Institutt for geovitenskap

Geospatial Artificial Intelligence workshop - 23rd and 24th of May


Dear all,
We will be holding a a two-day workshop focusing on Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) within ArcGIS Pro, taking place in Bergen on the 23rd and 24th of May. The workshop  will be taught by Geodata and is funded by iEarth and the Bergen University Fund. The Bjernes Cente will provide lunch for participants.  The workshop will demonstrate the integration of advanced deep learning algorithms into remote sensing workflows for image classification.
Workshop Overview:

  • Deep Learning Overview: A look at the applications and relevance of deep learning in today's context.
  • Data Management in ArcGIS: Instructions on managing data using ArcGIS, the ArcGIS API for Python, and ArcGIS Online.
  • Managing Big Data: Strategies for handling large datasets with ArcGIS. For more information, please visit: Managing Big Data with ArcGIS.
  • Data Preparation: Techniques for creating and exporting training data with ArcGIS Pro and the ArcGIS API for Python.
  • Deep Learning Workflow: Introduction to workflows in ArcGIS, including using pre-trained models or training new deep learning models.
  • Deep Learning Concepts: A detailed look at key deep learning concepts.
  • Best Practices and Resources: An overview of best practices and resources available for further learning.

This workshop offers an opportunity to explore the application of GeoAI within the ArcGIS ecosystem, tailored for both newcomers and those with some experience in the field. It is an ideal setting for students interested in expanding their knowledge base and staff looking to apply new technologies in their work.
We have 24 spots available for this course, with 12 spots reserved for students (bachelor, master, and PhD) and 12 spots for staff. All participants need to bring a laptop with ArcGIS Pro installed. Further preparations will be send out in advance of the workshop.
Please sign up for the workshow here. The registration deadline is the 3rd of May and we will try to notify who got a space one week afterwards.
Secondly, thanks to the funding we have received we will offer additional workshops that would be of interest to the wider UiB GIS and geospatial community. It would be helpful if you could indicate what methods you would be interested in learning about on this form (it will only take 30 seconds maximum to respond!)
Please forward this info to any colleagues or students at GEO that may be interested,
Ben, Suzette, Eline, and Dan