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UiB Opp

UiB Opp Module 1.9 Innovasjon i forskningsprosjekt

Her får du lære mer om innovasjon i forskningsprosjekter ved Universitetet i Bergen


Innovation in research projects 

Course content:
Module 1: Innovation examples and concepts, 30 min.
Module 2: How to boost your Innovation Potential. 30 min.
Module 3: Innovation management in collaborative research projects. 60 min.
Module 4: Collaboration with partners outside of academia. 60 min.

Learning outcome:
The module will cover aspects of the innovation ecosystem at UiB and beyond, showcase innovation esamples, discuss the questions of what innovation is, and why and how to translate research into innovations to create value to society, and outline national and international funding mechanisms for innovation projects.

Target Group:
Staff  from central, faculty and institute administrations that support researchers.


The course lasts 3 hours
