
Marine microbiology

Main content

The research group Marine microbiology studies many aspects of microbial communities such as the marine pelagic food web, harmful algal blooms, geomicrobiology and processes in the sea floor and in oil reservoirs, arctic microbiology, and the role of microorganisms in climate change.

Arctic field work

Exciting Arctic field work going on

Several people from the Marine Microbiology group are currently involved in national and international field work campaigns in the Arctic. Working conditions can be hard in this cold environment, but researchers who got to participate in Arctic cruises or field work say it is a life-time experience!...

Available Master Projects

Master projects in Marine Microbiology

If you are fascinated by the invisible world of microorganisms and are interested in ecology and evolution, then you are at the right place in our group! During your master project, you will get the opportunity to learn a variety of different laboratory techniques and work with research questions on...

New marinforsk project on virus-host interactions
VirVar illustration

VirVar: Uncovering key players for regulation of phytoplankton function and structure: lessons to be learned from algal virus-haptophyte coexistence

New Marinforsk project, led by Ruth-Anne Sandaa (UiB) will explore the co-evolution of host resistance and virulence

Graduate and post-graduate research in our group
Younger generation...

Say hello to our PhDs and post-docs

The young generation in our group works on a range of different topics withing terrestrial and marine microbial ecology. Methodologies include polar field work, genomics and modeling, to name a few.

Impacts of mixotrophs explored through new project
Sundew (Drosera sp.) is a terrestrial example for mixotrophy. Using glands it traps insects and digests them to supplement the low nutrient concentrations in the soils of wetlands where it commonly grows

Gardening of bacteria

Project MIXsTRUCT will investigate the impact of mixotrophs on the structure of the marine pelagic food web