Knut Eirik Ringheim Eliassen
Førsteamanuensis, fagområde for allmennmedisin, leder av Mentorordningen
Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin
- BesøksadresseAlrek helseklynge, blokk D, Årstadveien 175009 Bergen
- PostadressePostboks 78045020 Bergen
- (2025). The experience of meeting a medical student at the GP's office .
- (2024). The experience of meeting a medical student at the GP's office.
- (2024). Opplevelsen av å møte en legestudent på fastlegekontoret.
- (2024). Levelig utdanningsløp for ALIS-leger. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening.
- (2024). Alienation in the Teaching Hospital: How Physician Non-Greeting Behaviour Impacts Medical Students' Learning and Professional Identity Formation. Perspectives on Medical Education. 239-249.
- (2023). Wanted: clinical supervisors! Sustainable student education in a general practice workforce crisis .
- (2023). The experience of meeting a medical student at the GP's office.
- (2023). The association between self-reported sleep problems, infection, and antibiotic use in patients in general practice. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 9 sider.
- (2023). Pasienters møte med medisinstudenter i fastlegerollen.
- (2023). Help! My doctor is a student - Workplace learning from the patients’ perspective.
- (2023). Fronesis: Medical workplace learning in general practice, a UiB research project.
- (2023). Flere praksisplasser og bedre veiledning for medisinerstudenter på fastlegekontorene - FRONESIS .
- (2023). Allmennlegen som veileder – dugnadstiden er forbi. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening.
- (2023). 2.1 Tretthet og slapphet. . I:
- (2023). Allmennmedisin. Gyldendal Akademisk.
- (2022). The association between insomnia, sleep duration and infections among patients in general practice.
- (2022). Studentundervisning, praksis og veiledning .
- (2022). Prevalence of insomnia and hypnotic use in Norwegian patients visiting their general practitioner. Family Practice. 352-359.
- (2022). Preparedness and management during the first phase of the COVID-19 outbreak - a survey among emergency primary care services in Norway. BMC Health Services Research. 10 sider.
- (2022). Legemiddelgjennomgang: Smågruppebasert forbedring i praksis. En kvalitativ studie blant norske fastleger. Utposten. 10-12.
- (2022). Fastlegeordningen dør. Dagsavisen.
- (2021). Tick-transmitted co-infections among erythema migrans patients in a general practice setting in Norway: a clinical and laboratory follow-up study. BMC Infectious Diseases. 9 sider.
- (2021). Consultations and antibiotic treatment for urinary tract infections in Norwegian primary care 2006–2015, a registry-based study. BMC Family Practice. 1-12.
- (2021). Consultations and antibiotic treatment for urinary tract infections in Norwegian primary care 2006–2015, a registry-based study. BMC Primary Care.
- (2021). Brev til Helseministeren i forbindelse med redningsaksjon for fastlegeordningen.
- (2018). Comparison of phenoxymethylpenicillin, amoxicillin, and doxycycline for erythema migrans in general practice. A randomized controlled trial with a 1-year follow-up. Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI). 1290-1296.
- (2017). Symptom load and general function among patients with erythema migrans: a prospective study with a 1-year follow-up after antibiotic treatment in Norwegian general practice. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. 75-83.
- (2017). Incidence and antibiotic treatment of erythema migrans in Norway 2005–2009. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases. 1-8.
- (2013). Tick bites in healthy adults from western Norway: Occurrence, risk factors, and outcomes. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases. 304-310.
- (2013). New guidelines for use of antibiotics in the primary health care service. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening.
- (2012). Erindringer om resistens- Et aktørseminar om antibiotikaresistensens historie. Michael Quarterly. 7-12.