Proteomic Approaches in Hematology Research
The committee was proud to arrange a seminar on proteomic approaches as a part of the THC-seminar series.
Main content
Analysis of the proteins of leukemic cells has become highly relevant in the understanding of hematological malignancies, particularly as the array of post-translational modifications can regulate the protein function beyond regulation of gene transcription and translation. Proteomic analysis methods range from relatively low-tech protein detection and semi-quantitation by western blotting, to the highly instrumental and quantitative HPLC-MS coupled to heavy labeled internal standards.
In this seminar we were introduced to novel results from histone deacetylase inhibition activating the Notch pathway in AML and interesting protein regulations in AML patients discovered by Super-SILAC. Additionally, the applicability of flow cytometry in discovering biomarkers in AML patients as well as investigations on signal transduction in healthy donors was discussed.
The seminar was arranged the 9th of April, 2014 in the Conference room, 3rd floor at BBB.