
The Department of Biomedicine

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Mikroskopisk bilde av en nervecelle som ligner på en blomst

At the Department of Biomedicine, education and research center on the biological mechanisms of human health and disease.

We investigate molecular disease mechanisms and use our knowledge to develop new diagnostic tools and therapies. 
Our broad spectrum of expertise covers the topics of

  • cancer
  • neuroscience
  • physiology
  • protein biology
  • nanotechnology
  • neuropsychiatric disorders
  • cell biology

Picture: Flowers In The Dish. "We can see these flowers named growth cones only in the early neuronal development. The longest neurite is destinated for axon". 
- Yura Ishizuka

At the Department of Biomedicine, we train future scientists in a master's programme and a PhD research school. Around 200 employees form the core of the five thematically grouped research units. We manage three high-technology core facilities that are available to all higher education institutions in Norway. Our public academic lecture series BBB seminars started in 2003 and has become a valuable contribution to the Department's outreach programme.

Bildet viser en CT scan av en person med hjerneforkalkning

Shedding new light on brain calcification

Brain calcification can cause movement disorders and cognitive impairment. New research by the Arnesen Lab at UiB provides increased insight into how these calcifications occur.

Figur 1, se bildetekst for mer informasjon

UiB researchers solve protein mystery

Researchers from the University of Bergen (UiB) have uncovered that proteins use a common chemical label as a shield to protect them from degradation, which in turn affects motility and aging.

De forskerne sitter ved siden av hverandre i trappa i BB-bygget

New Knowledge About the Happiness Hormone Dopamine - Can Help Parkinson's Patients

New findings provide a better understanding of how the synthesis of dopamine is regulated in the brain. It may shed new light on the mechanism behind diseases such as Parkinson's.

Paper in press
A statue holding the structure of the capping protein

Structure of a highly unusual homodimeric actin capping protein of the malaria parasite revealed

Malaria is one of the most devastating infectious diseases in the world. The parasites causing malaria move by gliding, for which force is generated by an unusual actomyosin motor. We have determined a high-resolution crystal structure of one of the key regulators of parasite actin dynamics, the...

Webinar at Research Days 2022

Towards the discovery of new antibiotics in the lab

Ruth Brenk has given a brief update of the riboswitch research in our group at the Digital Breakfast organized by the the Center of Digital Life.


Core Facilities

MIC (Molecular Imaging Centre)
PROBE (Proteomics Unit at the University of Bergen)
BiSS (Biophysics, Structural Biology, and Screening) 

Core facilities that are open to any higher education institution in Norway. The idea behind the core facility concept is to make sophisticated scientific equipment and highly specialized personnel available to a wide range of users. In turn, core facility users contribute financially to operational expenses through paying a set fee for services rendered.