Anthropological Film
Here you will find some of the films that is produced at the Department of Social Anthropology.

Andrew Lattas' work in Papua New Guinea is one of many anthropological fieldworks you get insight in through the films at the department.
Andrew Lattas
Main content
Study Social Anthropology
- 7 grunner til å studere sosialantropologi (in Norwegian)
- Vitnesbyrd videreutdanning i sosialantropologi, Åshild Eiken Dahle (in Norwegian)
- Vitnesbyrd videreutdanning i sosialantropologi, Nawar Sayyad (in Norwegian)
Glimpse from Fieldwork
- Det er uendelig mange plasser hvor det ikke har vært antropologer, Frode Storaas (in Norwegian)
- Antropologi er aldri kjedelig, Tone Bringa (in Norwegian)
- Anthropology is art, Andrew Lattas
Ideas and Research
- What do the rocks say? Olaf H. Smedal
- Grasrotaktivisme, olje og staten i Venezuela, Iselin Å. Strønen (in Norwegian)