Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
CCBIO Research School course

CCBIO904 - Biomarkers and tumorbiology in clinical practice

Now you have the chance to participate in the 4 credits CCBIO Research School Course CCBIO904, which is highly recommended for students who do cancer research. CCBIO904 covers tumorbiological aspects important for the understanding of why cancer develops and which mechanisms are important for tumor growth, metastases and morbidity in patients.

Collage of 4 photos from CCBIO labs, and cancer cells

Main content

The course will focus especially on tumor biological changes that may have or already have significance for personalized cancer treatment and clinical trial studies of new diagnostics and treatment. The course includes lectures, demonstrations, group work, curriculum and a written exam, and aims to give a broad understanding of all aspects of tumor biology based on updated knowledge. The participants will also gain deeper insight into how knowledge about tumor biological changes affects our strategies to customize assessment and treatment for this group of patients.

Who can participate

The course is primarily intended for PhD candidates who are affiliated with the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), but is also open to other students, PhD candidates and students attending the designated Medical Student Research Program (forskerlinjen). This is a 4 credits course.

When and where

April 23-25 2018, 09.00-15.50 each day.
Monday April 23rd: Olav's hall ("Olavssalen", the auditorium in "Gamle Hovedbygg")
Tuesday April 24th: Room B306, Hospital main building (Sentralblokken)
Wednesday April 25th: Olav's hall ("Olavssalen", the auditorium in "Gamle Hovedbygg")

Lunch is included (free).


Please register through this link within March 23rd (but note that registration will be closed earlier if fully booked.)

Course organizers

Oddbjørn Straume has the academic responsibility, and Reidun Kristin Kopperud is coordinator. Solveig Lund Witsø is administrative contact.

Preliminary Program  (use this link for printable program)

Day 1 (23/4)

Place: Olav's hall ("Olavssalen", the auditorium in "Gamle Hovedbygg")

09.00-09.10:   Welcome and Introduction
09.10-09.45:   Introduction: ”Hallmarks of Cancer”
10.00-10.45:   Patient cases to illustrate tumor biological processes
11.00-11.45:   Tumor Stroma & Tumor microenvironment
11.45-12.45:   Lunch
12.45-13.30:   Tissue invasion and metastasis
13.45-14.30:   The immune system in cancer
1445-15.30:    Tumor dormancy, micrometastases and recurrence
1535-1550:     Assignment of tasks and startup of work groups:

  • Study design
  • Her2
  • Immunotherapy
  • Anti angiogenesis
  • Stroma targets
  • MSI as predictive marker
  • Anti hormonal treatment
  • Adjuvant trial to prevent escape from dormancy

Elements to be covered:

  • Translation between basic research and clinical trial /preclinical experiments
  • Target/drug
  • Pt population
  • Biomarker (how to test)
  • Data collection/ tissue and blood sampling
  • Imaging
  • Ethics
  • Sample size

Day 2 (24/4)

Place: Room B306, Hospital main building (Sentralblokken)

09.00-09.10:   Welcome and Introduction
09.10-09.45:   Tumor cell plasticity
10.00-10.45:   Understanding cell signaling for targeting new therapies
11.00-11.45:   Molecular biomarkers: From discovery to clinical use
11.45-12.30:   Lunch
12.30-13.15:   Image guided surgery - current use and hopes for the future
13.15-14.00:   Molecular Pathology in clinical practice
14.00-14.45:   Advanced imaging in clinical trials
14.45-15.30:   Cancer genomics
15.35-15.50:   High quality biospecimens – why – how – and from whom?            

Day 3 (25/4)

Place: Olav's hall ("Olavssalen", the auditorium in "Gamle Hovedbygg")

09.00-09.10:   Welcome and Introduction
09.10-09.45:   The evolution of targeted therapies
10.00-11.45:   Group work
11.45-12.45:   Lunch
12.45-14.30:   Presentations by the groups. 5 x 15 min incl discussion
14.30-15.30:   Course exam
15.30-15.50:   Discussion and closing remarks