
Metabolism and Cancer

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Gruppebilde av medlemmene i Forskningsenheten metabolisme og kreft

We study mechanisms of molecular crosstalk inside and between cells in the tumor and tissue microenvironment, including signaling, metabolism and extracellular matrix interactions. We are using multidisciplinary approaches involving molecular and cellular biology, animal research, computational approaches and translational research to characterize mechanisms of disease and drugs. The different research groups in this unit focus on specific (patho)mechanistic aspects related to metabolic dysfunction, inflammation, fibrosis and immune system dysregulation, in cancer and other diseases such as cardiovascular disease and ME/CFS. The research groups have widespread collaborations with academic, clinical, and industrial partners.

man sleeping in dark room

ME associated with cellular energy strain

Professor Karl Johan Tronstad at the University of Bergen has supervised a study which found biochemical changes in the blood of ME patients. The results support the hypothesis that the disease involves impaired cellular energy metabolism.

9,5 million from the Norwegian Research Council
Tronstad og Fluge

Finding the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME

The research group around Karl Johan Tronstad at the Department of Biomedicine has been granted 9.5 million to investigate the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome, or myalgic encephalopathy CFS/ME.

Courtesy of Cedric Zeltz, currently Univ. of Toronto

MOTIF - Main objective

A four-party training initiative focused on the Mechanism Of TIssue and tumor Fibrosis (MOTIF).