Why register as an Expert?
Evaluating project proposals for Horizon Europe will provide useful insight into EU's research policies and the evaluation process, in addition to preparing you for your own applications in the future. UiB's Brussels Office can help you in creating a relevant expert profile.
Being an expert for the European Commission – Current experts share their experience
The evaluation of the proposals sent to Horizon Europe is done entirely by external experts. To be considered an expert, you need experience in a scientific or administrative field.
During the last decade, more than 40 UiB colleagues within different fields have participated as experts for the European Commission in programmes like Horizon 2020.
If you are wondering if you can be an expert, you can find the criteria and requirements below.
All you have to do is to express your interest by registering in the Horizon Europe database.
As an evaluator you will get the opportunity to read several project proposals which in return will ready you for your own future research and innovation applications. Afterwards, you will have gained a better understanding of what makes a good proposal and how to get funding from Horizon Europe.
To learn how to write your own proposals, or guide others in writing them, there is no better or faster way than being an EU evaluator. The exciting thing is to get a peek behind the curtain on how the EU evaluation process functions.
What do you do?
As mentioned, the Commission chooses their most suited evaluator from a database. The chosen ones will either evaluate new project proposals or monitor the implementation of already funded projects. Being an evaluator is a personal and paid assignment which is independent of country of origin or institution. You will be a part of a bigger panel of experts, all with different backgrounds and experience. It takes approximately 5-10 days pers assignment and can be either a face-to-face assessment/evaluation or remote work, or a combination of both. Additionally, in case you are selected, and the timing is not ideal, you can decline the offer.
Who can be an expert?
20 000 individuals participate as an evaluator every year and they are selected on the criteria of being an expert:
- Working for a university, research organization, an administration, or a NGO/other civil society organization
- Have expertise in a specific field, scientific or administrative
- Can be available for occasional, short-term assignments
- Women are highly encouraged to register
The European Commission appreciates a mixture of evaluators with different backgrounds and fields of specialization. Do not think that you are not suited to be an expert, focus on highlighting your strong points.
What can the UiB Brussels Office do for you?
The University of Bergen`s Brussels Office can assist you with information needed regarding the creation of your expert profile. For any questions regarding the process of registering or what it should contain you can contact head of office Charlotte Eide.
Have you already been an EU expert?
We at the UiB Brussels office are interested in getting an overview over those who have already been registered, and participated as an EU expert. Please fill in this form if you have already participated as an expert for the European Commission, and contribute with your experiences!