Helene Ødven appointed as new director of the Arboretum
Helene Ødven (49) has been appointed as director of Det norske arboretet at Milde. For the past 13 years, she has been the general manager of Bergen and Hordaland Turlag.

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Ødven has broad and relevant experience from developing and facilitating outdoor activities, sales and marketing as well as tourism.
- I am very much looking forward to contributing to the organization of research and dissemination at the Arboretum, and developing the outdoor area further so that more people can experience this wonderfully beautiful and exciting oasis, says Ødven. - Personally, I also hope to learn more about plants and trees, the very basis of our existence, and contribute to an even greater understanding of how important nature is to us humans.
- We are very pleased to have recruited a very capable and committed director to the Arboretum at Milde, says Elisabeth Müller Lysebo, chair of the Norwegian Arboretum Foundation. Ødven has a great commitment to nature and outdoor life and solid and broad expertise in developing and running public initiatives related to nature and outdoor life and reaching out to the public. I am absolutely certain that she will contribute to further developing the Arboretum as an attractive and exciting place for outdoor life and recreation, research, education and dissemination of knowledge about nature.
Helene Ødven will take up the position on the 1st of March 2024.