
Geodynamics and Basin Studies

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Forside GBS

The Geodynamics and Basin Studies research group studies geological processes and Earth dynamics, and the geometry and evolution of sedimentary basins. Through a combination of geological and geophysical approaches, we map Earth's crust and reconstruct prehistoric landscapes to increase our understanding of geological processes. The academic staff in our group have expertise in sedimentology, marine geology, structural geology, tectonics, geodynamic modelling, geochronology and geophysics.

PhD defense
Lucas Albanese Valore

PhD defense: Lucas Albanese Valore

On Tuesday 25. June, Lucas Albanese Valore defended his PhD thesis "Reconstructing uplift signals from sediment supply and tectonostratigraphy in a clastic shelf, Early Paleogene Shetland Platform". Professor Mads Huuse, University of Manchester, and professor Carmen Gaina, University of Oslo, were...