SEVPRI & Just Severity Summer Seminar
SEVPRI and Just Severity jointly arrange a three-day summer seminar for priority setting researchers, taking place 22–24. August 2022, aimed at PhD-students, post-docs and senior research staff.

Main content
The theme will be priority setting in health care with an emphasis on severity and other non-utilitarian concerns. Priority setting in health care is an interdisciplinary field in rapid development, bringing together health services researchers, philosophers, economists, health care professionals, mathematicians and sociologists, in the pursuit of just, transparent, and efficient priority setting practices.
The main objective of this event is twofold: to foster a network building, a collaborative environment for young researchers within priority setting in Norway and Sweden. The Just severity and priority setting in health care summer seminar will be the first meeting of this kind for Scandinavian priority setting scholars. This will give the attendees a unique opportunity to learn about different research group’s work, connect, and lay the foundation for durable and robust international networks
The event is organised by the principal investigator Mathias Barra on the SEVPRI (Severity and Priority Setting in Health, HØKH Akershus University Hospital) project and the PI’s (Niklas Juth and Lars Sandman) on the recently started Swedish Just Severity-project (Uppsala University and Linköping University/Prioriteringscentrum).
The event will take place at the Støtvig Conference Hotel in Larkollen, Norway, 22nd -24th of August 2022. We aim for up to 16 participants. Mathias Barra, Niklas Juth, and Lars Sandman will function as academic seniors and mentors during workshops and group sessions (see below for further details), and will form the core organising committee.