UiBs Brussel-kontor
Horizon 2020

Potential research projects in Horizon 2020

There are still funding opportunities in Horizon 2020. Learn more about some of the upcoming calls.


With every day passing in Brussels we are getting closer to the next Framework Programme for Research & Innovation - Horizon Europe. Exciting new developments such as the implementation of mission boards is making the science community longing for new potential projects.

Still, it is a while left before we are in the area of Horizon Europe. For now, there is still money, time and projects left in Horizon 2020 – our current tool for funding European scientific collaboration.

The calls for the fall of 2020 will come out soon. Researchers from all over Europe are looking for new projects to work on, and the research advisors together with the Brussels Office are ready to assist the colleagues in Bergen with whatever they might need to deliver proposals - or just figure out how to maneuver through the European funding landscape.

SC3: Secure, clean and efficient energy - Offshore wind basic science and balance of plant

The commission has launched a call on offshore wind power. It is expected that an increased part of the energy mix should be from wind energy by 2030 – for this, better knowledge on wind energy science and related areas are necessary to drive cost reduction down in order to help achieve the goal. The key document for this topic is the SET-Plan Implementation Plan. It should address one or more of the following research areas: atmospheric and design & operational modelling, high performance computing and digitalisation, and the importance of new materials and technologies.  The commission is looking to fund the project with an amount between EUR 2 to 4 million to allow this challenge to be addressed.

SC5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials – Polar climate: understanding the polar processes in a global context in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions

The Commission wishes to expand their understanding on the polar processes in a global context in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Through understanding the interacting nature and feedback of polar processes and addressing their consequences in a global context, it can benefit the people, policy and businesses. The proposal should aim at combining an innovative approach, while building on existing data resources and infrastructures. It is encouraged that the project joins the EU Arctic Cluster and it should aim for a balanced proposal between building further on previous actions and new, innovative ideas. EUR 7-8 million has been set aside for this call.

SC6: Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies – Developing deliberative and participatory democracies through experimentation

While the two previous calls have more to do with climate and nature, the third one has to do with developing democracies. With the rise of extremism around the world, liberal democracies are under pressure. The challenge is to examine whether, and how deliberative and participatory approaches, can fulfil the promise of greater participation in the present context while reaching out to include those alienated from the political process - both theoretically and practically.

Suggestions on pathways to strengthen democracies at all levels, in a context where citizens involvement and participation in research & innovation – could help lay the groundwork for developing work in Horizon Europe as well. A total of EUR 3 million will be given to every project funded through this topic.

Money and time left

There is still more than 10 billion euros left in the budget that are set out to be distributed to different proposals and challenges. The main aim for the European Union is the creation of new jobs and a common strategy on threats concerning the continent and the world; the main aim for UiB is to deliver knowledge that shapes society – therefore Horizon 2020 is still as relevant and opportunistic as when the program took place back in 2014.