
Department of Information Science and Media Studies

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The Department of Information Science and Media Studies offers theoretical and practical studies in media, technology and information science, and has research and development projects funded by, among others, European Research Council, the Research Council of Norway and industry partners.

The department also hosts

Bilde av forsker

Emilija Gagrcin is awarded DKNVS' prize for young researchers

The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters' awards are given to young researchers in Norway who have documented outstanding talent, originality and effort, and who have achieved exceptionally good results within their field.

Think piece
Marija Slavkovik ved Institutt for Informasjons- og medievitenskap

New AI breakthroughs show that bigger isn’t always better

The success of DeepSeek shows an interesting example where funding is the means to research and innovation and not directly the end goal.

Research funding
kollasj med bilde av forskerne

1.5 million for research on children's media use and algorithms in the family

Researchers Hallvard Moe, Emilija Gagrcin and Andreas Roaldsnes receive over 1.5 million from the Norwegian Media Authority for the projects MedBarn and "The family as a source of media literacy"

New research
bilde av klimademonstrasjon

New Research on Climate News: 'Something About the Climate is Hard to Put into Words'"

News about climate change can seem intangible and difficult to grasp. Two new studies reveal how we understand and interpret climate news.

Artificial Intelligence
Andreas Opdahl

Can artificial intelligence strengthen local democracy? Yes, claims professor and seeks support from the Research Council of Norway

Professor Andreas Opdahl, one of Norway's leading experts in artificial intelligence (AI), is spearheading an ambitious initiative: Insight, a research center focused on AI in local democratic ecosystems. With a clear objective to develop technology that enhances local democracy, researchers and...

Recently published books

When music is formed (2025) - Anja Nylund Hagen, Ragnhild Torvanger Solberg, Torgeir Uberg Nærland og Michael Francis Duch (eds.)

Handbook in innovation for students (2025) - Lars Nyre, Geir Terje Ruud, Audun Gulbrandsen, Julie Sofie Berntsen, Julia Hellem Brandt, Helene Høylandskjær

Navigating Pandemic Phases (2024) - Øyvind Ihlen, Sine Nørholm Just, Jens E. Kjeldsen, Ragnhild Mølster, Truls Strand Offerdal, Joel Rasmussen, Eli Skogerbø

Methods for understanding media use (2024) - Hallvard Moe and Brita Ytre-Arne

Technology - a theoretical introduction (2024) - Lars Nyre

Media Use in Digital Everyday life (2023) - Brita Ytre-Arne

An Introduction to Global Media for the Twenty-First Century (2022) - Ole J. Mjøs

What is the Avatar? (2022) - Rune Klevjer

Social Data Analytics (2022) - Amin Beheshti, Samira Ghodratnama, Mehdi Elahi, Helia Farhood

Ways of Seeing in the Neoliberal State (2021) -  Asbjørn Grønstad

The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies (2021) - bidrag fra Asbjørn Grønstad og Øyvind Vågnes

Kingdom of Nokia - How a Nation Served the Needs of One Company (2021) - Carl-Gustav Lindén

"Sport and National Culture in Swedish Film”, i boken Sport, Film and National Culture (2021) – Peter Dahlén