Torgeir Uberg Nærland
Associate Professor
Research groups
Audience research; social inequality; democracy; minorities; poverty; social theory; music
Academic lecture
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2024). Poverty and public connection . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2024). Media Poverty: Media Use and Citizenship in Conditions of Deprivation. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2024). Between abundance and deprivation: Poverty, media use and public connection in the Norwegian ‘media welfare state’ . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2024). Media poverty: media use in conditions of deprivation. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2024). Introducing the capability approach. (external link)
- Eimhjellen, Ivar; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2024). Opening the “black box” of poverty-incited disconnection: Media use and citizenship in the “media welfare state” . (external link)
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2023). News avoidance and poverty: Intersectional marginalization in the Norwegian “media welfare state”. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2023). Media poverty: a conceptual framework for studying public connection in conditions of deprivation . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2023). Exploring media use and public (dis)connection in conditions of poverty: a non-news centric approach . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Søholt, Rune (2023). Exploring poverty-incited barriers for mediated public connection: the case of Norway. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Søholt, Rune; Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø (2023). Exploring poverty-incited barriers for mediated public connection: the case of Norway . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Søholt, Rune; Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø (2023). Exploring poverty-incited barriers for mediated public connection: the case of Norway . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Ytre-Arne, Brita; Moe, Hallvard (2022). Shifting between shock and stability: Towards a typology of temporality in news use. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2022). Playful recognition: Television comedy and the politics of mediated recognition. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2022). Towards a sociologically enriched understanding of anti-media populism. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). Beyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2022). Media poverty: A conceptual framework . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2020). Cultural consumption, cultural journalism and public connection: a lifestyle perspective. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). Mediebruk, kulturbruk og frakobling . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). The political significance of data visualizations: four perspectives . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). Mediated Recognition, Populism and Identity. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). TV-serier og medborgerskap. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Moe, Hallvard et al. (2019). Manifest, Everyday and Deep Orientation: Public Connection across and beyond Journalistic Media. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). From pleasure to politics: five functions of TV-series for public connection. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). Mediated (Mis)Recognition and the Formation of Populist Identities. (external link)
- Moe, Hallvard; Ytre-Arne, Brita; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). Annoying clowning far away, world chattering shock and regained stability: Three phases of Norwegians Audiences' Sense-Making of the 2016 US Presidential election. (external link)
- Moe, Hallvard; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Hovden, Jan Fredrik (2018). Enabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Ytre-Arne, Brita; Moe, Hallvard (2018). Annoying clowning far away, world chattering shock and regained stability: Three phases of Norwegians Audiences' Sense-Making of the 2016 US Presidential election. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). Enabling Cultural Policies?. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Moe, Hallvard (2018). Enabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). Enabled by Humor? Minority Youth, Humor and Public Service Broadcasting in Norway – the Case of Black Humor. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). TV-series and public connection. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). Enabling Cultural Policies: Culture and Capabilities. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). Fictional Entertainment and Public Connection: Audiences and the Everyday Use of TV-series. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2017). Audiences, expressive culture and public connection: the case of TV-series. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2017). Audiences and TV-series: Four Functions for Public Connection. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Iversen, Magnus Hoem; Vatnøy, Eirik (2016). Victims of the Mainstream Media? Right Wing Populism and Political Debate in Norway. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Recognition Through Reception: Hip Hop Music and the Forging of Civic Bonds Among Minority Youth in Norway. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Expressive culture and public connection across socio cultural difference. (external link)
- Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Moe, Hallvard; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Media, Culture and Public Connection: Freedom of Information in the ’Age of Big Data’ – a presentation of the project. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Larsen, Leif Ove (2015). Mediating the welfare state: journalistic representations of institutional dysfunction. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Popular music, symbolic recognition and civic identity among minority youth in Norway. (external link)
- Knudsen, Erik; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Sjøvaag, Helle et al. (2015). Mediating the Nordic Welfare Model: Journalistic Representations and Public Attitudes. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Music, Ideology, and Emerging Political Elites: A Survey of Musical Taste and Aesthetic Sensibilities Among Young Politicians in Norway. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Colonizing the Academy? Organisational Mediatisation and Public Research Institutions. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). Flow som politisk retorikk. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). From musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Norwegian hip hop in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). From musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Norwegian hip hop in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). Music and right wing populism. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). Receptive dimensions of music as political rhetoric. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). Mediatisation and public research institutions. