espen Ingebrigsten, a postdoctoral fellow at the project «A Narratology of Criminal Cases» at the University of Bergen.

The debate is open to everyone and free of charge

Link to the event on the website of Litteraturhuset