Center for Data Science

CEDAS Data Science in Practice Event

CEDAS will organise an event to bring together data science theorists and practitioners.

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Data and data science have become a crucial part of many scientific disciplines and a large variety of practical applications. Typically, data scientists have a diverse set backgrounds and interests.

Some data scientists can be described as "theorists" who concentrate on theory and developing methods and algorithms. Other data scientists can be described as "practitioners" who work with real-world problems and they apply data science methods to solve their data-related challenges.

Unfortunately, the communication between these two sides is not always perfect (or even sufficient). On the one hand, theorists do not necessarily know what practitioners do or need. On the other hand, practitioners do not necessarily know the methods that theorists have developed. With this year's CEDAS event, our goal is to bring these groups closer together and foster fruitful data science collaborations in the Bergen region. 

The program will include interesting talks from both academia and industry. We will also have a case study where participants can try to solve an exciting problem themselves.

A detailed program will appear soon. Registration is open until 16 May 2024.