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). Organisational mediatisation and public research institutions. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). What was actually heard? Receptive dimensions of music as political rhetoric. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). Minority youth,hip hop music and cultural citizenship in Norway. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Rapping against the populist right: Norwegian hip hip and The Progress Party. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Rapping against the populist right. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Hip hop and the public sphere: political commitment and communicative practices on the Norwegian hip hop-scene. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Rhythm, Rhyme and Reason: Hip Hop Expressivity as Political Discourse. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Musical interventions in the public sphere: hip hop music as political communication. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Music and the public sphere. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Music, Politics and ideology. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Den norske hip hop-scenen som arena for (politisk) meningsdannelse. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Popular music and the political dimension of taste. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Music and deliberation – the Norwegian hip hop-scene as an arena for the formation of (political) public opinion. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Music and deliberation. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2011). Facilitating political engagement and orientation: musical taste and interest among young politicians in Norway. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2011). Musical taste and interest in political youth wings in Norway. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). Anbefalte retningslinjer for anvendelse av sitatretten i norsk dokumentarfilmproduksjon. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). Popular music in the cultural public sphere - Norwegian dance band-practice as a resource for democratic processes. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2009). Copyright and Fair Use in a Culture of Clearance. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Søholt, Rune (2024). Mediebruk i en økonomisk vanskelig hverdag: hva kan vi gjøre med det?. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). From mainstream to subcultures. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). How data visualisation matter for democracy. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2017). Fictional entertainment and public connection. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Sitatrett og dokumentarfilm: Opphavsretten som rammebetingelse for norsk dokumentarfilmproduksjon. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Danseband, kvalitet og ytringskultur. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Academic article
- Lindtner, Synnøve Skarsbø; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2024). News Avoidance and Poverty: Intersectional Marginalization in the Norwegian “Media Welfare State”. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2023). Toward a Sociologically Enriched Understanding of Anti-Media Populism: The Case of Enough is Enough!. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2023). Toward a Sociologically Enriched Understanding of Anti-Media Populism:The Case of Enough is Enough!. (external link)
- Moe, Hallvard; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Ytre-Arne, Brita (2023). Ritual check-in, shocked immersion, regained stability: A sequential typology of news experiences in crisis situations. (external link)
- Driessen, Olivier; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2022). Mediated recognition: Identity, respect, and social justice in a changing media environment. (external link)
- Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2022). Playful recognition: Television comedy and the politics of mediated recognition. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Dahl, John Magnus Ragnhildson (2022). Beyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Engebretsen, Martin (2021). Towards a critical understanding of data visualisation in democracy: a deliberative systems approach. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Moe, Hallvard (2020). Enabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship. (external link)
- Moe, Hallvard; Ytre-Arne, Brita; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). Between ritual and information: Three phases of Norwegian news audiences’ sense-making of the election of Donald Trump. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). From pleasure to politics: Five functions of watching TV-series for public connection. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). Fictional Entertainment and Public Connection: Audiences and the everyday use of TV-series . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2017). Altogether now? Symbolic recognition, musical media events and the forging of civic bonds among minority youth in Norway. (external link)
- DeCleen, Benjamin; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Editors' Introduction: Expressive Culture and Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Right Wing Populism and Hip Hop Music in Norway. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Music, Ideology, and Emerging Political Elites: Musical Taste and Aesthetic Sensibilities among Young Politicians in Norway. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Colonizing the academy? Organisational mediatisation and public research institutions. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). From musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Karpe Diem in the aftermath of the Utøyamassacre. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). Hip hop and the public sphere: political commitment and communicative practices on the Norwegian hip hop-scene. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014). Rhythm, rhyme and reason: hip hop expressivity as political discourse. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). Documentary in a culture of clearance : a study of knowledge of and attitudes toward copyright and fair use among Norwegian documentary makers. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2007). Dansebandfeber!. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2020). Klimaopprøreren Knut går i krigen. (external link)
- Erik, Aasebø; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). Lørdag samles tusenvis av skrikende barn på Koengen for å se favorittartistene live. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). Salmer fra skjermen. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2017). POPMUSIKK RIMER PÅ POLITIKK. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2017). Valgnatt. (external link)
