Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health (BCEPS)

In conversation with Paul Farmer

BCEPS will be facilitating a conversation with Dr. Paul Farmer (Harvard Medical School, Partners in Health) on how the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted inequalities in health and wealth around the world. The conversation will take place within the framework of UiB's Section for Ethics and Health Economics (Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care) annual seminar and will be open for virtual participation.

Paul Farmer seminar
Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash

Main content

Paul Farmer (MD, PhD) is the Kolokotrones University Professor and the Chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is co-founder and chief strategist of Partners In Health (PIH) and has dedicated his life to improving health care for the world's poorest people.

BCEPS is honoured to be facilitating this conversation with Dr. Farmer as part of the Section for Ethics and Health Economics annual seminar.

Thematic background

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on inequalities in health and wealth and this conversation will aim to draw out some of the tensions.

Responding to the global pandemic has required acknowledging uncomfortable home truths that hinder an effective response: the precariousness in which huge numbers of people live; the relationship between crowded living conditions and poverty; the lack of social protection and access to affordable healthcare. The social circumstances in which we live have been brought to centre stage.

What does this pandemic teach us about the determinants of inequality and its remedies? In the light of COVID-19, what can health economics learn from other disciplines in the quest to reduce inequalities in health and pursue health justice?

The researchers at ETØK work mainly on priority setting in health, and the seminar participants are largely health economists, clinicians, and ethicists. Paul will challenge the group, question underlying assumptions and aim to provoke a critical discussion on the response to COVID-19, including the nature of inequalities in health.

Session moderator:

Ole Frithjof Norheim (BCEPS Director)

Virtual participation:

We invite those interested in virtual participation to register here.