Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion
exhibition | palmyra

Journeys to Tadmor

An exhibition about history and cultural heritage in Palmyra and the Middle East. At Bryggens Museum until September 17th.

Bilde av Palmyra
Palmyra (Syrian Tadmor) is an ancient city in an oasis in the Syrian desert, between Damascus and Euphrates.
Jørgen Christian Meyer

Main content

In the middle of the Syrian desert lies the city of Tadmor, better known as Palmyra. 2000 years ago Palmyra was a centre for trade and culture, where travellers from large parts of the world tied east and west together. Today, as a result of the ongoing Syrian war, Palmyra has become a symbol for human suffering and the destruction of cultural heritage.

On June 30th Bymuseet i Bergen opens the exhibition «Journeys to Tadmor» at Bryggens Museum. It follows the city from its nomadic roots via its golden age as the wealthiest and most powerful caravan city of the Middle East to its afterlife as a popular destination for adventurers and tourists alike.

In the present conflict the city is not just a physical but also very much a symbolic battleground. Exploring themes of destruction, frailty and renewal, the exhibition presents the temporary sculpture installation «Exhume», inspired by the recent destruction of Palmyra’s monuments. The work is constructed in situ by the British multi-disciplinary artist Amanda Chambers.

«Journeys to Tadmor» combines art, cultural artefacts and historical research in cooperation with Bymuseet i Bergen, University of Bergen, and the artist Amanda Chambers. It is based on the research project Mechanisms of Cross-Cultural Interaction: Networks in the Roman Near East.

Both the exhibition and the project are funded by the Norwegian Research Council.