- Voll, Bjørn Ivar; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2017). Så mange dager har du brukt på favoritt-serien din. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Hvordan høres politisk musikk ut i dag?. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Popartister protesterer mot flyktningpolitikk. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Nye stemmer synger ut mot Sylvi Listhaug. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Musikk og politikk. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Karpe Diem slår tibake mot kritiske politikere. (external link)
- Engelsvold, Sven Ole; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Musikk og valgkamp. (external link)
- Buset, Pål; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Fortsatt radikale. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Bamle Tjellaug, Ane (2014). Du må danse med hjertet. (external link)
- Ertesvåg, Frank; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Parti-pop skal tenne politikerne. (external link)
- Huglen, Hanna; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Politisk oppvarming. (external link)
- Sae-Khow, Nareas; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). FPU loves Partymusikk. (external link)
- Senneset, Ingeborg Nyvang; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Partipop. (external link)
- Espeland, Webjørn; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Radio-dokumentar: Mette og Stine. (external link)
- BT, Redaksjonen; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Derfor er Bruce mest populær. (external link)
- Mathias, Oppedal; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Sei meg kva musikk du høyrer på, så skal eg seia kvar du står politisk. (external link)
- Holen, Øyvind; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Danseband. (external link)
- Egge Ryan, Eirin; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Splittet syn på Idol-comeback. (external link)
- Ullebø, Kjetil Korpen; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2011). Musikken i politikken. (external link)
- BT, Redaksjonen; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2011). Stemmene som ikke blir hørt. (external link)
- BT, Redaksjonen; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2011). The Boss ruler i regjeringen. (external link)
- Ursin, Lars Holger; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). Tør ikke bruke sitatretten. (external link)
- Fagerholt, Anders; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). - Bruk sitatretten!. (external link)
- Roti Dahl, Åse Johanne; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). Demokratisk danseband. (external link)
- Klyve Grande, Oda; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). Norsk dokumentarfilm mot toppen. (external link)
- Svendsen, Njord V.; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2009). Dei fordømde dansebanda. (external link)
- Meyn Krogvold, Kristina; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2008). - Klareringskulturen hemmer filmen. (external link)
- Skretting, Thommas; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2008). Dansebandet som kom inn fra kulden. (external link)
- JANNE GRETE, ASPEN; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2008). Lokka av låg status og stor popularitet. (external link)
- Saleem, Namra; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2007). Et studium i Ole Ivars. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2020). Populism and popular culture: the case for an identity-oriented perspective. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2020). The political significance of data visualisations: Four key perspectives. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Larsen, Leif Ove (2017). Journalistiske virkelighetsbilder av velferdsstaten: fremstillingen av det offentlige omsorgsapparatet i «Jannes historie». (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Knudsen, Erik (2017). Velferdsstatens institusjoner og nyhetsmediene: en komparativ studie av medieinteraksjon i NAV og universitets- og forskningssektoren. (external link)
- Forsgren, Frida; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Myte i Blomst: Samspillet mellom musikk og bilder i Bruce Conners The White Rose. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Flow som politisk retorikk: Lyrisk og rytmisk samspill i Lars Vaulars 'Kem skjøt Siv Jensen'. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Musikk og offentlighet. (external link)
Feature article
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2019). Can data visualizations matter for politics?. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Brodtkorp, Julie Margrethe (2018). Kringkastingsrådet, Clemet og Klagekampanjer . (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Brodtkorp, Julie Margrethe (2018). Kringkastingsrådet trenger fornyelse. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). NRK og sitatretten. (external link)
- Larsen, Leif Ove; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). NRK og sitatretten. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Øvrebø, Olav Anders (2008). Ta ansvar på Wikipedia. (external link)
Academic monograph
Popular scientific lecture
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2018). Ha punk noen politisk betydning?. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2016). Musikk og politikk: Har musikk egentlig noen politisk betydning?. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Svart Debatt!. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012). Musikk og demokrati. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Kielland, Torger (2010). Opphavsrett og dokumentarfilmproduksjon: Hvordan kan sitatretten forstås og brukes?. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg; Kielland, Torger (2010). Guidelines for how to the "right to quote" in Norwegian documentary film production. (external link)
Popular scientific article
Doctoral dissertation
Programme participation
- Soot-Ryen, Tron; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2015). Musikksmak og radiolytting. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Spillerom NRK P2. (external link)
- NRK P1, Her og nå; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Valg og musikk. (external link)
- NRK P2, Kulturnytt; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013). Partipolitikk og musikk. (external link)
- Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010). Sommeråpent - Intervju med tema dansebandkultur. (external link)
- Garden, Brita; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2008). Kulturnytt. (external link)
Interview Journal
Reader opinion piece
Masters thesis
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Nærland, T.U. (2015) “From musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Karpe Diem in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre", Popular Communication, issue 13(3)
Nærland, T.U. (2015) ”Flow som politisk retorikk – lyrisk og rytmisk samspill i Lars Vaulars 'Kem Skjøt Siv Jensen'”, in Bjarne Marcussen (ed) (2014) Lydspor. Når musikk møter tekst og bilder, Kristiansand: Portal Forlag
Forsgren, F. og Nærland, T.U.(2015) ”Myte i blomst: Det multimodale samspillet mellom musikk og bilder i Bruce Conners The White Rose (1965)", in Bjarne Marcussen (ed)(2014) Lydspor. Når musikk møter tekst og bilder, Kristiansand: Portal Forlag
Nærland, T.U. (2014) “Hip hop and the public sphere: political commitment and communicative practices on the Norwegian hip hop-scene”, The Javnost / The public, Vol.21, No. 1.
