Funding for interdisciplinary research projects
Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design was established in 01.01.2017 and was then by the University of Bergen awarded NOK 1 000 000 to fund interdisciplinary research projects, as a contribution to the development of the faculty's research environment and strategy. These funds are now announced with application deadline 1 March 2018. The funds can support 1-4 projects.

Main content
Who can apply?
- The project leader/responsible applicant must be a KMD faculty member and have professor or associate professor competence.
The project may have external partners outside the faculty and outside of the University of Bergen.
Requirements for the project
- The project should include at least two departments in the faculty.
- The project must be firmly rooted in the faculty’s research environment
- Participation from artistic and scientific side is not a requirement, but may be emphasized as a quality in the assessment of the application.
The application must contain
- Description of the project including:
- Research topics and motivation
-How the project is based in an artistic and /or a scientific research discourse
- How interdisciplinarity is defined in the project and the impact on the project
- What contributions are planned from the various participants and description of their roles in the project
- How the project will contribute to reflection on content, context, methods and process
- How the project will contribute to the faculty's research environment
- Potential challenges regarding gender, ethics and /or environment
- How the project will be made available to the public in relevant formats
- min 7000, max 10000 characters incl short space
- CV for the project participants, and other documentation important for the assessment of the application
- Work schedule. The project can be planned for a maximum of three years
- Budget. In addition to the set-up of direct income / expenses, the extent to which the participants' own research time is included as a resource in the project shall be explained. A budget form in Excel format will be available by emailing anne-len.thoresen(at) and must be uploaded as a PDF and submitted to the main application in Research Catalogue.
The application must be written in English.
o Applicants MUST pre-register at before 1. February 2018, with this minimum of information, so that relevant peers for reviewing can be searched for:
o Applicant/project leader
o Main research theme/fields (2-3 lines)
o Involved researchers from KMD so far and supposed partners
Applications which are not pre-registered 1 February, will not be considered. (But you may of course withdraw if you did not complete the application after all.)
Application deadline: 1 March 2018 at 24:00
The application must be submitted via Research Catalogue where the form will be available from 15 January 2018.
Processing of application
1. Peer review by external reviewers, appointed by the Dean
2. The Dean and Vice Deans make the final decision on the funding.
Applications will be evaluated and prioritized based on the assessment from the peer reviewers, how well the application fulfills the criteria and how well it is documented.
Answers to applications can probably be expected in April 2018.