Department of Foreign Languages

News archive for Department of Foreign Languages

On Thursday 18 April 2024, doctoral fellow and editorial member of Salongen - nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie, Emil Perron, met author Øyvind Aase at Litteraturhuset in Bergen for a conversation about the philosopher Arild Haaland.
Doctoral scholar Emil Perron's text about his time in the Caribbean country of Haiti is now available online for free. Haiti is a country full of artistic wealth and will to live, with a great literary heritage, but it is also a country that these days is going through great trials.
Nyleg fekk forskargruppa POTENT (Post-Truth English Teaching) ved IF tildelt DEKOMP-midlar for å utvikle prosjektet «Utforskende undervisning med bruk av KI i språkfagene». Kunstig intelligens er eit høgaktuelt tema både i norsk skule og i høgare utdanning. Korleis skal vi lære vekk språk i ei tid der digitale verktøy vert stadig meir avanserte? Framover skal POTENT jobbe aktivt med dette viktige... Read more
"Philosophy week" provided space for conversations and reflection on philosophy and work opportunities, relevance to life and relevance to society.