Main content
Ancient history, culture and religion
Architectural and Urban Research
Bergen Bullying Research Group
Bergen Judgement & Decision Making and Social Cognition
Bergen Laboratory for the Study of Decision, Intuition, Consciousness, and Emotion
Bergen Pacific Studies Research Group
Cellular dynamics and -communication
Chromatin-based gene regulation and cellular memory
Conditions and Strategies for Developing Language Competences
Craniofacial Development and Function
Craniofacial Development Biology
Democracy, Organization and Political Regimes
Ecological and Environmental Change (EECRG)
Economic Geography, Landscape and Environmental Change
Electronics and measurement science
Environmental and Social Change in Developing Countries
Evolutinary fisheries ecology (EvoFish)
Fisheries Ecology and aquaculture
Gene Regulation in CNS Development
Gene regulation in gonad differentiation and development
Governance, Law, Democracy and Working Life
History, Rhetoric and Reception
Industrial organisation and economic organisation
Knowledge, politics and organization
Language and Culture in Latin America
Migration, Environment and Development
Molecular and genetic analyses of gene regulation in embryonic development
Molecular Bioenergetics and Signalling
Molecular Biotechnology and retrovirology
Multicultural venues in health and education
Operational Psychology Research Group
Oral Infections and Inflammations
PAILab: Programming and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Paleoenvironmental research group
Petroleum and process technology
Phylogenetic Systematics and Evolution
Politics, Governance and Innovation
Research Group for Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Research Group in Middle Eastern and African
Resources, environment and development
Section at Deaconess Home Hospital Haraldsplass
Social Insurance and labour economics
Society and Workplace Diversity Research Group
The Bergen Group for Treatment Research
The Caribbean: Identity and Conflict
The Digital Culture Research Group
The Media, ICT and Cultural Policy Research Group
The Translational Signaling Group
Tort, insurance and social security law
Trauma Psychology Research Group
Welfare, Life course and Inequality
Work, Knowledge, Economy and Education