
Nyhetsarkiv for

PhD Candidate Randi Elisabeth Taxt presents her PhD Project.
Siddharth Sareen started his position as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow this week. He will work on energy sector governance, with a focus on solar energy transitions in Southern Europe.
In August two new PhD-students started working at SpaceLab: Jakob Grandin and Kristin Edith Abrahamsen Kjærås.
The Green Economy Network with the editors Andrew Jones, Patrik Ström, Brita Hermelin and Grete Rusten launches an international book about role of services in the Greening of the Economy.
As master students in human geography, quite a lot of our time is dedicated to discussing issues related to our subject. Heated debates over the philosophy of sciences and whether or not the current environmental crisis can be solved through social revolutions or new types of city planning are normal aspect of our days.
The Green Economies Network held an international workshop with invited researchers and PhD-students at Bjørnefjorden Guesthouse nearby Bergen on the 13th and 14th of November 2014.
A special issue of the journal Growth and Change addressing the relationship between innovations and geographical contexts has been based on a session at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) in Seattle, Washington in 2011.
Increasingly, transnational companies are expected to contribute to economic and social development in the countries they operate in. In this doctoral thesis I will examine how the Norwegian corporate social investment and CSR activities affect local communities in Indonesia and Canada, and how local stakeholders receive and perceive such investments.