Centre for International Health

Neurosurgery in Ethiopia

International cooperation on neurosurgery in Ethiopia.

Neuro surgery team with new microscope
The first surgery performed with a new microscope (donated by Trond Mohn) at Black Lion Hospital in 2017.
Morten Lund-Johansen/UiB

Main content

The goal is to establish an education program in neurosurgery and a sustainable neurosurgical offer to patiens in Ethiopia, through education of specialists and training of nurses in anesthesia, intensive care and surgery. 

The project started in 2009 and is a collaboration between Black Lion Hospital and Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, Haukeland University Hospital and University of Bergen, Center for International Health in Norway.

PhD Candidate: Tsegazeab Laeke

Supervisors: Terje Sundstrøm, Bente E. Moen and Morten Lund-Johansen.

More about the project on Helse Bergen's website (norwegian)