Department of Social Anthropology

News archive for Department of Social Anthropology

Norwegian Entrepreneurship in Africa and Oceania Edited by Kirsten Alsaker Kjerland and Bjørn Enge Bertelsen
The Department of Social Anthropology in Bergen continues its exciting collaboration projects. Read more about them here!
Ruy Llera Blanes, Postdoctor at the Department of Anthropology, University of Bergen, is out with a new book on Christianity in Africa and Europe.
Kjetil Fosshagen is out with a new book, exploring the structural dynamics underpinning popular resistance and their support or suppression during the Arab Spring. The book asks; has the revolutions since been hijacked and the uprisings already usurped by the upper classes?
Bruce Kapferer has recently published a new book - 2001 and Counting: Kubrick, Nietzsche, and Anthropology. Read more about it here!
The EU-funded ECOPAS project brings together anthropology, climate research and performative arts to highlight the challenges faced by Pacific island nations.
Market, Culture, and Micro-Business in Insular Southeast Asia
Having started in August 2010, Bjørn Enge Bertelsen joins the research programme Poverty Politics.
Due to the volcanic cloud blocking flights in Northern Europe, both the trial lecture and public defence for Bjørn Enge Bertelsens has, unfortunately, been postponed.
Analyzing both historical contexts and geographical locations, this volume explores the continuous reformation of state power and its potential in situations of violent conflict.
The Management of Natural Resources, Knowledge and Identity on the Eastern Black Sea Coast.
An elegantly conceptualized and closely argued ethnographic work, this strikingly innovative study of cultural change should have a wide audience not only among area specialists but also among those working on Christianity, gender, and cultural change in other regions as well, who will need to engage its strong arguments that invite comparative application.’ – Joel Robbins, University of... Read more
