Seminar, Supervision Forum for PhD supervisors 21.09.2023
Welcome to the Supervision Forum for PhD supervisors at the Faculty of Social Sciences!
The 11th edition of the SV’s Supervision Forum will take place 21 September 13.15-14.15 and will focus on the topic "Writing a coherent article-based thesis with a framing introduction".
Initial Speaker: Brita Ytre-Arne (Dep. of Information Science and Media Studies)
Many PhD candidates have questions about the “kappe” – or the framing introduction, formerly known as the final contribution – in an article-based thesis. The framing introduction seems a bit mysterious, and working on it tends to bring up difficult questions about how all the different parts in the thesis relate to each other. In this supervision forum, professor Brita Ytre-Arne will give a short talk based on a recurring workshop for PhD candidates at InfoMedia, about how to write a framing introduction. Starting from the questions candidates struggle with, the idea is to discuss how supervisors can help, building on the understanding that the framing introduction is essential to produce a consistent thesis.
Hanne Widnes Gravermoen will talk briefly about the formal requirements for the framing introduction, as set out by the faculty PhD programme.
Department of Geography will open the floor for questions and comments from the supervisors and act as the moderator.
The seminar will be held in English.