The Laboratory Animal Facility is a core facility at the Department of Clinical Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine, UiB and a resource for activities that involve research in animals.
We contribute to better research and education at the University of Bergen, based on high ethical standards and humane treatment of animals.
Our services contribute to reproducible and reliable research data based on good scientific methods.
We are proud to announce that we are accredited by AAALAC
The Laboratory Animal Facility is accreditated by AAALAC International
The Laboratory Animal Facility
Operational manger
Telephone: +47 480 14 161
Telefax: 55 97 37 97
Building/equipment/technical issues
55 97 37 91
Telephone 55973782 eller 55 97 37 77 or e-post vetpost@viv.uib.no
-Prescription for drugs
-Animal check
-Health monitoring
- Anesthesia and pain-relieve