Nærland, T.U. (2014) “Rhythm, Rhyme and Reason: Hip Hop Expressivity as Political Discourse”, Popular Music, 33:3
Nærland, T. U. (2012) "Musikk og offentlighet", i Knapskog, K., Hovden, J.F (eds) (2012) Hunting High and Low. Skriftfest til Jostein Gripsrud. Scandinavian Academic Press
Nærland, T. U. (2012) "Musikkens politiske dimensjon. Et Intervju med Simon Frith" Norsk Medietidsskrift 2012 (1)
Larsen, L. O; Nærland, T. U (2010) "Documentary in a culture of clearance : a study of knowledge of and attitudes toward copyright and fair use among Norwegian documentary makers", Popular Communication 2010 ; Volum 8.(1) s. 46-60
Nærland, T.U. (2009)"Psykologisk perfeksjon gjennom eteren. Et intervju med Thomas Johansson" Norsk Medietidsskrift , 2009 (3)
Nærland, T. U. (2007) “Dansebandfeber!“, Replikk: tidsskrift for human- og samfunnsvitenskap, # 23
Master thesis (2007): “Dansebandfeber! – En analyse av mediale uttrykk for norsk dansebandkultur“
Selected conference-papers
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Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014) Flow som politisk retorikk, International Association of Scandinavian Studies Conference (IASS) Inter artes, Kristiansand (2014)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014) From musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Norwegian hip hop in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre, ICA International Communication Association Conference, Seattle (2014)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014) Music and right wing populism, ICA International Communication Association Conference, Seattle (2014)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2014) From musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Norwegian hip hop in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre, Music, Circulation and the Public Sphere, British Forum for Ethnomusicology and the Royal Musical Association, University of Manchester (2014)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013) Rapping against the populist right, (Mis)understanding political participation, ECREA European Communication Conference: Section for Media and Democracy, Munich (2013)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013) Hip hop and the public sphere: political commitment and communicative practices on the Norwegian hip hop-scene. IAMCR International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference, Dublin (2013)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013) Musical interventions in the public sphere: hip hop music as political communication. IAMCR International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference, Dublin (2013)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2013) Rhythm, Rhyme and Reason: Hip Hop Expressivity as Political Discourse. Nordmedia Nor
dic Conference for Media and Communication Research, HiOA, Oslo (2013)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012) Den norske hip hop-scenen som arena for (politisk) meningsdannelse. Musikken i offentligheten / musikkens offentlighet, University of Bergen, Bergen (2012)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012) Music and deliberation. European Communication Conference, ECREA, Istanbul 24-27 October 2012.
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012) Music and deliberation – the Norwegian hip hop-scene as an arena for the formation of (political) public opinion. Popular culture and social transformation, University of Oslo (2012)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012) Music and the public sphere. "Culture and Power – social and political uses of aesthetics", Paris (2012)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012) Music, Politics and ideology. EUPOP - European Popular Culture Association Conference, London (2012)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2012) Popular music and the political dimension of taste. Norsk Medieforskerlags konferanse; Kristiansand (2012)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2011) Facilitating political engagement and orientation: musical taste and interest among young politicians in Norway. NordMedia 2011, Akureyri, Iceland, 11-13 August 2011
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2011) Musical taste and interest in political youth wings in Norway. Music, politics and identity, University of Bergen (2011)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010) Anbefalte retningslinjer for anvendelse av sitatretten i norsk dokumentarfilmproduksjon. Norsk Medieforskningskonferanse; Ålesund (2010)
Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2010) Popular music in the cultural public sphere - Norwegian dance band-practice as a resource for democratic processes. European Communication Conference, ECREA, Hamburg 12-15. October 2010
Larsen, Leif Ove; Nærland, Torgeir Uberg (2009) Copyright and Fair Use in a Culture of Clearance. The 19th Nordic Conference for Media and Communication Research, Karlstad, Sweden, 13.08.09 - 15.08.09
Ph.d-thesis (Viva coming up soon)
Torgeir Uberg Nærland's PHD-thesis is titled ”Music and the public sphere: Exploring the political significance of Norwegian hip hop music through the lens of public sphere theory”. By combining theoretical perspectives from public sphere theory and the sociology of music with empirical studies of aesthetical practice in musical genres, the aim of this project is to explore which role music play in relation to key democratic processes such as deliberation and the formation of opinion.
Torgeir is currently working on projects focusing on:
The rhetorical dimensions of musical communication and reception (initiated by the department´s rhetoric group).
Expressive culture and right wing populism in Europe.
The mediatization og welfare services in Norway (VAM)
Music and cultural citizenship among minority youth in Norway (RAM)
In addition Torgeir is interested in questions concerning copyright law and its consequences for cultural production.