Faculty of Medicine
Guest lecture

Falch Lecture 2024: Prof. Jakub Abramson

Welcome to this year's Falch Lecture by Professor Jakub Abramson, titled: "From broken immune tolerance to broken teeth – the role of autoimmune regulator".

Jakub Weizmann portrettfoto
Prof. Jakub Abramson.
The Weizmann Institute of Science

Main content

In a remarkably short period, Professor Jakub Abramson at the Weizmann Institute of Sicence, has emerged as an eminent figure in the field of immunology. Through a series of pioneering studies, he has elucidated the critical role of the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) protein in fostering central immunological tolerance within the thymus, as well as the implications of disruptions in this tolerance for autoimmune diseases.

Leveraging clinical challenges as a springboard, Abramson has skilfully employed sophisticated mouse models in tandem with analyses of patient cohorts and biological samples to unveil novel disease mechanisms. His research has shed light on the connection between autoimmunity and an increased susceptibility to chronic candida infections, as well as the potential for the immune system to compromise tooth enamel integrity.               

Join us for a compelling narrative on the intricacies of immune tolerance, the complexities of autoimmune diseases, and their surprising link to dental health.

Lunch will be served, please register here: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=17007028