Department of Mathematics

News archive for Department of Mathematics

Jan Martin Nordbotten will give an invited talk at InterPore 2024 about validating computational models for carbon storage. The main theme of InterPore 2024 will be porous media and biology.
The Research Council of Norway recently announced a significant investment in a new research center on carbon capture, transport, and storage (CCS) in Norway, of which the porous media group is a proud partner. gigaCCS is a Centre for Environment-Friendly Energy Research (FME) that will develop Norway's CCS competence and contribute to the global implementation of CCS on a gigatonne scale.
This paper study the impact of fractures on the unstable displacement of viscous fingers. Particular focus is given the transition from a regime where the flow is dominated by the viscous instabilities, to a regime where the heterogeneity induced by the fractures define the flow paths.
GFZ is Germany's national research center for solid Earth sciences. Its mission is to improve our understanding of the solid earth's dynamics and create solutions for society's major problems.
In this paper, we develop a general framework for an evolutionary variational-hemivariational inequality coupled with a differential equation. The framework is adapted to a frictional contact problem with applications in earth sciences. In here we present an approximation of the so-called rate-and-state friction law and prove that the coupled system is well-posed.
The VISTA Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics (CSD) received its first report from its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), offering praise and constructive guidance.
From 8th to 13th of January, members of CSD/PMG traveled to Oslo, Zaragoza and Barcelona to participate in joint workshops with SIMULA Oslo, University of Zaragoza and Polytechnic university of Catalonia.
The conference was held in Bergen from the 19th to the 22nd of June in 2023.
Isak Hammer is a new Ph.D. student at the Department of Mathematics and his project is part of the Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics. We met him to find out more about his background and the project.
It is time to submit proposals of candidates for this years`s Election of Department Board for group B and D
The paper argues the importance of two central features of simulation tools for research into mathematical and numerical models. The requirements are rigour, ensuring that the governing equations are accurately solved, and flexibility, allowing experimentation with different physical models and solution techniques.
The recently published paper presents a general methodology to compute fluid phase equilibria, with persistent unknowns and general state definitions. It represents a major step towards consistent compositional flow simulation under local equilibrium assumptions.
The deadline for submitting participation agreements to the 11th Society of Petroleum Engineers Comparative Solution Project (the “SPE11”) has just passed, and as of writing 44 research groups from around the world have joined!
On the 8th and 9th of November, VISTA CSD invited collaborators, industry partners and the scientific advisory board for its midterm meeting.
Enhancing collaboration between SimTech, SFB 1313 and the University of Bergen
On Friday 01/09, CSD team member Hau Trung Dang successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Simulation of fracture slip and propagation in hydraulic stimulation of geothermal reservoirs".
CEDAS, the Center for Data Science at the University of Bergen, and NORBIS, the Norwegian Research School in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, and Systems Biology, invite both starting and experienced data scientists to an exciting joint summer school on data science and its biomedical applications from 7-11 August 2023.
Jakob Seierstad Stokke is a new Ph.D. student at the Department of Mathematics and his project is part of the Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics. We met him to find out more about his background and the project.
