
Centre for Grieg Research

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Griegsamlingen i Norsk dokumentarv

From Golden Age to Bergen Wave

The Centre for Grieg Research does research on Edvard Grieg's works, his historical importance and cultural relevance in the past and the present. The centre's goal is further to contribute to international research on the diverse traditions in Norwegian music after Grieg and the close exchanges between regional music and international trends in the Nordic regions. 

Humanities strategy fund UiB
Ørbeck archive screenshot

Forgotten Voices in Norwegian Musical Heritage - The Music Archive of the Future

The Grieg Research Centre at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design received funding from the Humanities Strategy at the University of Bergen.

Grieg in Performance - Vidcast

Forgotten sounds - a historical performance project

What would happen if you give Grieg's violin sonatas to specialists in the field, and let them rehearse the work on an instrument from his time with original gut strings? And what will Grieg's original piano contribute to our understanding of his music? Christina Kobb (piano) and Anton Steck (violin...

Visiting address:
Senter for Griegforskning, UiB v/KODE, Lars Hilles gate 20A, 5008 Bergen